MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I, of all men, have every right to congr...

I, of all men, have every right to congratulate International Women’s Day

I have never raped, nor sexually abused any women. I have never employed one to begin with. In fact, far more often I have served under women bosses or catered to female clients.

Most women I've come across made more money than I have. I was also told that I “should earn more money” – by a woman.

I have never catcalled a woman, nor humiliated one in public. However, once in a room full of people, I was told I appear to be “the worst in bed” – by a woman.

I never mansplained to a woman. In fact, I was scolded for not being “forthcoming enough” – by a woman.

I was also told I was "too coy," or that I should be more aggressive, and "not agree with everything I say all the time" - by a woman.

I never objectified women. However, I was told I was a “faggot” – by a woman, for refusing to bed her.

I never body-shamed a woman. However, I was told I "should workout more" - by a woman.

It is for the above reasons that I have every right to congratulate the International Women's day, for I have never did them any harm, but rather often ended up on the receiving end of the whole abuse business.


Congratulations.Guys like you is hard to find


You're kidding, right?


No,i'm not.If what you said is true,then i'm honestly impressed by it


croft, have you been looking for a guy like him? Very interesting.🤔


No,i just find it hard to believe that what he's saying is really true.


" You're joking, right ? "
" You're kidding , right ? "
" No, i'm not "
Fucking hilarious ! You can't make this shit up ! 😆


😆😆😆 I'd say, Unbelievable, but look at who we are dealing with!


I can only admit to having beaten a woman (at Mario Kart)



The fact that the game gives the blue shell more often to the person who's losing... That's Socialism!



And when the war with the machines begins, we will remember Mario Kart's lesson: AI will always cheat when it's behind.


Have you tried playing Mario Party against the CPU?
They're ruthless!


Never tried Mario Party games, nope


You have a chance if you have three "real" people.
Other than that it's often impossible at some of those games.
It's so fixed.

What's your favorite mini game?


Okay, I'll bite. WTH is a blue shell?



I think the OP got EXACTLY what he wanted from this thread!


Do YOU know wha a blue shell is? I sure as hell don't.

I think the OP got some of what he wanted, and some that he didn't. Unless you mean attention, in which case I'll agree.


Yeah it's from Super Mario Kart,if memory serves you use it to take out opponents.

I think he wanted to create mayhem and he did.


Okay, thanks. I still don't get what it means in this context, but whatever.

Yeah, he was trolling, although in much of the current environment, even here on MC, it's not recognised as trolling.


(I think because frog mentioned Mario Kart.)

This thread,it almost defines trolling!


(Okay, Mario Kart. Which means nothing to me, but whatever! It's so nice to have this private talk between the two of us, because no one else can see what we write as long as it's between parenthesis. I love that! It's like whispering, but better.)

Really, it does 🐙 (


(Ah....ok MK is a racing game from Nintendo using the characters from Super Mario,great fun)



(Thanks for cluing me in. I missed the whole Nintendo/gaming thing. Well, let's just say I wasn't interested.)

Ha! I was going for a troll, but lacking that, went for a zombie, which I could have sworn I'd seen before but apparently not, and also apparently you can't use a second set of parens, because I explained that but it disappeared.

Still, Cthulhu was an excellent guess!



😂 I knew you were going for troll but Cthulhu is never far from my mind,it's one of Mr.Dazed faves.


I give a rousing cheer for Mr Dazed!




I don't think you did anything wrong twinA!
You were just off on a Nintendo tangent with frogarama.I think a little light relief is never a bad thing.
Rainbow road is a treacherous place and will forever be my MK nemesis. I do enjoy the Wario Stadium,I think it's in the Wii version but may be wrong?



I love a good derailment myself,I think most of us do with a few exceptions.
It's especially good in a thread like this.

Yes a fantastic ramp jump which,providing it goes well,can put you ahead!


So in Mario Kart, you can pick up various Mario-themed weapons to slow down other characters.

The green turtle shell is fired straight and bounces off walls for a short time, or you can drag it behind your cart for protection from other shells, and I believe you can fire it backward too.

The red turtle shell is a homing shell that zeroes in on the person in front of you (I believe it can also be fired at the person behind you but I forget).

The blue shell has spikes, and it's a near invincible shell that will automatically seek out the racer in first place. It will also hit anyone else it encounters on the way. You can hear it coming, it's very annoying. The only real way to stop it is to cut around a wall and hope it hits the wall.

