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Neo-Nazis are ecstatic over Elon Musk's salute at Trump inauguration

Four years later after their failed putsch against America, fascism has won.


Seig Heil!
White Fucking Power!




Again, this is why we laugh at you.


They only grasp what they want to see and believe.

Musk’s chest and hand gesture was about his heart going out to the people in thankfulness and appreciation.

He even said it; “my heart goes out to you” as he places his hand over his chest.


We are not talking about a Freudian slip or something you just do impulsively here. At the same time he is obviously not a mustache man follower, but like to cause a bit of chaos with himself in the center of attention. Obviously he has to throw out the my heart thing, as an alibi/get-out-of-jail card.


Nah, you're seeing what they're telling you to see and interpreting what they want you to interpret.

They are programming and brainwashing the gullible and weak minded.


very few or maybe nobody with an IQ above 80 does that without realizing it. This is not something a high-functioning autistic just does.

I am just one person with the same diagnosis as him, so this study is a bit small, but me doing THAT is as unlikely as taking off all my clothes in public because it is so warm outside.

99,9% intentional. Obviously Not a nazi though.


It wasn't a mistake and it had nothing to do with Nazism.

The mockingbird media has hypnotized you.


Tvfan my friend, let me help you out here like I did with the meaning of his gaming claim last week.

He knew what he was doing. Elon making that gesture was trolling in the same alt right fashion as his kekius maximus username also containing an image of Pepe the Frog (please look up both if you don't know what I'm referring to; it's the stoned frog looking meme). Pepe and Nazi salutes are both symbols of the new right/alt right's proclivity for trolling the Leftists that they despise. This reactionary counterculture goes hand in hand with gaming, that Elon is obviously immersed in, and is coming to be a significant number, if not the norm even, of the upcoming generation of right leaning youths, again with the gamers in particular, which is basically any teenager in the US. Trust me, nothing pisses these kids off more than being banned for calling a shitty player that sounds like a homo tranny a faggot in game, or calling dwarves diggers and so on. They've experienced cancel culture and despise it, and Elon is highly sympathetic to this group.

So anyway, Elon didn't do that to praise Hitler; he did it to troll all of the pussies that would be offended by it for shock value, the lulz, and likely the attention.


Trolling is a deflective tactic for people that can't discern the obvious. Watch the video and listen to what he says.

Is he trolling the same live audience that he's also thanking and being grateful to? Yes or No?


Yes, that sort of irony is what alt-right trolling is all about.

I've linked it here before, but case in point:


Once again, you prove my previous statement.


Come on now, we're conversed enough for you to not do that with me. At least clarify what you meant.

Is it that the song I linked is really about how great Jews are or is it that performing a nazi salute while thanking the audience and smiling aren't contradictory in the context of being the richest person in the world who gives such a little fuck that he can do it for the lulz?


This is why we laugh at them.


This is why kids laugh at you.


Actually kids love me because my phone makes Transformers noises. 😉


Yup, and well deserved.


Ok, boomer.


Ok, groomer.


Not only does that hold no potential application to this context, but it took you 13 hours to come up with?

Shiiiiet go watch episodes of MASH and take your pills, grandpa.


that hold no potential application to this context

That applies to your previous reply, thanks for pointing it out.

it took you 13 hours to come up with?

Not all of us post 24-hrs. I just started posting for the day. Try harder.


Come on, TVfan, that’s completely uncalled for. We’re all friends here — united against the woke agenda. Let’s act like it. Infighting only weakens us, and if we can’t stand together, we’ll never succeed in eradicating the woke mind virus.


I love watching him turn on his own. I think it's absolutely hilarious.


I didn't give you permission to speak Toby. Now stifle yourself.


So you never stopped beating women then?


Wrong canned response.

If I put another food stamp in your hand and pull the string, you might give a better answer next time but noone can really ever tell what's going to come out next.


Never lived off of food stamps. Your non sequitur is noted and consider it dismissed and out of hand.


That's good to know.

Maybe we can substitute one for a rainbow flag or a brown Barbie if that's more your thing.


Again your assumption and non sequitur is again dismissed. This is getting rather boring considering your debate tactic is that of a 14 year old. Anything else or we done here kid?


I'm not sure, Toby. Did we get everything out of your feeding tube this time? I know you hate pumping air into because it makes you shit yourself, but it's the lesser of two evils vs. it getting infected again.

Once that's done we can wheel you back in front of the TV. And yes, yes I know. We'll make sure the channel today has plenty of fags and brown people for you to cheer at.

Now say goodbye until next time, Toby.


