Rude banker

So I went to my local branch of the Sun Deep bank and financially Vally system today with ym friend Jugdeep and I wanted to exchange a bunch of my quarters ( I had like 500 worth) which I kept in a bag, because I am a really good server and I have of quarters cause I also fix video game cabinents and related stuff, so I bring them into the bank in a sack, and of course i would like to change these into bills cause i am gonna buy a car. So the teller says no, we don't do that you have to go to your local repository and put them in le machine the coin bank thing and then it prints you out a reciept slip, which then you take and bring back to here for only 1 cash exchange privelelge. But i SAID NO NO because the machine takes a cut of the coins in order to convert it to the reciept slip, so I said this is a bank sir please just take the coins and give me I gotta have PAPER monies to make a car payment. So the banker gives me this look and Jugdeep was getting just as upset, because we were about to miss the new episodes of Shamars new show SWAT, and we said we never miss a show of SWAT and the teller who was actually a woman said your gonna miss this episode if you don't calkm down, and she told me what do do with my quarters and where to put them. Man bank service has really gone downhill, no wonder people do it online, can people still do a simple transaction like exchanging change for cash monies bills i love my cash monie at the teller?

I had to go to my friend Percy andI wrote my conjer about this!


I think the only way to avoid coin machines that deduct a fee is to roll the coins yourself. My bank gives out free wrappers if you have an account there.


Yeah I could do that, but I had little time and had litteraly bags and bags of coins. I thought this was something the banks still did for you as for customer service to their customers


Some may still do that, but I think it's pretty rare these days.


I mean I pay 15 some dollars a month in monthly multiple fees. What good is that if they wont even cash my change into paper monies! This.. . This just pissed me right off


I don't blame you. It's pretty idiotic because all they end up doing later on is rip off the wrappers and put them into a coin counting machine.


Exactly, so why not just dump the bag right in there? That is how they would double check anyway right? Plus they were gonna charge me a buck for wrappers anyway, and they were crappy wrappers. Pain right in my ass


Sorry about the coins

I think the real takeaway here is that you have a friend named Jugdeep...
That is the coolest name ever

Oh and also, did you get to see the newest episode of your show?

Dont leave us hanging bro!!


Well it was actually David Borenenezes (spelling?) new show Seal Team (special agent task force whatever) that we wanted to see, because i is our hot new favorite show of the season, and since everything is either a cop show or a doctor show these days, this show scratches us right where we itch. plus he uses some cool lines and guns on the show.

Like he kicked the door down whilst holding an uzi and said "TAX MAN IS HERE NOW DANCE WITH THE ICE MAN" cablami!

So yeah we got to see it and it was excellent.

Jugdeep is only his nickname though


That show sounds sick!

Oh i use that line every time i jump in bed with my lady

I wont ask the origin story of that dope handle
Some mysteries are best left unexplained
Thx 'Cap!


Wow does she fall for that line every time?

Yeah he always plays some sort of bad ass kickpuncher dude where he takes no guff and punchkicks people in their face parts of their face but hard and with guns and feet.

I could easily tell you how he got that little moniker


8% of the time it works every time!

Sounds like another Tuesday to baddasses like us amirite??

Ok, but if you tell me do you have to kill me?


Your crazy as balls sprinkles man. You are like a little outthere, but 8 % is more than most people get laid so that is even pretty cool. I dont have to kill you but the guy from bones might do a fozzy kick you in your... chin balls


Im out there but getting better with each session
One day at a time or something like that

Easy to get lucky when your packing balls sprinkles eh brotha?

I probably deserve a good old fozzy kick to the...chin balls??
Yes that sounds about right

The 'nick...lets talk Jugdeep homie!!


those machines take 10% if I recall correctly


Which is dumb because banks should just do them for free. THAT IS WHAT MY SERVICE FEES AND OTHER MULTIPLE FEES ARE FOR


I agree these machines should be located at your local branch and it should be free for regular customers.


Just another money grab by banks. It probably cost them almost nothing to throw them in the machine.


I was already there with my change but they said I had to buy the change rollers from them (they would only take them in their specific change paper) go home roll them, then I bring them back and they smash them open and put them in the machine. Ive been doing business with that bank for years and they have made thousands upon thousands of dollars off me and they do this?


That sounds like a real rip-off. My bank has a machine and it doesn't charge a fee for customers.


I can't imagine ANY bank counting quarters for you. That's not their job. Just roll them, it won't take long. Coinstar takes 11.9%, which is not bad for the service provided. My bank has their own coin counting machine (self service), which only charges 6% and that 6% they donate to charity, so I have no problem paying it. Nothings free in life!


I disagree. I have a completely free checking account with my bank. No service charges, I don't even pay for an order of replacement checks. As a matter of fact, the bank pays me to keep my money there in the form of interest earned on that account monthly.


Ok I guess I agree with that. My personal checking account is also free and the account for my investment property gets interest too. But I still can't imagine bringing in $500 worth of quarters and expecting the cashier to count them. Honestly, I would be embarrassed.

Just change your bank if your not happy with the service. I like smaller, local banks compared to the big ones.


I think the OP was meant as tongue-in cheek, Padeen but eventually leading to a valid gripe.


Your friend's name is Jugdeep?





Yes! Ive heard this as well
What does 'Jug' mean (single boob? Im at a loss!)
And 'deep...' Hell, that could mean tons of things😣
Im so confused
Mr Balls Sprinkles needs to come home to us and untie this Gordian Knot
Otherwise im calling the authorities at Unsolved Mysteries...Robert Stack sure knew his shit
