MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Will DVDs become like cassette tapes? Ex...

Will DVDs become like cassette tapes? Extinct?

No need to buy a DVD when streaming services are providing HD files. Kmart Australia just announced they would no longer be selling DVDs.

I’ve got a box of them and called Cash Converters (pawn store) and they said they pay 10 to 20 cents a disc. That’s a huge drop in value!


DVDs should probably be on their way out. Blu Rays and UHD should still be supported for a little while longer, both typically provide superior visual quality to streaming.


DVD looks terrible compared to Blu Ray. But Blu Ray never took off to the same extent. Stores near me seem to stock more DVDs than Blu Ray. I wonder why DVD is more popular?


DVD had many years of being uncontested, players everywhere. By the time blu ray really started establishing itself with content, players and TVs streaming was already eating into it. For someone like me I have no reason to buy a disc unless it is something I truely need to own.

DVDs are also cheaper to produce, cheaper to buy (think of the Walmart movie bins) and some films still only get released on DVD instead of blu Ray mostly smaller productions, foreign films and some old films.


I think in the case of people like myself, who watch older shows/movies anyways, it doesn't matter how much better something from 1960 will look. DVDs are cheaper also.

I really kind of consider them the same format now since I see Blu-ray players in stores, but not really DVD players. You can keep watching your same DVDs and never bother to buy a Blu-ray disc with your new player.

I've owned a Blu-ray player since 2011 and in that time I've only bought DVDs, never a Blu-ray. I have one Blu-ray disc and it was given to me as a gift. It was the History Channel's Hatfield and McCoy movie.


I rarely buy movies now, so when I do I lean towards higher quality, limited edition. With 4K becoming the norm the visual quality difference is even more pronounced between DVD and blu ray as up converting can only do so much with a low resolution image.


There will always be movies and tv shows that you just can't find on streaming services.I do think DVDs will become extinct though.But it will be because of Blu rays and 4k discs not streaming services.


Yes... DVDs will die apart for the rare films that have not been released on streaming or bluray yet... I recently bought a collection of Hitchcock TV shows on DVD as there is no bluray or streaming available...

Bluray discs still have a few years in them simply because their quality is so good and they have come down in price a lot (new). Most movies are available on bluray...

But for most people, streaming will be more than enough, as internet is fast in most places and getting faster and more available... Also, the quality is close enough to bluray on a regular size TV...

I still buy loads of blurays and rent on Apple/stream Netflix... Best of both worlds... It's only on a big enough screen (e.g. a projector) that you can see the difference... So discs will become more niche over time, as internet increases...


Streaming is the present and future.


I hope not. I've been collecting them for nearly 20 years now. I don't mind streaming, but I ultimately prefer my DVDs. I do stream quite a bit but it's fun to collect DVDs and not get bombarded by suggestions, advertisements, autoplays, etc. Sometimes you just want to shut the router off and have a night away from the internet.


I agree. And some favorites that one might stream do disappear for a while.


I prefer hard copies of anything I really love. And who knows what will happen to streaming services if net neutrality goes away.
