MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Dear friends...

Dear friends...

...why people keep asking you "how do you feel"when someone you love dies? hapened to me 6 months ago when my fiancee died in the hospital after she survived a car accident.Many of you will be surprised about this...but,this is no joke.





A member on here once suspected you of being a troll.

Others have often questioned and addressed your inconsistencies. Does that answer your question ?


Sometimes the language barrier leads to many misunderstandings,db20db... it hapened to me in the past,but...forgive me...i didn't quite understand the second part.


The " language barrier " is a ruse. You've made yourself loud and clear by now.


Because they want to know how you feel, simple as that.


No, they really don't care; they're just going through the motions. πŸ™„


They just want you to know they care about your wellbeing and emotional state...


Because they feel they need to say something so this is the typical go to. Its really not easy to talk to someone with this kind of loss, nothing ever seems quite right. I am sorry for your loss.


Thank you,'s hard to forget her and i still think on what could've been if she still be alive.


Well you never have to forget her, nothing wrong with cherishing the good memories. You have to move on is all, not as simple as it sounds, but you can get there over time.


Thank you again,lordbishop...maybe in time,i will.


Nothing people do makes any sense. Isn't that a stupid question to ask someone who has experienced that type of loss? Obvious the person would be distraught from losing someone close to them. All you have to do is say something like "I'm sorry for your loss" and that's it.



Maybe because Stratego said a while ago that my relationships were with....i think she said...cut size cardboards of hot women.That's why mentioned that this is serious.


I said I saw them through your window. I don't know, but just maybe that's a hint that I wasn't being serious.


But there's more than just cardboard :


Based on the likeness of Liam Neeson?

I'd love to know what happened next!


Don't you have your sex toy genders somewhat confused ?


Seems like an unisex sex toy to me. One size fits all!


I'm very sorry for your loss. That would be a very difficult thing to deal with. Time does help heal, eventually.

I don't know if something's lost in translation, but I've dealt with 3 significant deaths in the past 4 years, and no one's asked me "how do you feel?" People have often asked me "how are you doing?" Perhaps that's what you meant to say.

They ask because they care, and don't want to pretend nothing happened.


Well...i was pretty affected by Daniela's death...that was her name...and still am.


You'll likely be affected for a while. Take your time, grieve as long as you need to. Just don't get stuck in it; she wouldn't want you to be.


I think you're will take me some time...


Nothing " lost in translation, " Cat. You're being snookered ! πŸ™„


I know that's what you think, Db, but it's not what I think.


Ok, fair enough; keep on being deluded.


I could characterize your thinking by saying it's paranoid, because you've arrived at a different conclusion than I have. But I see no reason for being insulting, and prefer to simply say we've different opinions on this topic.


good point


That sucks croft.
It's just very surprising.
I thought you said women were gold diggers and you were "testing the ground"
when it came to females.


Yes,godewey...i had some relationships with diggers before i met Daniela last year...i miss her so much...


How long were you with her?


17 beautiful months...


That's a long time. You must really miss her.
How did you meet?


She worked as a waitress at a local restaurant...i remember that it was saturday...i didn't had anyone yet...a day prior my paycheck was in my bank account,so i decided to have lunch in the city...i was sit on a table when Daniela came to me and asked if i decided what to order...i looked at her and she looked at me...i think it was love at the first sight...


I'm sorry about this croft.

I had something similar happen to me years ago.
You'll get through this.
Don't worry about the people who think this is a joke.
It would take a very sad, pathetic, horrible human being to make up such a story.



Thanks Dazed. It wasn't easy. Still isn't.

I just wish croft would have said something earlier.
6 months ago he said he wasn't looking to get married and still playing the field.
This would have been at the same time of this tragedy.

I've been through this. If he had mentioned it earlier I could maybe helped
and offered him some of my experiences. He wouldn't have had keep it
bottled up for so many months.


Im really sorry for your loss pal.
How do you feel bro?


I feel....I feel....I feel like another drink actually.


Youre too many pills and drinks in for your own good:(
enjoy bud!



So what i did so wrong if i told you about this only now? 6 months ago i was still new here...i'm sorry if this isn't the "perfect story".


Was it an out-of-state check? Oh no, I'm thinking of your friend Tommy...


And in another post they met " last year " and she supposedly died six months ago. πŸ™„ You don't see anything odd about this timeline?


I was about to write something but then I noticed that too. I'll just leave it be.


I am on trial here,detective?...the timeline doesn't fit? you need to tell you the exact date when i met Daniela and the date,hour when i lost her?...if you think for moment i would lie about are wrong.What can i possible gain if i lie?


Attention, which you're obviously addicted to.


ignore the attacks croft



<< Yes,godewey...i had some relationships with diggers before i met Daniela last year...i miss her so much >>

Well, there's your answer.

When they ask how you feel about it, you say, "I'm still sad, because it's a terrible loss. Most women are manipulative gold diggers, but Daniela was different. Thank you for asking."


A red flag where croft is concerned is " very surprising ? "


Maybe they asked you that because they wanted to know if you loved your fiance more than you love Lara Croft.
