MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's Your Story?

What's Your Story?

We all have stories.

Our memories and experiences are what make us who we are.
They are all unique to us. No other one person has the same memories and
stories as you do.

Share your funny stories, your sad stories, accomplishments you're proud of or
whatever it may be. You may have told them before but let's do it again.
Let a new group of people hear your experiences.
Things that you've experienced in your life that's memorable or made an impression.

So, what's your story?


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. And yesterday I saw an elderly chap piss himself at the grocery store.


That's not unusual.


I certainly hope you're dealing with that.
Seeing such a spectacle can often have be debilitating for years to come.
Years and years of treatment may be needed.
Witnessing public incontinence is no joking matter.
Just know we're here for you.


I am 54 years old and I have never smoked weed. Most people don't believe this. That should say enough about how boring I am.


Never even been tempted ?

I would love see a drunk and stoned hownos.
That's the guy who I want to party with.


I was tempted back 35 years ago. I am just not big on putting substances in my body. My doctor has me on low dose aspirin as a preventative measure and I am not keen on taking it.


Ditch your doctor and give it a shot.

Good family memories.


I'm older than you are, hownos, and I never have either. Never been tempted. One of six siblings, my older sister was the only one who smoked weed. She got tossed in the pokey, in California, of all places, and decided it wasn't worth it. When she called home pleading for bail money, my dad did the right thing and told her it was her mess, she was an adult, and should clean it up herself. I know it was hard for him to do it, but it was certainly a teachable moment for the rest of us. Of course, this was during the height of the hippie culture and she fancied herself as one.

And yes, I'm boring too, but I don't care. I'm never bored and that's all that counts.


I think we are in the minority


I don't know if you've ever encountered someone on coke? Now that's what I call boring! It turns people into knobheads,knobheads who think they're the centre of the universe.
Stoners aren't much better,they'll just stare into space laughing usually.


So a knobhead is basically the British equivalent of a pompous a-hole ?

And what was that term you applied to me once, regarding my occasional abrasiveness ? 😉


I may have once said you were prickly,maybe twice.😂

Prickly isn't an insult though,nothing like knobhead anyway.

Jeez lighten up buttercup😎


Yeah, that's the word ! I know, you explained it back then. It's apropos. I've been a scrapper all my life.

So, my interpretation of knobhead was correct then ?


Yes but not necessarily just a pompous one.Any kind of A-hole.

I used to know a guy (he was known as Cokeyboy) who worked in the City in some minor financial institution.He'd be red faced and coked up most of the time and spouting bs about how great he was. He carried a roll of toilet paper round in his suit pocket because his nose was constantly running,his teeth were rotting too.


Jeez lighten up buttercup

Well okay then.



People who smoke weed regularly smell moldy imo. Don't think these realize it.


Yes,like clothes that haven't dried properly.
Cigarettes smokers stink.


And regular cigarette smokers have some of the raunchiest bad breath. How is it that you're around people who smoke weed regularly, given your history with it ?


I played hockey on Tuesday and Friday nights for 25 years. Post game was a beer and weed fest.


So, I assume you avoided that because surely you would have gotten a " contact high. "


I got out asap


I think your unease with aspirin therapy is needless angst though. I take it for angina and have depended on it and trusted it for decades.


Good to hear it's helping you. I will continue to take it as there is a history of heart disease in my family.


I'm 29 and haven't smoked it. It seems unusual for people my age. Especially since I live in a place where it's legal. But I've just never been interested, it doesn't appeal to me. I did vote for legalization though. I think people should have the right to do it. It's just not for me.


it is legal here in Canada


Well, I once held up a bank.

A piggy bank, it was pretty light. Held it up above my head but then dropped it, and it shattered.


At least your kids will have a story to tell.

My daddy was a bank robber
But he never hurt nobody
He just loved to live that way
And he loved to steal your money



I love those kind of stories.

Where I am the gangsters used to come up from Chicago and have "secret" hideouts.

I would think that not many of those women would look like Faye Dunaway.
Which is really too bad when you think about it.



Exactly !!!



I think a lot of it is our society.
Often an easier lifestyle too.

We finally realized it's OK for women to be themselves.
We still have a long way to go though.


There's a small French colony of Canada's east coast called St. Pierre and Miquelon. This was a transshipment point for alcohol during prohibition and rumor has it that Al Capone visited there several times. I remember visiting there as a kid and the locals were quite proud of their association with Capone.


One of the worse things I've ever seen.

I was in the right lane of a street.
The constructions signs that read left lane closed ahead were out telling everybody to merge.
A vehicle two cars ahead of me wasn't having it.
They pulled out into the left lane. I had just checked my rear view mirror and saw a car flying down
the left lane. I remember thinking damn their going fast.
Not more then a few seconds after seeing the vehicle that car hit the car that had just pulled out.
The woman driving ended up laying on the hood of the car. The small child was thrown from the car and laying
in the road. They both died.
Neither were wearing their seat belts.


Wow, i took an EMT basic course at community college and at the end of the semester I seen a wrecked car on a freeway with some guy rolling around on the groumd, it looked internal but wasnt sure he was in pain, i failed the test at the end of the course and wasnt interested in the job, the guy in pain had people stopped and helping him, he hit a side barrier of a freeway ramp going to another highway. I stopped my car, looked at him, then kept driving, not sure what i could do


That's always hard.
People want to help but if you don't know what to do sometimes you can be in the way.
Same thing when you have too many people.

Same thing with this accident I saw. There were dozens of people around just looking.
It really was an awful thing to see.



Not that anyone would care just as if i wrote a song and posted it online, im gonna delv deep into my narcassitic life and highlight some things and write a book, have a ghost writer, maybe make it a trilogy or something, watching the disaster artist made me think of that, just put it all out there, skeletons in my closet and everything



There are some fun stories in this old thread.


I really love it when his threads get bumped.

Miss ya, Mr. Dewey.


Same here, TJ.


I'm here !


this is the thread where I revealed I never tried weed. I was afraid it was the other story.


Okay, now you have to tell the other story. 🤨


never again


Hmph. No fair.


not in mixed company 😊😊
