MovieChat Forums > Politics > Argument at a grocery store. Whose side ...

Argument at a grocery store. Whose side are you on?

Two young men (one sitting in a shopping cart) vs. an old lady who confronts them.

I'm on the side of the young men. They weren't bothering anyone and just having a little fun, and the old lady should have minded her own business and not escalate the situation. Yes, the cart could have been damaged by the man's weight, but that's for the store to handle.


Definitely the side of the two young guys. That crazy old bat needs to go and play bingo or something. Waaaay too much time on her hands!


Yep, agreed!


The retards were begging for attention and they got it. Why would anyone be on their "side" when they were surely thrilled - not offended - at capturing this confrontation on video?

But of course she's right. This kind of anti-social attention seeking is why we can't have nice things. And in this case their black privilege served them well.


How exactly does this belong in the Politics board?


It might be a bit too controversial for the General Discussion board, so I posted it here to be on the safe side.


They should've asked if she voted for Trump and the story would be all clear on why the Karen was bothering them. I've rode in the cart as a kid numerous times, even into my early teens. I also pushed it enough then stood on it to ride it like a mine cart.


Ah, cool!


These fellas were well beyond their early teens. They're adult shit stirrers.


The woman didn’t need to involve herself, she should’ve just told the employees.

But either way, that’s a 20 year pushing a 23 year old in a carriage. They are spoiled rich kids causing mischief for attention. Fuck them.
