Internet piracy
Are you ok with it or not?
shareI do not download
shareNo, I'm not okay with it.
shareThis is a touchy subject, but internet piracy is not exactly the same as other theft of services.
There are those that by-pass their electric power meter or water meter to reduce or eliminate paying for tangible services. Now I know many are already forming an answer to that statement but hear me out.. With power, water, etc. every milliwatt of power or ounce of water that's stolen cost the company that provided it money.
Now for those who use piracy to obtain programming they would ordinarily pay for if no other option existed are stealing.
But when pirating content that the consumer would *never* buy anyway, the creators of the content have lost nothing.
Back in the 90s, I was given a modified cable box that got everything. We watched a few movies and other events on HBO, Cinemax, etc., but when the cable company switched to digital, the box went dead. That was almost 15 years ago and we never subscribed to any premium content nor did we have any urge to do so. The owners of the networks and the producers of the programming lost nothing to me. I do know a lot of people that cancelled their HBO when they bought a "hot" box, and they were denying the companies involved money.
I did however "pirate" a movie that my wife and I wanted to see: Hidden Figures. Being black, that movie was something we really wanted to see. The movie was being previewed right at the time of the presidential election. Being black conservatives, we were called misogynists, homophobes, xenophobes, and (here's the real irony:) racists by the Hollywood elites. If you're black and don't vote Democratic, you're also an Uncle Tom.
Sooo.. We decided we weren't going to see it and give those perverted racists in Hollywood any of our money. I ended up side loading my Firestick with Kodi and we watched Hidden Figures on our home theater where the picture was better, the sound was better, the food far better, and the restrooms spotless.
No, I'm not okay with it.
I like how the film and music industry complain that they are losing money. They are assuming if piracy was stopped that people would just have to pay to watch the crap they produce. I think many people would just find something else to do.
We had an Aussie actor down here complaining about that a few years ago. If he bothered to do any research at all he would have seen that it is really hard to find any Aussie stuff on these sites so even for free no one is watching Australian film and TV! They are like a sheltered workshop.
Which actor was it? I think there´s alot of stuff that´s impossible to find without downloading. Especially old movies and especially if you aren´t American.
shareYeah for sure. Old films are great and I find them much better than most modern films.
It was John Jarret the guy from Wolf Creek. Wolf Creek 2 was an awful film yet he just blames pirating for the failure of Aussie cinema.