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How come conservatives oppose the trans "delusion", but slurp up the delusion of the beardy sky fairy?


For the record, I do think trans-ing is delusional. But talking to beardy sky perverts, based on old texts by little primitive men, is equally delusional.


Their delusions are the oldest and insidiously incorporated into our daily life (look at our lucre!).


No different than those believing their own God and saying it's the one and only true God. All made up by humans for control or way of upbringing or to initiate wars.


Trans isn't a delusion, it's actually a well researched field in medicine.
Brain and body develop partially independent from ane another and for a given percentage of people it results in a brain feeling like the opposite gender as the physical body has.
In theory medicine could fix the mismatch either way around, alter the body or alter the brains wiring, but even the most modern medicine doesn't know enough about the brain, there is no such brain surgery yet, psychologic brainwashing doesn't work, has been attempted in the past and leads to trans people having the highest suicide rates of all groups of people, so for the time being altering the body to fix the mismatch is the only option until such brain surgery becomes available (and then the question still is who gets to decide with way around to fix the mismatch).

Believing in a "beardy sky fairy" isn't a delusion either, but the result of a form of child abuse.
The human brain stores information from the bottom up and it protects older information it has at all cost against newer information that contradicts the older one.
The human brain learns logic thinking around the age of 13, meaning information that makes no logic sense can be indoctrinated into a brain only before the person turns 13.
It's a known fact that children who do not get in touch with religion up to their 13th bday are afterwards immune to religion.
Therefore religious people aren't delusional, they are victims of 100s of consecutive generations of parents all abusing their children by indoctrinating them with religion before they turn 13, where none of the parents can help it, being all victims of the same abuse themselves.
These people need psychologic help.


Old school Gender Identity Disorder exists, yes. It's an illness marked by delusion. Altering the body does little to nothing to fix the suicidality.


You just repeat an assertion without evidence, as if a false statement could become true if only you repeat if often enough.
Try watching this
and then come again claiming they would still be same suicidal when they get support.


Any reduction in suicidality is due to the mental health therapy component. People chopping their tits and dicks off doesn't actually help them (who'da thunk it?).


Here we go again, 3rd repetition of the same empty assertion.
Got nothing better?


Third repetition of reality (something leftoids are allergic to), you mean. See the robust study Ruuska et al, BMJ Mental Health 2024. Again, any reduction in suicidality is due to the mental health therapy component.


4th ...... what do you think how many repetitions will it take before your false statement becomes true?


Lmao! Thanks for making clear that you're a bad faith actor who is willing to vehemently deny reality in order to uphold your insane dogma.

Now, go chop off your 2-inch dick, and wash it down with a nice chianti. You'll feel like you're on top of the world.


"Trans isn't a delusion, it's actually a well researched field in medicine."

Utter bullshit.

reply etc etc

Glad to help,


These people can easily dismiss even the simplest and straightforward scientific evidence as "commie bullshit" if they dont like it , you have no chance with neurological research re trannys.


What scientific evidence? ... The ones based on "theories?" ... There's an extensive list of them.


Why do you support child abuse?


Loaded question and gaslighting noted.


Deflection and Evasion noted.


OK then I'll bite: where do I specifically support child abuse? Quote me the words, or link.


And. Answer. Came. There. None.


Agreed on religion.

Now, about trans people: First, let me make it clear that I have compassion for them, as someone who is neurodivergent. (I know that being neurodivergent is not the same thing, but they are similar in that both involve the brain not developing "normally".) So educate me: What is the fundamental difference between being trans and, say, having somatoparaphrenia (belief that a limb doesn't belong to them), such that the former is treated with surgery and the latter is not? Reputable doctors don't cut off the limbs of people that think a limb doesn't belong, why not? There is no brain surgery option for such people either.


Somatoparaphrenia is an illusional misconception of reality.
Transgender is a scientifically researched and recognized mismatch between the brains wiring and the bodies physical appearance.
There is no surgical procedure that could make people with somatoparaphrenia feel better, but the mismatch of trans people can be fixed either way around and makes people feel better.
Only until the day when medicine develops a brain surgery that can alter the brains wiring, for the time being altering the body is the only option.


Thanks for answering. So, why is having a mismatch between brain and body not an illusional misconception of reality? The trans person believes they are one gender when their body is another.


It's not a belief, it's a physical wiring in the brain, scientifically researched and verified.
You cannot fix a physical mismatch with psychologic brainwashing.
You can wait until medicine develops a brain surgery that can fix the mismatch at the brains end and then give trans people the choice which end they want to alter, but while such brain surgery doesn't exist, the only way to make people feel better is altering the body.

On the other hand there is no advantage for people with somatoparaphrenia to cut off a leg, it doesn't make them feel better, just the opposite, those people will have to wait until a corresponding brain surgery becomes available and until then people have to live with it.

See it from another angle.
Depending which statistics you want to take, somewhere between 0.02% and 0.05% of all people are born "intersex", with partial or even fully developped organs of both genders.
That's a small percentage, but still they are humans and their condition needs in many cases surgical treatment or else they would die when they grow up.
Now WHO gets to decide to which side such surgery should go? Should there be a borderline of a given percentage of organs of one gender from where on these people shouldn't decide for themselves what they prefer to be, but some transphobic president should patronize them into what gender they have to be?

From my perspective the brain is just another organ that indicates a gender and if the brain has a different gender from the body that's the very same thing as intersex and these people should be able to decide themselves what they want to be.


"Now WHO gets to decide to which side such surgery should go? Should there be a borderline of a given percentage of organs of one gender from where on these people shouldn't decide for themselves what theys prefer to be, but some transphobic president should patronize them into what gender they have to be?

