

Pepperoni gives me crazy heartburn now, even though other spicier things do not.



As many of stated, my problems mostly pertain to foods. Particularly at night. Spiced, greasy, fried and red sauced foods, and heavy carbs at night, just make my life hell. Soda makes me sick all the time now. I only drink it on special occasions. It's still my favorite treat ever. Can't drink a whole pot of coffee anymore. Drinking went from a three day hangover to a two week hangover but i'm still giving that all the hell I can throw at it. Oh. Bacon. Sigh. My body doesn't digest bacon for shit no more. Time was I could woof down a pound of bacon in one sitting. Now I have to be very careful about it.



Yes, it's acid reflux that's the prob with that. If I eat a lot of bread or pasta before bed, i'm in agony all night. Spaghetti in general just does me a lot of ill now, between the pasta, red sauce and sausage.




Thanks for posting the whole line. I couldn’t recall the name of the movie either. So funny!


red meat
staying up really late
not drinking enough water






