MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Actors Who Never Give A Bad Performance

Actors Who Never Give A Bad Performance

This is not an exhaustive list, but it gets the ball rolling. In whom do you have thespian faith? Mine are:

Jodie Foster

Clint Eastwood

Ed Harris

Paul Bettany


Steve Buscemi. Not exactly a lead actor, though.


I didn't think he was a very believable hit man in Things To Do in Denver When You're Dead. He's generally a good actor though.


It's been a long time since I saw that one. But did you think he gave a bad performance or was he just miscast?


Maybe a combination of the two. Initially, his character was somewhat intriguing but the performance seemed to gradually deteriorate, ultimately becoming over the top.


Okay. Like I said, it's been years. Maybe you're right, I just don't remember thinking it was bad.


He was the lead in Tree's Lounge and the HBO series Boardwalk Empire, and I think he was fine in both of them; but, you're right, he usually plays supporting roles, and is probably better suited to them.


I loved Boardwalk Empire. But there were people who criticised his performance.


Remember, a person is as much defined by his or her detractor as s/he is by his or her supporters. There are some people by whom I don't want to be liked!


Hey, you're talking about me?!


Darling, if you were one of them, AND YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT, Miss Lookingforattention, I would not be talking with you and I would not even be seeing you, because you'd me on my legendary Ignore list😆


You got me! I knew I wasn't one of them, sweetie. I was just being an attention whore.😘


Merecedes McCambridge


Brilliant as Reagan's possessed voice in The Exorcist.

Audrey Hepburn

Paul Newman

Carry Grant

Alfred Hitchcock's walk-ons in his movies, and his hosting on the Alfred Hitchcock Presents TV show.

Michael C. Hall


Patricia Arquette
Laurence Fishburne
Isabella Rossellini
Leonardo di Caprio
Viola Davis

All these are a delight to watch and get me excited to see what they're in.


Judi Dench
Meryl Streep
Martin Clunes
Katharine Hepburn

and the aforementioned

Tom Hanks
Julie Walters
Tom Wilkinson

If they've given a bad performance, I haven't seen it.


Although I haven't liked all the movies I've seen him in, I can't remember a single time Daniel Day-Lewis gave anything less than a stellar performance.


Lee J. Cobb
Jason Bateman


Michael Palin


He seemed to catch quite a bit of flak for The Crucible but then every movie board has its share of whiny, self-appointed, expert movie critics.


Sean Pertwie. Doomsday, albeit a strenge movie that I nonetheless enjoy, MIGHT be an exception to this statement, the guy delivers.


Hack man!


Paul Dano, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Ryan Gosling, ditto Jodie Foster, Daniel Day-Lewis, Peter Sarsgard, Steve Buscemi, Annette Benning, Edie Falco, Hugh Laurie, Frances McDormand


You could always rely on Paul Newman.
Jimmy Stewart too!


How could I forget Paul Newman??


It's OK, GlenEllyn. I have it covered. You know that I could never forget Paul.

