MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Tell us about a movie...

Tell us about a movie...

That you and only you seem to love.

I will offer Quest for Fire (81)
Several prehistoric cavemen must cross the land in search of a fire to keep their clan alive

I dont know anyone who remembers this one and i recall it being a bit of a dud in theaters
But i love the costumes, the locations were lush and the actors even came up with a 'language' (consisting mostly of grunts and hand motions) in order to increase the realism.
The fight scenes were very cool and both Rae Dawn Chong and Ron Perlman starred in it...
It really was a great movie

Do you have a forgotten masterpiece that you would like to share?


Dead of Night (1972) - an early zombie movie

A young Soldier is killed in the line of duty in Vietnam. That same night, the soldier returns home, brought back by his mother's wishes that he "Don't Die"! Upon his return, Andy sits in his room, refusing to see his friends or family, venturing out only at night. The vampiric horror is secondary to the terror that comes from the disintegration of a typical American family.


Sounds right up my alley
Did this perhaps have an alternate sounds familiar for some reason

Brain Damage or Brain Dead maybe...


Deathdream was the alternate title. Bob Clark of Porky's fame was the director.


Thats it

I dont think ive seen it
But im on the lookout


Speed (1994)

I consider it a classic action thriller.

Also...Paul (2011). Funny sci-fi comedy.


I think a lot of people love Speed, though. It seems to be near the top of many people's favourite action flicks lists.


Heh...didn't know that about Speed.


Only dewey doesn't seem to like Speed, but he's stupid!


He is the worst!


Good ole Dewey. Nobody's perfect. I've forgiven him for this one. I liked Speed. It wasn't any more believable than a lot of other action movies, but I appreciated the suspense of it.


I really need to start going through this board more thoroughly.

Otherwise I'd miss such striking analysis and sharp wit as this.


I really liked Speed

Although, i think Dennis Hopper really mailed in his performance...
Fun movie anyway


Zardoz was brilliant sci-fi

And wow were Connery's murder boots and red get-up an odd fashion choice!

This is one 'classic' im sure very few have seen

I liked it quite a lot


I made everyone dear to me watch "The Piano" and it traumatized the crap out of every one of them. They couldn't understand my devotion to it, although they got some of the points when I mentioned them. I tried to read the novelization but didn't get through it.


Great cast and some real naughty bits if i recall...i have not seen it in ages

Good pick


Nine-year-old Anna Paquin was too young to see the whole movie but viewed an edited version including her scenes.



I always wondered if the little kid actors ever got to view their work in the more 'adult' films...


Graveyard Shift (1990)

Based on a short story by Stephen King. It has a reputation as being one of the worst King adaptations and while it certainly isn't the best, I wouldn't call it the worst. It is a fun film to watch with friends and doesn't deserve the dislike it's received.


I actually enjoy that one (its quite a hunk of cheese!)

Crazy theme song too😁


Track 29
Underworld -1996
It's Alive
Black Noon- 1971


It's Alive is definitely different !


It really is.

I saw it as a kid and liked it.
I saw it later on and thought it was horrible.
I saw it last year and thought it was really good for what it was.


The milkman scene.....😆


That was a great scene. The blood and the milk.

A few memorable scenes in that one.



I looked it up
Sounds like something i would like!



I love low budget and you are steadily producing great content here!

Dont run off...we need new and fun posters




Some of us are 'all in' on these shores...we burned the boats and plan on staying

I recruit good folks when im able to...

Best wishes Amigo and hope to see you around


Van Dien was lousy as Tarzan.



I'm probably going to get laughed at for this, but I kind of enjoyed Ghost Rider. I didn't love it, but I thought it was fun.

Another one, which I don't think many people even know about, is Kull: The Conqueror with Kevin Sorbo. It was based on a character (Kull) who was created by Robert E. Howard, the same man who created Conan the Barbarian. I actually preferred Kull as a character over Conan, and I found the movie really entertaining.

(Okay, now I'm going to go hide in a corner. XD)


Oh come out of that corner you silly goose!
No 'judgies' here

I skipped Ghost Rider because i have Cage high on the favorites list due to his early career greatness...his later stuff just ruins my good will for the guy

Ive read and probably still have a few Kull comic books...i never saw the movie
I was never big on Sorbo as an actor

Many thx as always😄
