MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > OMG, they're gone!

OMG, they're gone!

The boards on IMDB... there's nothing anymore, i just looked...
Wow! I just feel weird, like i just lost a very good friend.


IMDb, you will regret this. Your traffic will drop to nothing or near enough. Then you'll be begging us to come back.


God that felt bad going there and seeing them gone :(


I've just signed out.
If I ever go back there, to find some info, at least I'll be a no-name.


Hi PJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i am sick. I did get to archive half of my posts, signed out, then went to sign back in and I saw everything was gone. I knew as I was archiving and kept getting the 404 and D'Oh messages that it was getting to the end, but no idea they would close up until at least midnight.

But thank you to Jim, and everyone else, who has archived as much as they could. I just deleted the IMDB app from my devices. Wow, 12 years of my life and being part of a great community is over. I guess it's time to move on. I feel like a library or a museum was burned down.


the end of an era. i can't believe it.


I know! I just went to look and there was nothing! I legit about cried. WTF ITS NOT THAT 20TH YET!!!! :(


Sad day indeed... Liberal cuchokdery at its finest.
