MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you have a 'comfort' movie or TV seri...

Do you have a 'comfort' movie or TV series?

Is there a movie or show that you like to pop into the DVD player when you need some quiet time or to get away from it all?

For me, I like As Time Goes By, a British comedy series with Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer. My other choice is Doc Martin, also a British series - a dramedy, with Martin Clunes and Caroline Catz. They're both ensemble series that soon make you feel like the characters are friends of yours. As in, you'd enjoy having a beer or coffee with them.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
The Thick of It


I have never seen It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I know it has high ratings. I'll have to check it out.


I know some who find it annoying. Hopefully you're not in that camp


Strangely, my local library has season 1, but not the very first episodes. However, I did find the first and second season via inter-library loan and have requested it. I'll let you know once I've watched it. 😀


Definitely need to see the first episodes


Stand By Me
Six Feet Under
Flight of the Navigator


I've never seen any of these. I may be ready to check out Six Feet Under since I've watched William and Mary (British TV series about an undertaker and a midwife).


Waaat? Stand by Me is an absolute classic. Six Feet Under is the best TV show of all time. Period. I felt a serious loss after I watched the last episode, like I'll never get to watch it for the first time again. Go slow and take it all in. I am not surprised you haven't seen Flight of the Navigator but it comforts me to my core. Watch them all stat


Hitchcock movies

shadow of doubt
strangers on a train
rear window
dial m for murder
the birds


I should watch The Birds again. Haven't seen it in quite a while. Rear Window is one of my favorites.


"Arrested Development" -- at least its first few seasons -- always brings a smile to my face. And, best of all, it comes without a laugh track.


No laugh track? That's a plus!


TV show - The X-Files.

Film - The Burbs.


The Fellowship of the Ring, especially the first 30 (Shire) minutes. In combination with generous helpings of red wine.


Comfort movie? Groundhog Day.
Show? Friends.



Comfort movie would have to be The Enchanted April. It's so beautiful, charming, witty, and has the kind of life-affirming depth that leaves me with the feeling that all's right with the world. Can't top that!

I only recently discovered Doc Martin, which I loved. It'd be a good comfort watch.

For me watching Friends is more of what I'd call a pleasant distraction. Not exactly the same as comfort, although there is comfort in being distracted.

I know there are others, I just can't think of them at the moment.