The game gives better weapons to the people in the back, so it's not uncommon near the end of a race, if you're doing really well, to get hit with multiple blue shells (and lightning strikes, which hit everyone except the person firing and make them all tiny and slow for a time). It's easy to lose a race like that, trying to get to the finish line while getting pummeled from behind.


What a great explanation of the game. Even I, someone who knows zero about MK, could follow that.

Thanks to you, I now have a slight interest in playing MK, all except for that bit about being likely to lose when you're ahead.



The AI racers also cheat with what's called boomerang speed. You can race WELL ahead of second place but they'd still be right on your tail, because the losing AI racers can increase their speed beyond the actual top speeds of the carts, if needed.

This has been tested, too, by modding the game to keep the AI racers behind, or hitting them constantly with lightning strikes until the human player gets very far ahead. Then you can literally watch the AI racers on the map ROCKET ahead going far faster than carts actually drive.

Mario Kart, specifically, is notorious for this. It's very rigged... So you do have to be really good to win. It's mostly a game for multiplayer, though. Playing against other humans is where it's at.


I love how this has turned into a discussion about Mario Kart! Never played it, though.



Okay, thanks for the tip.😁


You could drop to 8th at the start and get all the good weapons and just rule that ass!



Yes... Stay behind till the very end, bide your time, and then unleash hell with the red shells.
On battle mode it was fun, there were so many green shells flying everywhere



What about trying to take the short cut on rainbow road?



Yes. It was a looooong way down. I always loved playing as Wario




Those games are still fun to break out when drinking with your buddies. I recently bought one of those NES classic minis. Some games are freaking impossible. I'm a WARIO!



Yeah. I was actually one of the dorks who took the day off and then waited in line for 2 hours just to get it. I was actually very temped to turn around and sell it on EBay for 500 but I kept it and I stand by that decision. Lucky you. I have a friend that also manged to keep every video game system he had growing up, so we bust out NHL 94 on the Genesis sometimes. Wish I did the same.


You may not have done all these things, for which I commend you, but there's definitely a not so subtle level of hostility you have for women




Last year I congratulated Thanksgiving Day and Memorial Day...Thanksgiving was humble and appreciated the kind words...Memorial day was a real diva about it...fucking holidays😡


Serendipity and all that. Just this morning I was chatting with a female friend of mine. I explained that I was growing tired of being made to feel bad for my manhood. I am a step father to 3 daughters and 1 of my own. I love and support them unconditionally. Truthfully I believe women to be the stronger sex and am so happy that some longtime wrongs are beginning to be righted.

However, this movement is approaching the tipping point with me. I'm tired of being painted with too broad a brush. The women have had and continue to have a harder road BUT there are ample numbers of men who have not been involved in the oppression. The noise is getting old!


Here's the thing. No one, or at least no sane person, is trying to make you feel bad about your manhood. That isn't what any of this is about. Women have been made to feel bad about their womanhood, however, for eons. It goes all the way back to the bible, with Eve being the ebil temptress who fvcked everything up, and it's been alive and well ever since.

I'm very happy you're a loving, supportive step-father and father to 4 daughters. That says a lot about you. It would say as much if you were a loving, supportive step-father and father to 4 sons. Well, maybe not exactly, because we humans have a tendency to favour those who are most like us. Anyway, kudos.

YOU are not being painted with a broad brush. Yes, there are many men who haven't been at all involved in oppressing anyone, Thank god for that. But unfortunately there are still a lot who have and are. I see it even here, on almost a daily basis. This thread is but one of many examples, and more overt than most.

What I'm saying is, if it doesn't apply to you, and clearly it doesn't, don't react as though it does. That's why it's "getting old" to you, not because the problem(s) doesn't still exist.

Thanks for listening.


I think I'd certainly add my voice to Cats in saying that we appreciate that the majority of men such as yourself are good guys and I honestly haven't seen a woman on here put down mankind in general.

The noise you mention has certainly gathered momentum since the Weinstein story broke but it was already happening with allegations against Cosby,Clinton,Trump and other powerful yet pathetic examples of manhood.Why not lay the blame squarely at the feet of those who truly deserve it?
These are men who used their position to sexually abuse,rape,harass,drug and in some cases destroy the careers of countless women.Who can blame women for their anger?
For these women may give courage to other women,women who are not celebrities but have been on the receiving end of abuse and if just one woman feels empowered to walk away then it's worth a few bruised male egos.
That said I truly don't know where it is coming from this idea that all women think all men are rapists or bad guys.We just don't, we adore you!


