MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why do you leftists

Why do you leftists

not want to fight government waste and corruption?

Do you really want your tax dollars going to:

$1.5 million to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities”

$70,000 for production of a “DEI musical” in Ireland

$2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam

$47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia

$32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru

$2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala

$6 million to fund tourism in Egypt

Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations — even AFTER an inspector general launched an investigation

Millions to EcoHealth Alliance — which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab

Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria

Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries

Hundreds of millions of dollars to fund “irrigation canals, farming equipment, and even fertilizer used to support the unprecedented poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan, benefiting the Taliban

Do you actually want taxpayer money going to things like this?


I’m really thinking they do because you know, fuck Trump, right? That’s all that matters to them. They’d rather bitch about Trump going to the Super Bowl and spending all that “tax payer” money for the motorcade and the security but this has no importance. Hell, I even watched a video on TikTok or wherever it was where some braindead Liberal fucknugget in California said he was happy to pay 9 dollars a gallon as long as Trump didn’t get re-elected.


he was happy to pay 9 dollars a gallon as long as Trump didn’t get re-elected.

Perfect example of brainwashed cult followers. They will jump off a cliff before allowing Trump to be president.


Yep. I’d sure like to know how so many people just turned stupid.


Based on how many were happily brainwashed by social media and the lamestream news, I'd say roughly 47% of the US population.


What is waste and not will change a lot from person to person, and as a percentage of gdp USA are far away from the top donors in forreign aid.

Either you have to cancel it all or lower the amount on it all. Because one mans waste is not everyones waste. I do not want to cancel something because me and my friends think it is correct.

one side going in and deciding what is waste and end it is not optimal.

I would rather be happy that the U.S are far away from the top donors in both forreign aid, and aid to ukraine. (as a percentage of gdp of course, this is a huge country)


I don't believe all these claims have been verified. I support medical aid to prevent the rise of pandemics and I support funding LGBTQ+ organizations that normalize the LGBTQ+ people so all the queers don't seek asylum here in the US.

Factcheck looked at four examples of supposed USAid waste and they found that three of the outlays were made by the State Department and they were not labeled properly. USAid did fund a program to encourage Serbs to hire more LGBTQ+ people since Serbia has a lot of homophobia.

A lot of facilities have shut down globally and it's not responsible or compassionate to suddenly cut off funds for various humanitarian projects. A lot of the food aid is purchased from US farmers before being shipped overseas.

The White House claimed that $50M was spent on condoms but it was hospitals.


I don't know how much of the claims are a just as they are stated, but Rubio was trying to work with USAID even before Trump was elected and he said they completely stonewalled him and would not allow ANY oversight. if that is true, why?

I think Trump and DOGE are doing the right thing. The governments own reports said there is MASSIVE waste, so I don't understand why anyone would be opposed to trying to reel it in.


I don't give a rat's ass about alphabet people in Serbia. I sure as hell don't want to pay the bill for their plight.

We are $36trillion in debt, we cannot go on throwing money at bullshit.


They only care about the destroying the country...there is no plan beyond that.

Remember CHAZ in 2020? That's our future if they win.


You;re not wrong. Leftism is a mental disorder.


They don't think for themselves and only hate Elon Musk, DOGE, and Donald Trump because the mainstream media told them to.


That's exactly right. They suffer from cognitive dissonance and living in a fantasy world.


Link from credible source?



Trump and Musk controlled website is not a credible source. They're both pathological liars.


That's hilarious, coming from the board's most prolific liar.


You lapped up every pathological lie that came out of the Biden White House and the leftist media, so you're in no position to talk.


And as usual, Keelai dips out.


They want other people's money going to those things. What these intellectually stunted morons do not seem to comprehend, is that the US government should not be involved in these things in the first place. If an individual wants to donate to an organization dedicated to alphabet people abroad, they are free to do so. It should NOT be done with taxpayer dollars.

The biggest problem is that these programs are put into place and then no one ever questions their legitimacy, validity or relevance again.


AND they will not allow oversight.


Nope, like psoiled children. They want what they want. Not only do they want it now, they want us to pay for it.

They can go piss up a flag pole.


Where are the leftists defending this?
