MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 'Listen you fuckers, you screwheads...

'Listen you fuckers, you screwheads...

Here is a man who would NOT take it anymore!
A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit!
Here is a man who stood up!'

-Taxi Driver

Pardon my French...i dont usually speak that way!

Post your favorite badass toughguy (or toughgirl) movie lines here and share the title!
The rougher and tougher the better!


First Blood

" They drew first blood, sir.....they drew first blood. "


'Its over Johnny!'


'Its over Johnny!'



Im so badass i double posted that cool shit!


Burt Lancaster, Vera Cruz

Ace used to say: ‘You don’t take any chances you don’t have to. Don’t trust nobody you don’t have to trust, and don’t do no favors you don’t have to do.’ Ace lived long enough to know he was right. He lived thirty seconds after I shot ‘im.”


Damn😳thats some cold stuff right there!

And Badass!!


The Last of the Mohicans

Hawkeye/Longrifle : " They stay as they lay ! "



And 'let them die screaming' while we're at it!


Charles Bronson, Mr Majestyk

“You make sounds like you’re a mean little ass-kicker, only I ain’t convinced. You keep talking, and I’m gonna take your head off.”


Bronson was Awesome!
Loved him
So cool and punchy!

One time i beat a dude down and when he tried to get up off the ground i pointed at him and said, i swear this is true, 'You stay right where i put you buddy!'
He did not budge lol

That was my Bronson moment
Guess we all have one!


Lee Marvin. Dirty Dozen

For those of you who forgot, my name is Reisman. You have all volunteered for a mission that gives you three ways to go. You can foul up during training, you can foul up in action, in which case I will blow your brains out, or you can do as you're told. In which case you may just get by. This is your new home. Do not try to escape. There will be no excuse, no appeal. Any attempt by one of you and you will all be sent directly back to prison for execution of sentence. You are therefore dependent upon each other. Any one of you try anything smart, and you all get it right in the neck. Am I clear?"


Great stuff!
Lee Marvin was really small but always seemed like he could whip your ass!!
Total tough guy for sure


Small??? Shogun, he was 6'2". That's a whole inch taller than me!



I always took him for a little fellow
I have no idea why
And two inches taller than me!

I learn something new everyday
This place is very educational!


Yes it is. That's one of the best things about it. I love being entertained and/or educated.
That makes this place a twofer.



Chuck Norris, Code of Silence

“If I want your opinion, I’ll beat it out of you.”


Oh my GOSH Norris!
Jeez the guy had a ton of badass lines
He earned them

Good one how!


"Please try to understand.It's nothing personal,is just bussines" Mylady de Winter - the three musketeers


Cagney- Angels with Dirty Faces

You’ll slap me? You slap me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize.


Good one!
I feel like this line has been used in more recent movies...drawing a blank as usual

'You even dream about shooting me, you better wake up and apologize'
Something like that...


Cagney in White Heat

You wouldn't kill me in cold blood ???
Nah, I'll let you warm up a little.


Ah yes!!
White heat for sure😳


That dialogue was also uttered in an episode of The Bowery Boys.


White Heat was 1949. Before or after I wonder.


The years appear to overlap but that's not important to me. The fact that I happened to recognize those very lines is . They were very funny in how Sach of the Bowery Boys delivered them. I don't even care for Cagney's version.


I don't care for the Bowery's version.


Bogart - Maltese Falcon

People lose teeth talking like that. If you want to hang around, you’ll be polite.


"I Made it Ma !!"
"Top of the World !!"

Boom !!!!

another one from Cagney in White Heat right at the ending