Oh man caveman grammar. It's time for you to get to bed buddy boy. Your assumptions are dismissed. It shows you are a lazy debater. Obey the rules of this site now you hear?


I do my best typing on a phone in threads like this where one letter per line is visible.

There's a lot of shit coming out of your mouth today, Toby. It has me worried you may be coming down with e coli again. Did you forget our talk last time about washing your hands after you wipe?


No excuses I'm using a phone also. So that is dismissed.

Get back on your medicine buddy boy. Someone might get hurt otherwise.


You're the best Semi.


Watch your mouth Toby. I never gave you permission to use $5 dollar words like "non sequitur". That's a White men's word. White people only. You feel me, fam?


Man you need to get back to going what you do best. Being an incel.


Toby Toby Toby... Tsk Tsk Tsk... you're really itching for a whippin' aren't you boy?
*Cracks Whip*


Sorry I can't hear you.


You deaf now, Toby? Just my luck — somebody sold me broken farm equipment.


Sorry I still can't hear you.


Hush Toby. We don't need to hear from you boy. Run along now... back to the cotton field with you.


Can't hear you still. Up your IQ please.


Shhh. I know you feel inferior. I know you want to be part of the big boys' club, among those with triple-digit IQs, but sadly, Toby, it's not in the cards for you. I'm sorry. Them's the breaks.


Man I only hear nothing. Raise that IQ buddy boy.


There there, you got a fine brain Jack... A mighty fine brain.


Still nothing. Speak up.


I g-g-g-g-got a g-good braaain...
yOu m-m-m-..m-m-m-m-maaake me hAaaapY...

Deaf and dumb, huh Toby? Tsk Tsk Tsk...


Still nothing.


Yes, empty — much like the space between your ears.


Can't hear you still.


Yet you keep responding.
Oh Toby... Were you dropped on you head? Even for a low IQ individual you are retarded.


Can't hear you bud.




Aww finally peace and quiet.




Nah homie. As a pimp, anytime my hos start actin’ out or getting mouthy, I gotta put ’em back in check. You feel me, fam? Sheeeiiitt.


I only turn on cockroaches like you.


Lol and anyone who isn't delusional like you. You got fucking schooled now sit down and take your defeat like a man you idiot.


You must be confused, there was no debate here; but you’re juvenile competitiveness is noted.


Yeah there was. Take that L and sit your ass down.


Don't bother wasting your time talking to this fool. He's a mentally deficient mulatto kid, struggling with his identity and broken by the trauma of being confused about his race. His IQ's low, and his brain often redlines when he pushes himself too hard. He tries to compete with us, I’ll give him that, but sadly, he'll always be inferior.


I figured he was a mulatto, it was obvious from some of his deranged comments.


He knows that was only intended at his nonrelevant sarcasm ... Tit for Tat


Ah, I see — my mistake. I just want to make it clear that I like you, TVfan. Even though we disagree on a lot, we’re still allies in the fight against the woke cancer that’s destroying our culture. Solidarity.


In case it's been muddled, I echo what CM said about you. I'm glad you're here.




A picture is worth a thousand words


I know it shouldn't because people on here every day deny what they see in lieu of their party line's narrative, but it blows my mind that it's being denied when it is so explicit.

We're all watching the same video, right?


Are we, though? Not to get too philosophical, but we’re watching the same event through the prism of ideology, creating a kind of parallax view. For all intents and purposes, we’re not really experiencing the same event at all — what we see depends entirely on the ideological lens we’re looking through.


The hokie pokie is still the hokie pokie, whether or not it's what it's all about.

In other words, regardless of our interpretation of intent or meaning, the physical act was performed. This is no less objective than snapping fingers, regardless if the subjective intent is to hurry someone along or add rhythm to a song.


Sure, it’s objective in the sense that we can all agree on the physics of it and quantify it. But I guess what I’m saying is that ideology warps our reality to such an extent that we might as well be looking at a completely different object.


That does make effectual sense, especially based on the various interpretations here.

Something similar was brought up W. V. Quine in Word and Object in regards to what he called translation. I wouldn't be surprised if you've read it or are aware of the conclusions. It's too late right now to get into that in depth.

I prefer the occurrence -> translation model for various reasons. That is, the idea that first something happens that can be described in objective physical terms and then meaning is determined subsequently. A linguistic problem here is that saying "Elon did a Nazi salute" is that the term has the potential to be both of those things; it can be described as both a physical act and as the intent behind a physical act.

Anyway, I suppose to be more precise, it would be better to make a statement such as, "Elon performed a physical gesture that is consistent with the physical gesture referred to as a Nazi salute but his intention of doing so is not definite."


