MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is being a victim really worse than bein...

Is being a victim really worse than being a perpetrator of such a deed? Or just greatly undesireable in our world?

Hi folks, and sorry for the serious discussion.

Not meaning to look at specific or concrete deeds and ills that sadly not only exist in our world, but have existed for thousands of years in our humanity since time immemorial.

But I was just wondering, is being a victim of anything bad and hurtful really worse than being a perpetrator of such a deed and hurtful act, or just greatly undesireable and far more hurtful?

Why do people who do bad deeds often feel no conscience about it whereas victims (apart from murder because then they die) suffer consequences for years to come and even develop guilt complexes?

Why does society prove time and time again that it does not want to live in harmony with themselves and each other? Do we have ALL the answers to all of this or is it a complex matter?

And do standard good guys versus bad guys scenarios especially with the outcome where good wins and evil gets it only exist in fictional movies or have there been real life examples as such to prove that humanity overall is not THAT, well, shitty (pardon my French) and that life overall IS worth living, however difficult and problematic it MIGHT be, with us being constant enemies of each other and laws often being hghly INeffective to help us - except, no one wants for it to JUST disappear like that.

And do you think its better to live in a world of conflicts then to nuke our humanity so as to avoid anymore emotional issues being dealt with angrily and ineffectively every day of our existence? What do you think, thanks.


Sorry, what do you mean worse? Do you mean as in, "is at as morally wrong to be a victim as it is to be a perpetrator"?


You don't have to...nuke the planet...there are...better and subtle ways to end humanity...and for other's human nature,you can't explain,no mateer how hard you try.


Huh? Have you been thinking about this for awhile? Are you attempting to equate being a victim with a perpetrator? You are in too deep of thought. Very simple answer to your complex philosophical question....the bite of the 🍎 happened.


I took one philosophy course as an elective over 30 years ago. I can't answer this.


You're just being overly complicated (or philosophical).

Of course being the perpretator is better than being a victim, for the prepretator.

Being victim is always worse, for the victim.

For any other person not related to the perpretator or the victim it doesn't even matter.

Good and evil are fictional anyway, that explains why they only happen in fictions.


Whilst we're on this subject, and he probably IS mind you, do you think (for how long has this been going on, over 2 decades?) Harvey Weinstein ever felt bad about any of the people he was sexually harrassing while working in Hollywood?



Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?


Scum go to prison
Victims get all the help they need
Really weird post ... wtf?


In our world, evil people of all kinds sadly get away with it, and police/prison is often a separate entity as in it doesn't JUST act in favour of civilized people all the time, and there is sadly nothing much we can do about it.

Heck, if we take vengeance on EVIL people who have done something to deserve it, police may still arrest US and not let us go, and in SOME places of the world where law operates totally differently than it does in more generally civilized areas, they kill, torture and do all other terrible things to people whilst knowing full well they're wrong but don't even remotely consider anything wrong with it.

Not to mention, as movies like "Midnight Express" (1978) prove (which was based on a true story), law often overacts ridiculously by giving drug dealers 30 years and more violent and damaging criminals often get far less a sentence.

So whilst they should of course, no, scum sadly do NOT always go to prison or even get JUSTIFIABLY punished in other ways (even by say killing them in self defense or vengeance) and victims often don't get the help they need or deserve, or the help is highly ineffective and they may even permanently ruin their lives or commit suicide.

And then of course you had mass murdering SYSTEMS and DICTATORS with WAY too much power to have LAW OR CIVILIZED SOCIETY even remotely touch them and in some places like North Korea, similar troubles STILL exist even to this day.

Where's justifiable punishment for perpetrators and help for victims THERE?


And in fields of politics, the distinctions between good and evil get blurred SO much, its difficult to often tell which evil is actually LESS loathsome or which CHOICE to make is the MORE correct one.


Right on cowboy
YOU are the last true your cray style bud...promise me you wont hurt yourself..?


I promise.


Get some sleep...screw your will work itself out bro;) promise


that was a nearly unreadable wall of text good buddie...
I think you may be fucking nuts dude!!!
MUCH respect....i love a good lunatic!


I question our world.


