Me? I usually watch the show to check out who's there and I confess.... who/what the ladies are wearing....
I never go to the theater, so I can honestly say that I have never seen an academy award nominated film. For that reason, I check out the ones that look good to me. I watch them later.
My favorite host/s?????
Billy Crystal, THE BEST!
Seth McFarland, Most hated guy... LOVED by me!
Tell me what you like/liked
Loved/ Hated
Some of your fave Oscar Moments
I will watch, but I am conflicted. Very conflicted!
I LOVE movies, but DETEST the smug, arrogant, condescending, hypocritical, Liberal, sexual predator, Elitist Scumbags
who churn them out! The show has long descended into a Liberal Hate-fest! The Left has politicized and ruined almost everything in this country, and this is no exception.
It's a popularity contest. You see the same popular kids there at the prom four years in a row.... then you move on to the next flavor.
I wish that I could find the quote and who said it. I can't. It's been a long time.
I just remember either reading it in a magazine or hearing it on the news in the 80's. Some actor said it. I'm not quoting verbatim.
When you think about it, that really is the truth. The Oscars are the Prom of the film industry. You even have to admit that years later, who even remembers who the king and queen are?
I learned it from the Masters: the hate mongers on the Left.
Before 2009 I was a pretty laid back guy. I even snoozed when Lefty pinheads referred to George W as "Hitler", called for his impeachment and/or assassination, and carried signs showing his bloody severed head, etc. (Hey, that old bloody severed head thing is still around.)
But then old dumbo ears was elected, and ever since then I've heard 24/7 that I'm a racist, a sexist, a homophobe,
a xenophobe, and an Islamaphobe. And that the only reason I've ever achieved anything in my pathetic life is because of so-called "white privilege". I've grown pretty damn sick and tired of it.
Of course I realize that's simply the Left applying the tactics of their hero Saul Alinksky. He knew that if you couldn't defeat your opponent with logic (which the Left never can), then you simply SMEAR him/her. And that's been their main tactic ever since. The Right talks about issues. The Left viciously attacks the Nominee of the Right.
I'm also sick and tired of old hags like Madonna talking about "burning down the White House", and young morons like Kathy Griffin and the aforementioned bloody severed head.
Hate? When it comes to Hate, the Left make the Right look like rank armatures! The Left is the largest Hate Group in the World.
So if you want to think of me as a hater, go for it. Frankly I don't really give a damn! But if I am, it's the Left which has made me so.
Hey-ell No. Those cottonheads have nothing to say unless it’s written in a script or in this case, a card, for them. I don’t care about their rented clothes and rented jewels.
Favorite Oscar moment - that Best Picture screw up. Best moment since the infamous streaker and Brando’s acceptance via surrogate.
Worst moment - Anne Hathaway hugging her Oscar like a dolly. 🤮
Make up your mind, Jimmy Kimmel. Either you want to encourage a simple, classy acceptance speech a la Sidney Poitier in 1964 as Best Actor or a " platform " of demagoguery . 🙄
I'll just quote sslssg, since it's word for word my answer: "I just don't care anymore. I stopped watching all awards shows years ago and I don't feel like I've missed a thing."
Yes but not because I like it, but because it's my job. I write for a local paper and part of my beat covers entertainment. I wouldn't watch it if I didn't have to because honestly these days it's all about #MeToo and #TimesUP. UGH!