If you haven't seen it yet, Dazed, I recommend The General's Daughter. It's a perfect illustration of what you're saying here.


Dazed, you are correct in your summation of men using their power to sexually abuse or harass women. Been there....had it done to me, but you might find the following an interesting read about men with a feeling of hidden shame.

“Experts: Males Also Are Victims of Sexual Assault”


I don't believe that I ever suggested that men couldn't be victims of sexual abuse or any other kind of abuse for that matter.If I did it was unintentional.

I'm also not suggesting for one minute that women are faultless! Sometimes I think we are our own worst enemies.

It saddens me and makes me feel old,when I see women STILL making a career out of showing their T and A.It's like saying "This is me,this is all I am,just sex"



“I don't believe that I ever suggested that men couldn't be victims of sexual abuse or any other kind of abuse for that matter.If I did it was unintentional.”

You didn’t. I just wanted to show the other side of the coin. The article I linked to shocked me! More men than women in the military are victims of sexual assault!

It saddens me also that so many women flaunt their wares then get insulted when men hit on them. But, to qualify, no woman ever deserves to be sexually assaulted due to her attire. It’s a confusing time for men. We have come to a time where men don’t know how to act around women. A man no longer is able to compliment a woman without the feminist screaming “He’s looking at me. I bet he’s undressing me! How dare he say I look nice!”

I was in Lowe’s one day when an male employee sheepishly approached me. He prefaced his question with “Mam, I hope you don’t mind me asking, what perfume are you wearing? I would like to buy some for my wife.” I could have screeched like a banshee replying “How dare you ask me such a personal question! Why are you sniffing around me? I’m going to report you!” Instead, I was flattered and answered his question. The relief on his face was apparent!


I don't think this is the other side to this coin.

“Most people who sexually assault adult men are heterosexuals,” Hopper said. “And those same heterosexual men who are assaulting men are often the same men assaulting women.”

To me, the two sides of the coin are these: those who assault and those who get assaulted. This article doesn't mention women assaulting men (though that does happen). The root of the problem is men assaulting other people, regardless of their sex. I don't think I need to say this, but this shouldn't happen, to anyone. People need to be educated on this, and while you're trying to get to the (potential) bad apples, the good apples would have to suffer from some discomfort and confusion unfortunately.

On a (half) sidenote: Don't you think the reason why more men than women are assaulted in the military is because there simply are more of them in the military?



“To me, the two sides of the coin are these: those who assault and those who get assaulted.”

I’ll cede to your wisdom. Very well stated. But, it also could be those that do or those that don’t do action re: two sides of a coin.

As to your last query: you may have something there.


This is an addendum to my prior reply. We should not fail to recall the happenstance at Duke University. Where do these guys go to get back their good name?

I watched an interesting Law & Order SVU this week. College students, boy meets girl, alcohol a factor, consensual sex, she cries rape, boy expelled, police report filed, defense attorney fees,
charges dropped due to NO rape, boy’s life is ruined, no other college will accept this pre-med student even though he was innocent, anger wells, she recants and calls him to come over to apologize, in his anger he does rape her (definitely a very bad thing), he’s found guilty at trial, receives 7 yr prison term....
all due to this lying wench, his life is forever ruined.


Real men never feel emasculated or attacked, that's something people allow into their minds.

They either put it in their own heads because they put too much value in random public discussion, or alternatively, they do it out of guilt because they know the discussion is regarding things they have done.

None of it has ever bothered me, for example. Why would it? No one is out there talking about me specifically, and they're not talking about things I have ever done. Therefore, it's just random public discussion about other men.

Seriously, just grow a backbone. Don't intend to sound mean, just tough love.


Not causing woman harm does not call for congratulations.



This isn't a congratulation, pal. It's a pity pitch disguised as a congratulation. No wonder "Alice" approved, s/he is the Pity Pitch Queen around here. Guys like you should not belong in my gender. You've never raped a woman?! You're not SUPPOSED to rape a woman, or anyone or anything else! Sheesh.



Amen, Anna. Men and women are at least 95 percent identical. I have a psychotherapist friend who once told me, "I've seen inside a man's heart and I've seen inside a woman's heart, and it's the same heart." Having said that, I also say vive la difference!



"Thank you to the male posters on this thread who get it. I respect you so much guys for calling out the op or anyone else who doesn't get it."

Thirded! What a strange thread!


"Thank you to the male posters on this thread who get it. I respect you so much guys for calling out the op or anyone else who doesn't get it."



Love you, Dazed; and Anna is pretty great, too.



