MovieChat Forums > Politics > The real reason for the price of eggs

The real reason for the price of eggs

I asked AI what years since the 1980s has seen the most chickens killed in Barn Fires and it has pointed me to the beginning of Obama's 2nd term with a 4 year break during the Trump years then picking back up again under Joe Biden. So do you liberals really want to talk about the price of eggs?

"The most chickens killed in fires since the 1980s is a disturbing trend. According to the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), barn fires have taken the lives of more than 2.7 million farm animals in the United States between 2013 and 2017, with chickens representing 95% of those deaths.¹

Breaking it down further, we can see that:

- *2013-2017*: 2,763,924 farm animals were killed in barn fires, with chickens making up 95% of those deaths.
- *2020*: 1.4 million farm animals died in barn fires, with nearly 1.3 million of those being cage-free hens.²

It's worth noting that these numbers are likely underreported, as municipalities are not required to report barn fires or livestock losses.


Of course, and it was all by design.

Bill Gates also wants to replace real meat with his Frankenstein abomination.


Well, the cancer industry needs customers...


I'm quite sure about 4 million chicken killed in barn fires over the last 12 years is the reason for high egg prices, while this here

has nothing to do with it.

How about Trumps "measure" to combat bird flue has been, keep going as if nothing had happened and forbid the CDC to publish any information about it?


Because stirring fear and panic really worked the last time...

If we literally did nothing, way less people would have died during covid.


You are aware that the death toll per country in percentage of citizens was proportional to how late governments reacted? The later they reacted the more dead people.
No reaction whatsoever ..... Sweden tried that for the longest, or at least they kept measures to a minimum ..... the result was the highest death toll per capita of all nordic countries.


I live in the US, so therefore I don't care about Nordic countries that have 9 people in them. Also, Per Capita doesn't really apply here, we aren't talking about population demographics or crime stats.

Also, the article you linked doesn't account for age, comorbidities, etc...


He aint aware of shit , those idiots will tell you with a straight face that the vaccine killed more people than the virus


I know, my ignore list is full of them by now, only a few of them are left for me to read and I'm just having a bit of fun with them before I put them on ignore as well.


keep going as if nothing had happened and forbid the CDC to publish any information about it

well I hadnt heard about that but that sounds like a fantastic plan, after all it worked when he did it for covid


With Covid Trump turned around after a while and implemented the same drastic measures with lockdowns and everything like most other countries did.
With bird flu we'll have to wait and see how high he wants to let the prices for eggs get before he realizes closing your eyes for it doesn't make the problem go away.


I've been hearing a lot (and not from official news sources, because they've been told to keep their mouths shut about it) that a lot of chicken farms and food processing plants have been burned down in the US over the past 15 years. In each of the early 2020s, somewhere up to 300-400 of these places went up in smoke.


God has a plan.


Someday the BS you spew is going to become apparent even to the most hardcore of Trumpers and you and a lot of others are going to become liable for all this misinformation and anti-American plotting and racketeering. You will end up in prison for this kind of massive treason, along with the others in your little failed coup.
