MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Moviechat Improvements (Listed in Order ...

Moviechat Improvements (Listed in Order of Importance)

I am not the most technically inclined, so forgive the imprecise language in some cases, but in my opinion here are the most important improvements we still need.

1) Private Messaging
2) More Formatting Options (with clickable shortcuts)
Options should include quote,hyperlink, bold, italics, and selection of emoticons and emojis
3) Ability to change to different views (nested to flat for example)
4) More Complete Archive (A torrent exists with all movie boards and supposedly tv as well, although as of now I'm still unable to extract tv shows but according to the notepad file they are there). This would also take care of the problem in old boards where only the first 9 replies in a thread are carried over. (DONE! although still hoping against hope that more of the celebrity boards have been archived)
5) Ability to read old messages with programming language still intact (in old threads on here, quotes appear as simple text for example making the content harder to read). (DONE!)
6) Ability to jump to latest post in thread, or jump to individual post from profile page (DONE!)
7) Avatars
8) Ignore Button (DONE!)

Additional Improvements that would improve on IMDb's functionality

1) Ability to search posts
2) Ability to embed photos and videos (perhaps just photos and only up to a certain size?)
3) Ability to crosspost on multiple forums that are topical
4) Ability to like (or dislike) posts
5) Ability to track post views
6) Ability to unshare posting history
7) Ability to subscribe to threads or boards (in order to track discussion even if you don't post)
8) Subforums for Genre boards (or sticky threads)

Moviechat Members: Look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions.


Going through the responses so far, I'm most surprised no one has mentioned wanting a greater archive (especially since one already exists for movies at least) since that was my main draw for coming here. I downloaded the torrent, which is great, but have no knowledge on how to use it for this site.


I've actually expressed my wish in several threads to see the different archiving projects be merged. I have not downloaded that torrent because it's way too big, but I would love to see it incorporated into this site. Maybe it eventually will be.


That's my hope as well. I understand other archiving projects have been done or are still ongoing. I'll just have to make do with that torrent for now, but this site does fill some of the gaps and allows for continuing discussion.


I don't use torrents, and as far as I know, they're illegal, so I didn't comment on that aspect of your wish list for this site.


Torrents are only illegal if you don't own the rights to the material you're spreading. It seems the IMDb message boards are pretty much in public domain now. The person who created that torrent isn't doing anything different than jim, who created this website and put the archives online.


How many own the rights to the material on torrents? My understanding is that, in general, it's pirating. Old movies and TV shows may (or may not) be in the public domain and therefore be legal to download, but many of them aren't, as the copyright has been legally transferred.

As I understand it, Jim has put the archives of a number of posts/threads of boards online, which was a very smart idea, as far as I'm concerned, to make other IMDb refugees comfortable (legally), whereas torrents are an entirely different animal due to who actually owns the IP and is therefore able to legally distribute it.


There are many people who do not own the rights to the material on torrents. And there are many old movies and TV shows that are not in the public domain and are therefore illegal to up- or download. But in this case we're talking about the former IMDb message boards. Again, what jim is doing is no different than what that person with the torrent is doing, they're both making the archives public. If there's any copyright to the posts, then jim can't put them up either. This isn't any more legal than a torrent. I could actually copy the old boards from this website and put them on my own website and there's not a darn thing jim can do about that.


Agreed, there are many people who've uploaded shows/films to torrents who don't own the rights, and are therefore doing it illegally.

I don't care about comments posted to boards on IMDb (or anywhere else). I don't care if Jim scraped and is using any of my own posts/threads about ANYTHING I wrote on IMDb. He has my permission to do so, and I say this formally and legally. I have no argument whatsoever with Jim, or anyone else as far as I know.


He definitely has my permission as well, but he doesn't even need it. We put it out there on IMDb and now it's for anyone to take and do with it as they please.


"He has my permission to do so"

Who the hell are you?


Go on report all the pirates to the authority


I use torrents and stop me from using them. Go on


At the moment this is not the most important IMO. I'm sure Jim plans to integrate more archived posts eventually, if possible. But PM's, more formatting options and ability to jump to (or see more clearly) most recent posts in a thread, among other things, is more important for now. Jim is probably working his ass off improving the site these days.

Also there is a whole lot of archived posts here already to start off with, even if not complete.


It's not the first priority, but I think it's something jim should seriously consider as quite a few people have complained about threads and entire boards missing. I can understand completely empty boards being a turn-off.


While I can understand people complaining about the lack of threads and posts on some boards, I also understand that Jim was only able to scrape a certain amount of posts/threads from IMDb, and particularly those on the most popular boards/films/shows.

I would dearly love to have access to the last PMs I had within the final 48 hours, which IMDb promised, but WITHOUT NOTICE FAILED TO DELIVER, regardless of knowing how much that last contact between other users meant to one another. I'll never forget this extreme lack of respect, and it will without question impact my purchasing from Amazon as well as any visitation to IMDb. Why would I do otherwise?


" I would dearly love to have access to the last PMs I had within the final 48 hours, which IMDb promised, but WITHOUT NOTICE FAILED TO DELIVER, regardless of knowing how much that last contact between other users meant to one another. I'll never forget this extreme lack of respect, and it will without question impact my purchasing from Amazon as well as any visitation to IMDb. Why would I do otherwise?"

Get a life outside IMDb boards and its successors maybe? No body cares about your pms. Try contacting people on facebook instead


an app
Like dislike button for comments


Why go on a message board if you are just going to click on like and dislike buttons? Message boards aren't meant to be for that.


Every website I've come across that has public comments/messaging has the like/dislike function.


But they probably aren't proper message boards.


Like I said, every site I'VE BEEN TO with message boards and comment sections have them. That's the way of The Internet these days... Like it or dislike it 😉


Okay, I hear ya! 🤦😜


Dumluk2002---- ::::thumbs up:::: 😉


I highly recommend Algolia for enhancing the search function.


I'm not on facebook. A person should be able to post w/o being told if someone likes/dislikes agrees/disagrees with what's been said.


Every website that has public comments and public messages has the like/dislike feature. Facebook is but one website in millions that has like buttons.



Yeah but if they're a true mature adult, they won't care. Like I've said above, it's only a big deal if you make it a big deal.


I agree


Small quibble from me but I would like to see the distance between the section posts a bit smaller by one line. The gap between at the moment just seems a bit too large. Plus more posts can fit in then with less scrolling.


For me, the most important fix is the 9 post per thread problem. There are some interesting threads that have over 50 posts and for those threads the 9 post maximum typically misses the best parts of the conversation.


SEARCH brings up item after a few letters