True equality should not be commemorated, but simply be put into practice. And showing support for women who are still suffering around the world should happen EVERY day. Special days like this one are just silly, meaningless gimmicks that can be used as an excuse to forget about it the rest of the year. It's like Christmas being the time for peace on earth. As a woman I have to say, I don't get it either.


I have to agree with this because it really nails why I'm so opposed to being a sheeple. One of my most meaningful lyrics is, " It's not the things you do at Christmastime but the Christmas things you do all year through. "


I like that quote quite a lot
Well said
Now scold me some more cranky pants...thats always the best😛


You make it sound as if I'm in the habit of doing that. I haven't gotten on your case since our spat just prior to the anniversary celebration.


The thing is you make some really insightful, fun and witty posts quite often but then go on the attack on people for no reason...its really weird!

You are charming sometimes and really off putting at other times...
Im happy to put up with your shenanigans lol...i wonder how many others tire of the routine get me?


" No reason " is not accurate. Even dewey acknowledged awhile back that I " must have a reason " for something that to others, might have appeared as inexplicable.

Likewise, you've come across as smart, funny, good-natured but at times also as really juvenile, like you haven't quite outgrown high school.

I realize I'm currently the designated boogeyman on the GD board and don't care. It's replete with conflict and bickering without any controversial input on my part. That's human nature. Has it ever occurred to you that my " crankiness " might be related to tiring of the routines of others? Your buddy R-Kane has consistently complained about the same issue.


If your reason is 'inexplicable' then guess what buddy...nobody will get the grumpy attitutude nor will they give a damn
Its just boring

You just described me perfectly (i AM 18 and super should get a load of this mullet)
Well done!

You are not important enough to be the 'boogeyman' you imagine yourself to be
The fact IS you are a small part of a growing community and no more special than myself...dont be so paranoid because NONE of this is about you
We just talk about stuff, argue, joke, get pissy and laugh together!
Calm down and enjoy, its all just good fun✌️

As for my amigo R_Kane Im pretty certain hes upset with me because im silly
I wish him well anyway
Thats what a community does... We part ways nicely

Pump the brakes db...NOBODY here is trying to hurt you
Relax and enjoy buddy

I really like you lots of times - just chill out


I said, "appeared " as inexplicable. No more boring than your life of the party "all giggles and shit " routine. Looks like I hit a nerve again.

I never claimed to be special, just of having an awareness of the recent shots at me ( which I expected ).

I'm probably much more relaxed than you, in reality. You seem really wired, what with all that caffeine and those cigarettes. Go shoot one of your guns off on your porch and relieve some of that stress.


When you require that many words to explain yourself you should know you are a bore

Well done db


db also known as Chuckles.


Good lord, everyone on MC is fighting today! There must be something in the water. Don't drink the Kool-Aid!


Its all in good fun

Just poking the bear😉


Coming from one of the most over posting members of nonsensical bs on the board. Your last post was more wordy than mine.


'over posting..?'

What do you mean?

Note that im still trying to give you an opening here to make a joke at my expense, be amusing, act like a normal person...lets see how you respond (you have been lousy so far grumpy grandpa)

We need good posters here...thrill me!


I'm not going to lead you by the hand and point it out to you, nor am I going to jump through hoops for you, junior.

reply trying really hard to make nice here db

I guess were just never gonna get along

My loss😭

See you around dude

Just try not to be a dick to everyone in the meanwhile


he is testing my 'no ignore' policy.


Oh , please do ! You'll be doing me such a huge favor.


He really is a bore

But i never 'ignore' button anybody

Even an oddball has a few good posts in them right??


maybe we can just talk about him and really drive him nuts.


Well that would be classless...but i heard hes an angry virgin

Dont tell anyone tough😉


years of frustration for sure.


You two jerk-offs are such wishful thinking wannabes ! 😆


I can't believe you completely ignore me and go around complimenting strange "gals" who tell me to "go fuck myself"!



Im playing hard to get!

I heard that was the cool move


Well, it seems like everybody left and right is fawning over her already just because she supposedly posted a picture of herself or made a feminist remark. Just go ahead, I can't look past the fact that she called me names, spouted untruths about me and turned me into the bad guy. This altercation left an even worse taste in my mouth than the one with db.


Oh come on lady!
Everyone knows who the hot mama is in these parts and if they dont they will figure it out soon enough😙

I just welcome the newcomers is all...

Now, what was that about a pic??


I don't care about being "the hot mama" or whatever. I'm just disappointed that no one seems to have a problem with her behaviour.


