MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > OMG, they're gone!

OMG, they're gone!

The boards on IMDB... there's nothing anymore, i just looked...
Wow! I just feel weird, like i just lost a very good friend.


Oh damn. I wasnt really going to archive my posts because it's been years since I was super active, and those old posts were gone anyway. But I would have liked the option. Oh well, end of an era.


Not much consolation, but it seems User Reviews are still there.

So if you had any Friends or remember their name, you can still see their reviews at least. Might be some effort searching for it though, since they don't have a User Search feature (and the way they organize reviews is really outdated).


Yeah, I thought I had a few more hours. But right in the middle of posting, POOF! Everything disappeared. So sad. Not to be too maudlin but it's like a death in the family.

Well at least we have a new place to gather. Hope all the IMDB crowd finds its way here!


Also, remember, this is why we came here. I feel sad as well, but many of your favorite threads for your TV shows, movies and actors should hopefully have migrated here.

This will be the new home for discussion, and in many cases, we can continue where we left off. I will be using IMDB for the technical info and trivia, and go here for deeper discussions for older movies (as well as new releases).


I feel like we just got hit by the death star, one minuet there everything, the next nothing.

makes me feel all empty inside


I see the user reviews being the next to go. You know, to "enhance the user experience". Riiiiight...


The end of IMDB.


This sucks balls, it really does. Everything gone in a flash. I can't believe it. They've got a lot of cheek to tell us they're passionate about keeping their members connected. Seriously? And this is how you show it?

Sadly, we'll come here to whine and complain, but they win in the end because they didn't care about our petitions or the many of us who voices our desires. Nothing matters. All gone.

Worse part was they didn't even give us a warning indicating this WOULD happen IF the board did or did not make certain changes. This really blows....
