Wheelchair curse?
I've noticed that alot of actors that have been in wheelchairs in movies seem to have had death get them in their real life, creepy huh,what do you think?
Tom mcbride (Friday the 13th part 2) :in the movie he played nice guy Mark who was wheelchair bound,in 1995 he died of AIDS.
Shawn Phelan(Miles from Nowhere 1992) in that movie Shawn's character gets paralyzed after car accident, that's what happened to Shawn in real life, he was comatose for two years and life support shut off and died in 1998.
Corey Haim was wheelchair bound in Silver Bullet(1985),in 2010 he died from pneumonia.
Paul A Partain (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Was wheelchair Franklin in that movie, he died age 58 of cancer in real life.
Melissa Clayton played wheelchair bound Laurel in House IV 1992. She died of cancer this year age 44.
Shannon doherty. I know she's still alive but she was in a wheelchair in the movie Sleeping with the devil(1997). She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015.
Donald pleasance was in a wheelchair in Phenomena(1985),he died from surgery complications in 1995.
Christopher Reeve in wheelchair in Above Suspicion (1994)