

Tolerating a chick flick he knows you love but he really doesn't care for.



Never seen it. 😉 The last chick flick I watched was Did You Hear About The Morgans ? and that was all about sheer boredom in the middle of winter.


Oh, Dazed! Such a great thread!
While he never cleaned the litter in the cat box, he changed many a diaper.
I also love that he can make sense of all of the electronics around here. Heaven forbid he goes before me. I'd never be able to make sense of that jumble of wires behind each TV in this house! The computer as well!
The man also does the taxes each year. For that, I'm ever so grateful!
He also takes off work to make sure that I get to any doctor appointments safely if it's out of town.
Let's hear it for the MEN!



LOL! You and Mr. Dazed sound pretty much like me and Mr. Channing. All except for the computer and the garden situation. In our case, we are a switch there. I love digging in the dirt!



Beautiful ! Who says a gender is relegated to a stereotypical role ? And btw, one of my favorite chick flicks is Somewhere In Time. I own the soundtrack; it's stirring.


My dad.

Made me a small, battery-operated, lighted Christmas tree out of tinsel garland and brought it to me when I was in the hospital after having my 3rd baby (born 3 days before Christmas).

Thanks Dad!


I love the special love that exists between a dad and a daughter.