Im sorry to hear it

I will poke through the thread again later after work as it is entirely possible that i missed something...

To be honest i was just parking in the city when i saw your reply and responded...ill touch base later

Chin up sweet lady!


" Everyone ? " Just another one of your mischaracterizations.


Db, I promise you, I'm not trying to stir the shit pot. But I'm pretty sure you've expressed your disappointment with the state the boards are currently in. Don't you feel that having an insult match spread over several threads is counterproductive?


Fair enough but I'm not the type to back down. As long as I feel I'm being falsely accused, that's how long I'll keep retaliating. In further fairness, why don't you pose the same question to the two jerk-offs who insist on double-teaming me and perpetuating this because of their wounded egos ?


Well, I actually did reply to Shogun first saying everybody seemed to be fighting today, but you yourself know they don't feel the same way you do about how this site should be.


Yeah, I did see that, but perceptions of how it should be goes all the way back to arvin. I've dealt with power struggles all of my adult life in the workplace and I'm not about to turn into an asskisser now !


I'm not telling you to be an asskisser, just reminding you to pick your battles. This one ain't worth it. And this is directed at everyone (including myself!)


I do pick my battles and I've been at this longer than you have. We have different values and priorities, but just for the record, you and I are cool once again.


I just wish we could all be cool with each other. I can't tell you what to do, but my advice would be: Let us all not get so worked up over a rather obscure movie site, it's not good for our health. Sometimes we need a little intervention, like Cat did for me.🐰


"Fair enough but I'm not the type to back down. As long as I feel I'm being falsely accused, that's how long I'll keep retaliating."

Okay, but you falsely accused me, so ... you know.


'Double-teaming' you??

Jeez seek help😂



You really are fun😉


You got me!

Its ALL a plot against you because you are that important!

Good catch bro

Take your meds and have a good one😉


Time to bring out the stilettos 👠, the whip, the black lace corset and those ruby red lips 👄! Then down to the basement EVERYONE goes!

Geez, folks! What has got your drawers in a twist?

As I recently wrote..ahem...”Live fast (with Stratego), die young and have a beautiful corpse!”


Stratego rules*!


*And St Elmos's Fire, but everyone knew that. Right?


Ha! You got it! But, I won’t tell if you don’ rule, also.:-) 😻😼


My 💋 are sealed!

You rule too! 😻


It was a fun night of family drama lol



Where did I say people don't care??? I'm not assuming that, the people who thought up the day assume that.

It's just pandering. Political organizations shouldn't pick some day for us to think of others. I'm quite capable of deciding for myself when to do so. I'm actually not a fan of mother or father's day either, but at least those days are about nothing more than just showing some personal appreciation for our own parents. Veterans day is useless if veterans are left in the cold the rest of the year. One day of giving attention to women's achievement or suffering changes absolutely nothing. There's even a National Brownie Day. There's just no logic to it.

I should be "ashamed" because I think for myself and appreciate people trying to make a change all year round instead of just one day? And people who don't share your view just "don't get it"? Agree or disagree with me as you will, but that's a ridiculously immature thing to say. And not very supportive of women either.



Uhm, hello, you're the one who said I should be "ashamed" for my opinion. Kind of silly to call me "a ray of sunshine lol" and suggest I have a problem with your opinion. Just chill out the next time you encounter a different view, mmmkay.





I think there's someone else who needs your encouragement a bit more.






Wtf?! Yeah, you apologized and still said I was the one with the problem. How exactly do you expect people to respond to comments like that? You're the one creating drama, "girlfriend".

I guess you don't celebrate Common Courtesy Day...



 "It seems you are the one with the problem if you think I was being immature and implying in any way that if someone disagrees with me they are wrong."

So you're a troll from filmboards?



So why would you even suggest I might think that? Hmmm???




Cute, fluffy, friendly!




Yay! :)


Blessed be the peacemakers . . .


I'm jus' paying it forward.


Hey, look, bunnies!



I do love bunnies, Cat, but I hate trolls acting like drama queens.


No, no, Stratego isn't a troll! I promise.

Would moar bunnies help?


ETA: I meant Anna, LOL!


Someone who spreads negativity and then acts like they don't isn't a troll? We have to disagree on that then.


Well hey, you and I got into it once, remember? And now we're BFFs!



I don't recall you calling me names, however.

All hail the bunny queen!🐰👑


You're right, I didn't. Nor did you call me any names. (That I remember, anyway!!1) But still, it was all silliness.

