Is being a victim really worse than being a perpetrator of such a deed? Or just greatly undesireable in our world?
Hi folks, and sorry for the serious discussion.
Not meaning to look at specific or concrete deeds and ills that sadly not only exist in our world, but have existed for thousands of years in our humanity since time immemorial.
But I was just wondering, is being a victim of anything bad and hurtful really worse than being a perpetrator of such a deed and hurtful act, or just greatly undesireable and far more hurtful?
Why do people who do bad deeds often feel no conscience about it whereas victims (apart from murder because then they die) suffer consequences for years to come and even develop guilt complexes?
Why does society prove time and time again that it does not want to live in harmony with themselves and each other? Do we have ALL the answers to all of this or is it a complex matter?
And do standard good guys versus bad guys scenarios especially with the outcome where good wins and evil gets it only exist in fictional movies or have there been real life examples as such to prove that humanity overall is not THAT, well, shitty (pardon my French) and that life overall IS worth living, however difficult and problematic it MIGHT be, with us being constant enemies of each other and laws often being hghly INeffective to help us - except, no one wants for it to JUST disappear like that.
And do you think its better to live in a world of conflicts then to nuke our humanity so as to avoid anymore emotional issues being dealt with angrily and ineffectively every day of our existence? What do you think, thanks.