World is pretty lousy...true!
Keep drinking and screwing...thats ALWAYS the answer
You are a great man;)
Go get laid and go to sleep dude


The problem is that most people are self-serving. They don't WANT to help victims. So the victim ends up thinking it's their fault. That is where we fail at a society.

Also why people mistake manipulative people for being smart. "He was so clever that he got away with that crime." NO. What we SHOULD be saying is "What an a**hole, he got away with it."

In the time of trump we are re framing, and redefining what we do. Instead of fixing the problem we just re-label it as ok. 2 + 2 does not equal five, then I'll re-arrange the whole world to MAKE it five. F*** my ego taking a hit.

People are getting greedier, more callous, and more narcissistic. There are still good people, but with all this social media and a tough economy it's all about #1. BUT if we were to use our brains, we would see that if we help people in need, then others will help us. When we don't, no one will be there for you, common sense.

But people don't get this so victims suffer A LOT. And the evil trash that does this, is not punished and keeps doing it. Also evil is evil. People who do these things don't care at all. No remorse. They are mentally ill, sick, crazy, whatever you wanna call it. Just pure evil really. Of course they will never care.


And what do you also think about the fact that unlike in the movies, of various kinds but mostly recognizeable ones as such, happy endings practically never happen and that in real life, bad often doesn't get defeated and potential victims rarely if ever live happily ever after?


I also frequently notice that in discussions of these matters, people often state certain things in complex ways or otherwise, and you sometimes realize that in life, things are often not so black and white good and evil simple, and there are also many people who criticize society left and right but no one ever comes to any kind of correct solution or even statement here or there.

And a lot of people also tend to explore grey areas so much that they almost forget the actual problems in and of themselves exist.

And I get the feeling that human beings of all kinds will never really do the right thing without being told to do the right thing.

And we often use appeal to threat or appeal to consequences arguments to quell problems.

Plus, I sometimes wonder - what kind of problems in life depend on all of us solving them and what kind should we just leave to the police and higher authorities whilst having no real effort from ourselves?


God gave us all free will.
Romans 12:19
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
I sleep well at night knowing everything will be made right and that God is in control. 🙂


But not exactly enough, in terms of, err skills to PROPERLY use it, even though a lot of continue to TRY and encourage others to do the same.


What about also the fact that our parents and relatives often go out of their way to encourage us nearly all their life to do the right thing, to behave properly, to not break the law and not be, well, obnoxious jerks of any kind, but yet that still doesn't change most people or the human nature, not counting those without parents or relatives or those who mistreat them in any way, shape or form etc?

Also, ever notice, even though there are a lot of DIRECT jerks online aplenty, but on the internet, people often get CORRECTLY and forcefully told and taught the right thing, including appeals to anger, ignore buttons and even bans (so sad life ITSELF doesn't have those features on Automatic, ah the old "if one gets caught" syndrome) yet that doesn't change reality either.

And SOME people and groups even go out and QUESTION things on the order of "Ah, but have you ever seen this and that happen, why do WE (usually men) have it so unfair" and, well, its almost as if we are all capable of conflict and trouble and no life does not operate on single "good vs evil" concepts alone and that being it.

And statistics on common crimes and abuse in life aside, even if vengeance techniques WERE introduced into real life like we see in films, would it REALLY make life all that much better and have bad people punished or deterred from committing harmful deeds and have good people protected with nothing to worry about?


I just try to treat others with respect and let God do the heavy lifting.
You can't make people act a certain way. Only yourself.

I think the internet has brought out the worst in people. People wouldn't say half the things they do online to a stranger in person!
It's quite sad.

The internet can be a great thing but I also see it being used for pure evil all too often.


Oh yeah, of course.


Being a victim is not any better than being a perpetrator. In fact, just as often as not, victims can and do become perpetrators, as well.


Vicious cycle of life. (NOT the Lion King, but can apply to it as well.))


it is a vicious cycle. Being victimized doesn't always make such saints out of people. In fact, there's a true-blue pecking order here; At least as often as not, victims come up to bully others in some way(s) or other. Stepping on the guy below is often the order of the day, and always has been.