Remember that Dazed posted a thread appealing to us to quit it out? So sweet of her. But right before that you and I had made up and kissed 💋


And don't forget you, GlenEllyn, and I still have that girls' night in night in your basement!




That's definitely still on! And don't forget to bring along some bunnies. All I have in my basement is alcohol and whips. And a VHS tape of St. Elmo's Fire, of course!😘


At first I read that as "All I have in my basement is alcohol wipes." Which kind of made sense and, also, appreciated. I'm sure you have them too, along with the scotch, and St Elmo's fire! But I'm pretty sure both GlenEllyn and I draw the line at the whips.




Of course I have alcohol wipes. You definitely need those after a session with my whip.😈

I know from experience that alcohol+hairbreading=disaster!


Whew, good thing we won't need the alcohol wipes then, but you have to promise to clean up before our Girls' Night!

Alcohol + hair-braiding = FUN! Add in facial masks and pedicures, and you've got a winning formula not to be beaten (literally) 😈


Definitely *not* a good beginning for a newbie. As most of my MC pals know I don’t care for profanity. You see, I have a tendency to push the Ignore button if a poster frequently gets hostile and using the f-bomb. Stratego didn’t deserve your attack.



Don't worry about it. Stratego really is A-OK. And I say this as someone who got into a long, involved, stupid exchange with her and now we're BFFs!*

*It was over some feminist issue or another, much like yours, although frankly I don't now remember the details, because, stupid. On both of our parts.



Wait Cat, you make me out like some kind of misogynist!

I believe it wasn't about feminism, but about the difference between the victims of Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, which had to do with age rather than gender as far as I was concerned. But let's not relive all of that! Bring on some more bunnies, please!🐰🐰🐰


It doesn't matter. Honestly, I only vaguely remember it anyway, because, stupid!

What matters is 🐰🐰🐰

Plus 💋, of course!


Ksp speaks for no one but herself. And before we move on, as you claim you want to do, I just want to make clear I wasn't talking down to anyone or trying to keep a fight going. My issue was simply the contradiction in you apologizing for shaming my opinion, while at the same time suggesting that I have a problem for thinking that was an immature thing to do.

Leave the insults out of it and there's no reason we can't have a civilized discussion in the future.



What a sad, sad rant. You don't see how you come off going after me from the get-go, making a half-arsed apology and all the name-calling?

I think we met before, on the IMDb2 boards. Right, Debbie???



Lol. You sound exactly like Debbie! Say hello to your wifey Bexxy!😆



The sad thing is, if you're not a troll, you're even more pathetic than a troll. Shaming other opinions, fake apologizing, name-calling and then playing the victim for getting called out! And to think I actually gave you another chance! So sad!


Look who's creating drama here, anna. "Go fuck yourself"? So very articulate, did you learn that at university? Really, you should be "ashamed", no???


Why aren't you on Dewey's Women Appreciation thread? And Stratego too!



I actually posted there!




I can't believe you missed my post! It was very thought-provoking.


#shame 😢


I'm still in tears.


Because there's more action over here, and all my favorite women, except for Mina. This was SUPPOSED to be a reply to catbookss, but the system decided to hose me and hide it down here. Stupid system! R_KANE is the one who does the hosing!


As it turns out, it was a reply to me! No hosing.



So you got a notice, even though my reply is down here and your post is up there? This is confusing as the dickens, but thank you for letting me know it worked out!


Yep. All you have to make sure to do is to hit the "reply" link right below the post you want to respond to. If there are posts made before yours, yours will show up at the end. Which is sometimes confusing. Especially for others, who are trying to figure out WTH post it was you were replying to.







As to the topic at hand, some of the worst women I've known have been women. This lolkatz person (#definitelynotatroll, #Ihadtwomorehashtagsinmeyay) is onto something! Good to know he's restrained himself all his life not to rape people. It must be very trying!

P.S. I'm gone for a few days and you're all at eachother's throats. Well, not exactly, but you know what I mean.





What a coincidence, some of the worst women I've known are *also* women! I know, what are the chances?

I can only try to imagine how difficult it's been for the OP to not rape anyone for all this time 😢. Also not publicly humiliating any woman. He deserves a medal or something.




#Idowanttoputthespacebetween #thisissocounterintuitive

The chances of that are astronomical, I've done the maths!


Maybe we should have a special day to commemorate all the men that _haven't_ raped any people. The true unsung heroes of our time. Well done, guys!



