MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > When will this WITCH HUNT end?

When will this WITCH HUNT end?

When all men are fired from Hollywood?




Right now every big name in the industry who ever came on a little too strong to a woman are sweating bullets wondering if they will still have a career in the morning.


I think the same thing. Some of these men are having to through the role-a-dex in their head trying to remember what was said or done years ago.


That works for me. The Hollyweird Scumbags can no longer arrogantly preach to us folks in "flyover country".



Maybe they ARE witches.
The cockroaches are running for cover...but their cover's been blown.


Great analogy there, Glen!



Must be a lot of old rockers who are nervous (or cutting checks)


Old Rock n Roll guys don't work for corporations and the people who buy their music wouldn't care about any allegations...

Also, they wouldn't acknowledge these allegations in the first place, unlike actors who have a need to be liked and executives who issue apologies...





Hah! With their groupie following they're going to worry ?


maybe you're right - social mores were different in the 60s and 70s when it came to such things




Here's an idea : make some kind of "hollywood inquisition" and the problem is solved.


Would that be like the Spanish Inquisition?? Nooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!



I'm a woman, on the side of any woman who has to put up with sexist shit in the workplace or anywhere else, but even I am wondering how stupid this witch hunt is going to get.

There's a huge difference of "crime" if you will between some guy just saying something creepy and lewd, or staring at your boobs, and some guy actually groping, threatening, stalking, or raping the woman.

I fear that men who just SAID something stupid at any point, are going to face the same loss of jobs/career as the ones like Weinstein who actually raped, perpetrated unwanted physical assault and threatened power-play and career harm to non-compliant women. There's a huge difference between that stuff and the office pest who comments on your butt.

You don't want THAT either but seriously, all this firing and naming and shaming, at least some of these men it's a case of just stupid crap, not serious misconduct. Very worrying, and I'm not a guy.


Well said! I'm a woman too and this is exactly my thoughts as well. Thank you.


You have my respect.


It's a great thing that victims of assault and harassment are feeling emboldened to speak out and cast a spotlight on the power imbalances that continue to exist. Yet there are some issues that have come into play...
With the expected and deplorable victim blaming comes the other extreme of a witch hunt trial by social media, where those who simply dare to question and read more into an accusation are labeled as sympathizers and rape apologists.
Unless there's a weight of evidence and multiple, identical accounts, one accusation that can't yet or never be proven should not be widely covered and subjected to trial by social media. That is dangerous. Reputations are put on the line. Anyone could accuse another they have a grudge aganist of having once been made uncomfortable by some vaguely defined inappropriate conduct. Ordinary citizens don't have their faces plastered all over the media as a result. The media needs to restrain itself, keep the investigations private until the proof comes in, otherwise they risk damaging the Me Too movement.


Agreed. It's absolutely good and great that victims are able now to speak their truth and get some justice, and that perpetrators of serious violations are going to have to face the music.

Also agreed that the victim-blaming is deplorable.

But yes, also agreed that there are dangers now to all of this and that's what I'm concerned about. There are tiers to bad behavior perpetrated upon someone, and even though ALL of it is deplorable and undesirable, we cannot get to a situation where "He's the office creep and he said my butt looks good in this dress" causes a man to lose his career and reputation in the same way as the man who raped.


Exactly. While in that hypothetical someone that crass would most likely be a serial sleaze/pest, the dangerous route were we don't want to be is someone's innocuous flirting - say commenting on how nice one's clothes are, how pretty one looks, asking someone out for a drink - gets automatically treated as inappropriate harassment without question should the other person be non reciprocal, very conservative, or later holds a grudge. With some widely reported accusations verging on the vague, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that many men are cataloging their past actions, wondering whatever it could be construed as inappropriate. That is not a bad thing but the aforementioned environment where anyone can immediately lose their reputation and livelihood over vague accusations is..



I think you're right. There are different degrees of crimes, first degree, second degree, etc. In the current climate it seems that anyone accused of anything like this is automatically thrown into the Weinstein pool, er, sewer.


Meanwhile, it's absolutely galling to see the most powerful groper in the world get on without consequence despite his past behaviour while rubbing it in towards those others who've been rightly condemned. Unlike Al Franken, there's no Ethics Committee for him. Unbelievable.




Meanwhile, it's absolutely galling to see the most powerful groper in the world get on without consequence despite his past behaviour while rubbing it in towards those others who've been rightly condemned.

Yeah.... old Slick Willie sure is a scamp.

Question: what does Bill Clinton say to Hillary right after sex?

Answer: Hi, it's me! I'll be home in 20 minutes!!


Not that I really much care for Bubba, nor do I see how bringing him up makes Trump moral in comparison. But I do notice that the Democrats are more likely to take action aganist sexual harassment claims among there own re. Al Franken, John Conyers and Anthony Weiner. Meanwhile Orange Man is still President and RNC continues to support Roy Moore, while he continues to blame his troubles on some conspiracy of "gays and lesbians" or whatever the hell his certified mind can come up with.


Oh please shut up with this. He says "they let you do it". That means consent,which means they are willing participants. I do realize that the facts might get in the way of your bitterness,but it's time to move on.


"They let you do it". Nah it couldn't mean in your mind that there too afraid to say anything or report him due to fear of repercussions if recent history has taught us anything. And there's also that matter of him admitting on tape to grabbing p*ssy without asking coupled with the multiple revelations aganist him.
How's Roy Moore going? Can that be downplayed too?


You're saying he groped woman based on something he said. Based on what he said,they are ok with it. Anything outside of that is pure speculation on your part.


Yes, because he's proved himself to be a very trustworthy man ;) And there's still the matter of him being clearly heard on tape coupled with the allegations.


Yes, clearly heard saying they consent.
