MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Moviechat Improvements (Listed in Order ...

Moviechat Improvements (Listed in Order of Importance)

I am not the most technically inclined, so forgive the imprecise language in some cases, but in my opinion here are the most important improvements we still need.

1) Private Messaging
2) More Formatting Options (with clickable shortcuts)
Options should include quote,hyperlink, bold, italics, and selection of emoticons and emojis
3) Ability to change to different views (nested to flat for example)
4) More Complete Archive (A torrent exists with all movie boards and supposedly tv as well, although as of now I'm still unable to extract tv shows but according to the notepad file they are there). This would also take care of the problem in old boards where only the first 9 replies in a thread are carried over. (DONE! although still hoping against hope that more of the celebrity boards have been archived)
5) Ability to read old messages with programming language still intact (in old threads on here, quotes appear as simple text for example making the content harder to read). (DONE!)
6) Ability to jump to latest post in thread, or jump to individual post from profile page (DONE!)
7) Avatars
8) Ignore Button (DONE!)

Additional Improvements that would improve on IMDb's functionality

1) Ability to search posts
2) Ability to embed photos and videos (perhaps just photos and only up to a certain size?)
3) Ability to crosspost on multiple forums that are topical
4) Ability to like (or dislike) posts
5) Ability to track post views
6) Ability to unshare posting history
7) Ability to subscribe to threads or boards (in order to track discussion even if you don't post)
8) Subforums for Genre boards (or sticky threads)

Moviechat Members: Look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions.


I'd actually like to have the board redesigned (nothing crazy) so that there are 'boxes' around our posts. Much like IMDB or other message boards.

I think there's a way to do that while preserving the clean look that we have now, which I like. But when you put solid borders around our posts, it just makes things pop more. Every post becomes more prominent.

Once again, not to pick on TMDb too much, but their board style kind of turns me off. No solid lines or borders around posts makes everything feel floaty, loose and insubstantial. And I still don't like those circle avatars! Basic boxy design always wins 95% of the time with these things. It becomes elegant because it's so simple, and easy on the eyes.


I think private messaging should be one of the last things to put in. This is because members need to start flooding the message boards. With just private messaging, there is very little incentive to go to the actual message board for a particular movie and/or t.v. series. If you could just pm individuals, why even have threads?


Another thing I think any website will need is a privacy policy and a terms of service.
They are mostly boilerplate and jim can copy it from many other sites and just tweak it as needed.
but just for his own protection as sole owner, These are things he should probably add.


I conquer! I know...such a substantial contribution :P


Updated list to reflect latest changes. Hopefully we'll get to see more of these improvements in the near future. As was the case before, interested in hearing your ideas on what else should be added. So far I really like the idea of expanding the trending section so members can browse more titles on the front page.


That's a useful list, especially with the updates. I agree with most of the suggestions.
Another thing I mentioned on another thread a while ago was ranking based on number of posts/comments, replies to your posts, etc. Definitely not top priority, but it could be interesting, especially since now we have an easy way to keep track of our number of posts/comments.
Also a separate section for announcements/bugs/suggestions.


Yeah, that's a great idea and would motivate some people to post more.


Thanks. It'd be fun, too. 😉