I really think the OP is just a dumb troll trying to create controversy. He really should've been ignored.


Yeah, the topic, the username, the fact that he hasn't bothered to reply to any of the posts.... All big clues that he is a troll. But we can't help but take the bait.

If only Cat hadn't summoned me with her magical hashtags, I could've stayed away from all this!


Yes, the OP is a troll, and knew exactly what he was doing. Many of us were ignoring him for a while, but then the thread grew (oh so briefly) fun, then it turned pear-shaped, and then completely weird.



We do have a way of ignoring the OPs and just going on about whatever. And bickering. A lot. Troll posts are almost like ignition fuel to this place.

You and Dazed have a way of summoning me that I don't quite understand. I'm not mad at it though.





Anna, you think a whole rant about how I assume people don't care, how I should be ashamed, about "my logic" is being "a ray of sunshine"? You think your "apology" comes across as sincere when you suggest I have a problem for thinking it's immature to shame my opinion? It's reasonable to say "Oh sure, thanks for blaming me for your mistake!"? Come on, a sincere and mature answer, please.


As the Brits say “Hear! Hear! Women’s Day, my arse! Doesn’t anyone work anymore? It seems there’s a march or protest everyday...and frankly I’m sick of it! Good Grief! Women have turned into a bunch of bitches! No wonder men don’t know how to approach a woman. Damned if they do...damned if they don’t!


Um. You missed the point of the day, my dear Ksp.


No, I didn’t really. I was just being cantankerous. See my PM.


Read your PM and have responded! But this has nothing to do with anyone working, or marching, or turning into "b!tches," or anything remotely like that. So yes, you have missed the point. At least as far as you've said.


As I wrote I was being cantankerous, a snot nose. I was pissed.😡 I knew what the point was...”International Women's Day (IWD) is March 8 so celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women.” With that said, I agree with Stratego. Why do we have this day? It won’t be long before every day on the calendar will have a “celebration day” for something or another. The calendars no longer list one of the most important days which affected the world and has just become a footnote in history...June 6, 1944 D-Day.


Why do we have Presidents' Day, or Mother's Day, or Father's Day, or Christmas Day, or Veteran's Day, or Valentine's Day? Why is D-Day more important than any of these others, and why should it be an either/or?


Mein HERR!!

I love you socialists and your socialising.


Cat, I actually think most of those days are meaningless.


As it's your right to, my darling Statego. I, on the other hand, like celebrations and holidays. They may be fleeting, where they should be something that lasts (except it doesn't; it never does), so for me, better to have even a single day that celebrates and focuses on something positive, than to have none.


You got me. I see no need for President’s Day or Columbus Day. Native Indians would jump with glee, but then the Italians would be pissed. I will agree to Mom & Pop’s day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day and Veterans Day. I didn’t mean to celebrate D-Day, the turning point in the Allies favor of WWll. Just list it on the calendar. Good Grief! Queen’s Day is listed.


Queen's Day? I didn't know there was such a thing.

Personally, I love Thanksgiving. Not for any reason other than I think it's great to have a day to focus on giving thanks. For whatever.


Oh anna, you should really reread your first reply to me. Talk about condescending! All I said to you was "I don't get it either" and you responded with a whole rant about how I assume people don't care, how I should be ashamed, about "my logic". Lol, and you say *I* talk down to people I don't agree with?! You need to rethink that.


One thing we do try *not* to do on this board is to do ad hominem insults to one another. We have a fun, wacky board and at times will chastise someone, but we try to refrain from calling someone stupid. Not a good beginning.



To you they may be stupid. And no, stupidity should not be called out. Not all of us can be as wise as you. Calling someone an ass because you became incensed...not a good thing. I’m beginning to think you may be on the wrong board. You seem to have a lot of hostility.


I disagree.Stupidity should be called out and the OP's post is a passive aggressive attack on women,it lumps women into one group of men hating ball breakers.I believe he created the thread to create havoc.
When Croft made a rape joke we were supposed to ignore it because he plays the pity card?
No way,it was a stupid offensive remark and he got called on it.

As did the OP right here.


What am I missing re: the OP’s post. He was telling how things occurred to him from women.

And sorry, I must have missed Croft’s rape joke.


I'm going to go with aggressive aggressive. Nothing passive about it. And yes, it should be called out. Thankfully, it has been.


OP's post was ironically the most loving on this thread helping women, how, to look at their mirror when they put men into one group just like that. Most of the time what appears to be like an insult is actually a kindness, a help for self reflection. That is why I prefer friends who are willing to punch me or insult me in order to help me. Only a self victimzed person can turn things into negativity, because a truly positive man always sees positive things in everything, that's the nature of grace.