I am somewhat familiar with Quine. I remember reading him a long time ago, but I don’t think it was Word and Object — it was some book about logic. In my post, I was actually referencing Slavoj Zizek’s A Parallax View. I haven’t read the book, but I’ve watched hundreds of his talks and lectures. I still can’t pretend to understand most of what he talks about, but I find it fascinating and informative.

Essentially, he explores the idea of parallax, where the same object appears differently depending on the perspective from which it is viewed. He applies this concept to philosophy, politics, and psychoanalysis, arguing that reality itself is split and shaped by the observer’s position. In Zizek's view, irreconcilable gaps — such as those between subject and object — are not flaws to be resolved but are fundamental to understanding truth and ideology. Through some eccentric amalgam of Hegelian dialectics, Lacanian psychoanalysis, and Marxist critique, he demonstrates that these 'parallax gaps' are essential to grasping the very structure of reality.


Those guys are hard Leftists trying to control minds by pretending that reality is determined by language, everything is up for reinterpreting under a new Leftist lens (except, of course, their theories which are rock-solid 🤣)

Musk was either autistically throwing his heart into the crowd in a way that looks weird, or deliberately trolling Leftists to make them squeal. I’m happy with either. He was not signalling loyalty with the National Socialists and Workers Party of 1930’s Germany, that’s for certain.


Musk was either autistically throwing his heart into the crowd in a way that looks weird, or deliberately trolling Leftists to make them squeal. I’m happy with either. He was not signalling loyalty with the National Socialists and Workers Party of 1930’s Germany, that’s for certain.

This is correct; however, in my view, Musk was accomplishing both — two for the price of one. Appealing to the audience while simultaneously provoking leftists. Musk is calculated enough to pull that off; he wouldn’t have thrown up that Roman without maintaining plausible deniability.


I think you may have mentioned that here but it's not something I'm familiar with.That's a fascinating rationale for relativism as an absolute and I definitely would have made use of that in impromptu in my public speaking days.

I've reached a stage where I feel I have more to gain from absolutist perspectives, but I like that analysis that takes relativism farther than differences in physical composition and experiences.


I highly recommend watching one of Zizek's talks — he’s an absolute trip to listen to. Much like Trump, he does his own version of "the Weave," taking you on a wild ride through a bizarre Hegelian-Marxist-Lacanian kaleidoscope of ideas. It’s like stepping into an abstract funhouse, and honestly, it’s a blast. He’s incredibly entertaining and very funny. One of his signature moves is analyzing film scenes, uncovering abstract structures within them, and then brilliantly showing how ideology functions using those very same structures. It’s fascinating.


I suspected that sort of an idea would be directed in an ethics/social deconstruction context. That actually sounds really cool and I lap up ideas like that from eccentric intellectuals. I've written that down to look more into.

Btw CM, thanks for always being so generous with your informative and interesting responses. You give so many on the forums more time and thoughtfulness than is deserved in your answers. As you put it, you're a good egg.


Btw CM, thanks for always being so generous with your informative and interesting responses. You give so many on the forums more time and thoughtfulness than is deserved in your answers. As you put it, you're a good egg.

Thank you, Semi, truly. It means a great deal coming from you, as you’re one of the people I respect most here. I try to entertain while subtly weaving in something intellectually stimulating, often wrapped in absurd humor and a bit of trolling. But it’s also genuinely refreshing to have those moments when we can step away from that and engage in a more serious, thoughtful conversation.


Well said and my thoughts as well.


"We're all watching the same video, right?"

No actually. The left mostly only posts an edited video where it shows the gesture with either no sound or music overlayed and ends the video the second before he says "thank you. My heart goes out to you" in order to push their nAzi SAluTe narrative. Everyone else posts the full video where it's clear as day that's not what it is. Here is the UNedited vid:


The mask is off. It’s going to get ugly.


I get grasping at straws to fire up your party base who just got completely embarrassed and pulverized in an election, but anyone on either side who legitimately thinks Musk stood up there and gave a knowingly purposeful Nazi salute is too dumb to be involved in any facet of society.

And I’m sure you’ve all seen the photos and the memes of several democratic politicians making the same gesture, and of course the National media, who by now is proven to be as corrupt as any entity in the world, didn’t make a peep when the democratic politicians made that gesture.

This kind of shit is getting old so fast. Get a life.


Neo-Nazis are ecstatic over Elon Musk's salute at Trump inauguration
posted a day ago by HarlemEagle42 (18200)
24 replies | jump to latest

Four years later after their failed putsch against America, fascism has won.";
