MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do men commit so many more crimes th...

Why do men commit so many more crimes than women?

Is it genetics?


They're physically stronger, can't get pregnant, have a higher tendency to crave for power, are less vulnerable and sensitive in general, have unfortunately first developed such habits from history, are often reacting to baser sides of social pressure but do so in unfair ways etc.


That is also partially why sexism (towards women) and misogyny are far more recognizeable, possible and prevalent in our world than traditional reverse examples of sexism towards men and misandry.

Yes many men also suffer, sometimes at the hands of women, not all men are bad etc, but mostly, but even then, its other men that often are their own worst enemies too.


This sounds like what the Ku Klux Klan said about black people who commit far more crime than whites.


It's not. There is a physiological difference between men and women which explains behavior, there is none between the so called "races".

We blacks do commit crimes at a higher percentage than whites - I can not deny that. We have a societal problem in this country. If the white liberals would stay the hell out of our issues and stop enabling bad behavior, things would be so much better for us.

Since the dawn of liberalism, our marriage rates have plummeted and our illegitimacy rates have skyrocketed. They'll never say it out loud, but liberals down deep *believe* that we are racially inferior to whites and think our behavior should often be excused if not cordoned.

BLM is based on the premise that blacks simply cannot comply with authority (even by black cops) and a different set of rules must be followed. If we are indeed equal, should not we expect more from ourselves?? Should not whites demand the same?


Yes but look at the whole history of humanity, haven't men committed far more bad deeds than women overall?


It's really, really weird seeing you respond to someone else's philosophical postulate. Also, I completely agree with your response.


Men have more opportunities in general. More opportunities to do good or bad. More opportunities to make choices. There could be genetic or hormonal factors but there's never been proven causation or correlation to crime statistics, except that we know men do indeed get charged with and are convicted of more criminal acts.


Because men originally are the ones made the laws. If women were in charge at lawmaking in the ancient times, we'll see more women commit crimes like wearing red shirt with green pants, cannot distinguish baby pink and salmon, get flirted by married men, etc.


A red shirt with green pants is verboten? Oh shit, and I'm a woman!


The worst crime.


I hang my head in shame. Why didn't I know better?!




Damnit hownos! You beat me to it...good call!πŸ‘


Cause we're Bad Asses!



Welcome back, MovieManCin2!


Thanks, kamen! It's great to be back!



Yeah its genetics.
Men have the same propensity to accidentally kill themselves too.
90% of Darwin Award winners are male.


Maybe because they don't have vagina's to use, to get what they want πŸ˜‚ ... We can't ignore the dynamics of sexuality and reproduction entirely...

Just kidding, please don't ban me or take this comment too seriously πŸ˜‰


And women love bad boys!



Also, what is the relationship between law and morality, attitude of the good and attitudes of the ignorant, including people who act rude for the name of good by calling evil people bad slang words etc, movies and reality, people who know stuff versus those that don't etc?

And in the end, does ONE absolutely correct and right answer exist here or a stance that would satisfy all?

And double standards on some issues, including those where let's say a perpetrator is a woman and a victim a man, and I DON'T mean murder or mothers who slap or somehow "abuse" their children here, nor do I mean say objects and lack of looks etc, heck, we've seen those things occasionally portrayed in MOVIES in that way even if at times they STILL said it was wrong, or maybe it was all left ambiguous for audiences to make up their minds, but some did in ONE way others in another (remember that train scene from Lars von Trier's "Nymphomaniac Volume 1" (2013) - and look at the controversy it caused, but ONE guy lazari.. went OUT OF HIS WAY TO defend it and say not only it wasn't it, but that he is CONFIDENT and INTELLIGENT enough to think so beyond a few very obvious reasons, and LAWS that MAY THEMSELVES lead towards some or other actions should not apply here in DIRECT and related sense - just ONE example really.)

You see, I agree with MOST of it all on GENERAL principles, but discussing it all in details and depth on the INTERNET is something these days I feel like avoiding doing, I am just too TIRED to get involved, and also, some people are far more clever in these fields than I am, and it often makes me feel bad that I cannot reach THEIR levels and also be as confident as THEY ARE, in these issues OR otherwise.


Okay then.

