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Tell us about a movie...

That you and only you seem to love.

I will offer Quest for Fire (81)
Several prehistoric cavemen must cross the land in search of a fire to keep their clan alive

I dont know anyone who remembers this one and i recall it being a bit of a dud in theaters
But i love the costumes, the locations were lush and the actors even came up with a 'language' (consisting mostly of grunts and hand motions) in order to increase the realism.
The fight scenes were very cool and both Rae Dawn Chong and Ron Perlman starred in it...
It really was a great movie

Do you have a forgotten masterpiece that you would like to share?


Panic Room.


Never saw it
But Foster and Whitaker are top shelf so its probably worth a look!
Thank you


It's unfairly hated. It's a very entertaining thriller.


I love a good thriller!
Thanks samoa


Killer Joe.


I really enjoyed that one
Great cast, tight script, a real winner!
Im a big sucker for the gritty crime type movies

And that Haden Church guy really deserves to be in more projects
I like him


In particular, I found the dialogue between Joe and Dottie to be hypnotic. I could just listen to it like music.


There is something about Juno Temple that is sweet, sexy, innocent and vulnerable...i dont see her very often but when i do i just fall in love with her

Matthew McConoughey is starting to seem like an all-timer in my estimation
I just love watching the guy


I can't go that far back...

Suck (2009) - I don't see many people talk about this one. It's not a masterpiece by any streach of the imagination, but it was a fun little movie about a band on the road that become vampires. I don't know how the director got Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, Malcolm McDowell and a bunch of other people to sign on. I'm a sucker for horror-comedy, so this hit the spot.

Nothing (2003) - Two friends wish away the world and end up in an empty white void of _nothing_. Very imaginative and fun. From the guy who did Cube.

I don't think those are obscure or anything, but not super popular either, right?

Also, everyone seemed to hate Rec 3. I loved it! But again, I like comedy with my horror.


Suck has a cool cast!
I must see it

Never heard of Nothing...sounds interesting though
I love horror comedies too!


Shallow Hal, i'm just waiting to find my baby one day