Well, I can't argue with that. I mean, who doesn't look for friends who punch and insult to give a helping hand and as a kindness?



Most people I know do, the real friends who are not afraid to hurt someone's ego in order to help their spirit, fake friends don't do that.


" The kisses of an enemy are deceitful but faithful are the wounds of a friend."


It is now Friday morning, light of day, and I’ve read and reread the OP’s post. I still don’t see what is being termed “aggressive” in his post. He’s relating to us different occurrences in his life, how he’s been treated by different women when he didn’t deserve the treatment. I actually felt empathy for him. I have myself seen some of these “all hail the powerful women” in action. They need to be bitch slapped! Some of these women want to delete anything male or “man” in our language. We are fast becoming gender neutral...we are all going to become ITS! Thank the good Lord I don’t have too many years left to witness the vacuous, idiotic tripe coming from these empty headed fe-MALES!


Dear Ksp, what you're not grasping is that the OP was trolling. That should be clear not only by his name, but the only time he responded was to Croft, who applauded him, and he responded with "You're kidding, right?" The OP himself knows what he said was intended to troll. If you feel empathy for him, he's laughing at you.

We are not becoming "gender neutral." There is no danger of us becoming "ITS." And I don't think anyone deserves to be b!tch-slapped.


OK, Obi Wan, my mentor in chief. What can I say other than I stepped into the dumb blonde (covering gray) shoes!!🙄 I let myself get hoodwinked...🤭


Have you missed where some are suggesting we change our words we use? I saw another one this week saying any word which includes “man” should be deleted. Many are calling for “Gender Neutral” in everyday life. As an example when we fill out forms there shouldn’t be a Male or Female box to check. No Mother or Father...Instead Parent. These people are striving for Gender Neutrality.


That really does scare me! I want to know who is what and what is who!


Miss Margo, thank you for the first laugh I’ve had in two days. I’m really striking 0 on the 0 to 10 scale lately. or is it the 1 to 10 scale? Oh well, you get my drift.


I do get your drift. Let it all flow over you. 😎


Hi Anna nice to meet you.I think you should call out stupidity every chance you get and also use profanity if you like.
You will find there are quite a few opportunities right here on this board for both.

I've noticed since the Weinstein allegations a thinly veiled seam of misogyny from a minority of male posters.The "she was asking for it" brigade.We even had a thread dedicated to how "fat" actress ought to have been grateful to have been molested.I'm happy to say that in that instance the majority of posters called out THAT stupidity.

There was also a rape joke (I know how funny is rape) and again THAT was called out.



A half-arsed apology after which you suggested I have a problem for calling it immature that you shamed my opinion. You seem to keep forgetting that.



Uhm, you are the one who went on and on about me in response to a post that had nothing to do with me. Don't start twisting things again.

You believe anything YOU say on some obscure movie board in an obvious troll thread is important???

You know what's important? Not shaming other opinions, being sincere and respectful towards others and not resorting to ad hominem attacks.


Don't make me break out the bunnies again, either of you. I swear, I'LL DO IT!!!


This ain't gonna work. Troll or not, she decided to go after me from the moment she first replied to me. I genuinely tried to offer an olive branch, but she simply couldn't cut with the bullshit.


*sigh* Okay, but remember, you asked for this. Don't try to tell me you didn't!!!*

* I offered Db an olive branch tonight too. The results were underwhelming. But! I'm an optimist at heart, so you never know what the future holds, right?

Ready? Go!



Too much fluffy cuteness!😵


I knew you wouldn't be able to resist all the fluffy cuteness. Who would?


Resisting is futile. Such is the power of fluffy bunny cuteness!


Dazed, you may feel my opinion is stupid, but I did not deserve a "go fuck yourself" over what I said.


I don't think your opinion is stupid at all,you know I ♥ you.

As I said to Cat earlier,I think the OP wanted to create mayhem and he did


💟 u too, Granny Potty Mouth!

Boy, do I agree with that! One giant troll. I couldn't take one single thing he said seriously.


The prohibition on ad hominem attacks is not limited to MovieChat. It is a prohibition that is accepted throughout the civilized, educated and reasonable universe. "You are a jackass, ergo, your argument has no merit," is logically insubstantial. Even a jackass can be right.


I sense some hostility and rejection on your part


"I sense some hostility and rejection on your part"

You think? 😂
