MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Internet piracy

Internet piracy

Are you ok with it or not?


Yes because I can't afford to go to the cinema! It's so expensive in england ☹.

I miss showbox. It was a great place to watch anything and everything. I only ever watched old films so I don't feel I was stealing box office takings. The only recent thing I saw on there was Chernobyl, which was excellent by the way, but it was broadcast on Sky in the UK which I do not have.


hi croft.



Super okay with it. But it's definitely wrong and it destroys art and makes it impossible for many artists to make a living making their art, which makes shitty art, and life imitates art, and here we are. I'm pretty much a big fan of all the wrongs in the world. Like anything, you gotta break it before you can fix it. So.... back to the Dark Ages we go.


I'm very much against it, me hearties! Anyone caught should be made to walk the plank!