From my perspective the brain is just another organ that indicates a gender and if the brain has a different gender from the body that's the very same thing as intersex and these people should be able to decide themselves what they want to be."

I agree that transgender surgery should not be outlawed, so long as the patients are consenting adults.


I fully agree on that one, I would even insert a psychologic evaluation of every individual case to make sure people are certain what they want and aware what they are getting into.
But I would also forbid any attempt to psychologically brainwash these people while they are not yet adults.

Did you know that many intersex people with so serious conditions that they have to have life saving surgery at a very young age will later in life go for trans surgery when they are grown up and figure out that their brain doesn't match what the doctors and/or parents decided for them when they were young?
What parents and doctors decide is only a 50/50 chance to get it right.


Therefore religious people aren't delusional, they are victims of 100s of consecutive generations of parents all abusing their children by indoctrinating them with religion before they turn 13, where none of the parents can help it, being all victims of the same abuse themselves.
These people need psychologic help.

Transgenderism is a mental illness ... And those confused about it require psychological help.

Believing in the creator of our universe is not child abuse, but parents that allow their children to be mutilated and castrated is child abuse.

Oh, and a person can have faith in Christ without being religious or belonging to a cult.

Why do you support child abuse?


"a person can have faith in Christ without being religious". Having faith in anything is by definition religious. Faith is the opposite of reason.


You obviously don’t know what faith is. It's futile debating with faithless heathens.

And faith is the foundation of reason.


Faith means that you believe something without logic or evidence. You "feel" something is true, therefore it's true.


Citing a definition of faith demonstrates your ignorance of the subject.




It's comical how much atheists are triggered by those with faith. I've never pushed my faith onto others. Not on non-believers. Not on Muslims. Not on Hindus. Not on Buddhists. No one. Yet I have never seen a Christian or any other person of faith as belligerent and disrespectful of others' beliefs as a fucking atheist.

Bottom line is, you can't prove God doesn't exist so your "belief" is no more or less delusional than those you denigrate. It's really telling how much you miserable you pieces of shit are that you have to attack people's religious faith. Religious faith is the most powerful force on the planet. Atheism has no power at all, except to rob you of all joy in your life.


Perfectly said.

God is not mocked.


The idea of God is, quite easily as it happens.


I guess you'll see how it plays out.


I'm still waiting for for your Jesus to come back before that generation passed away. How did that play out?


Like i said. skavau.


Would your Jesus approve of your trolling?


I don't troll, but I'm forgiven, past, present and future. You are too. All you have to do is accept His free gift.


I don't troll

Trolling is when someone intentionally posts or comments online to upset or provoke others. Repeated references to Skavau, with whom I am not connected and have said so a few times, is trolling. What does your religion say about bearing false witness?

but I'm forgiven, past, present and future. You are too.

Presumptive pardons are always the fashion then, it seems. Does this mean your all-loving deity no longer sends people to hell fire for ever? Any news on your JC returning, btw? You didn't say and he is way overdue.


Lol, skavau. You really should be honest and own up.

God brings His own to Himself. The others get what they want. To be banished forever from the presence of God. You too can have the FREE gift of salvation. If you choose not to receive it, you won't be saved. It's not rocket surgery.


Lol, skavau.

Hint: what your alleged god has to say about practices like trolling can be found in the ninth commandment.

God brings His own to Himself... To be banished forever ... [blah] It's not rocket surgery.

No, it's not even a good bumper sticker, either.

Has your Jesus come back today btw? There is nothing in the paper...


Like I said, forgiven.

Like Jesus Himself said, no one but The Father knows the time or the hour. You can still receive salvation and I pray daily that you do.


Like Jesus Himself said, no one but The Father knows the time or the hour.

If Jesus really said that, then he cannot be the same as your God, who supposedly knows everything. Bang goes the Trinity then.

And even if not the time and the hour, then JC definitely knew (he thought) within which generation he'd be back, and said so in verses which no less than C S Lewis thought 'among the most embarrassing in the Bible'.

You can still receive salvation and I pray daily that you do.

Good for you. I'm asking Cthulhu to look out for you, too.

Looked up that ninth commandment yet? See how it works?


Like I said, new covenant. Here's a hint: If something is like the old, it isn't new.


Since we are talking about your JC we are already concerned with the 'new', are we not? Or is it that that old commandment no longer applies? And doesn't Malachi have your deity saying it never changes?


Don't play coy, skavau. There's PLENTY of information about the new and old covenants. Educate yourself and seek God. He will enlighten you.


Don't play coy, skavau.

'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour'. There, saved you looking it up, troll. But I forgive you.

There's PLENTY of information about the new and old covenants.

Does this mean your Jesus is coming back soon after all? Don't be coy.

Also I am confused. The prophet Jeremiah said of the New Covenant: “‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. . . . This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,’ declares the Lord. ‘I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people’” (Jeremiah 31:31–33). I don't think I am an ancient Judean or a Jew. Please advise.

seek God.

Will any one of them do... or just the one you prefer, due to the culture you were brought up in?


What are you hoping to accomplish, skavau? Like I said, seek and you will find. The devil also knows scripture and your cherry picking is not only meaningless, it's ineffective.


What are you hoping to accomplish

You said God is not mocked. Well, here I am. I support you fully in your right to hold whatever views you like. Just don't deny me the right not to laugh at them as well.


Oh dear. After all I said about trolling, too, "For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins". Hebrews 10:26 But, I forgive you again.

your cherry picking is not only meaningless, it's ineffective.

Cherry picking means selecting the best bits btw. There's worse, as we both know

Like I said, seek and you will find.

A fine description of confirmation bias, that. And, er, isn't that 'cherry picked' from Matt 7?

The devil also knows scripture

The proof for the existence of which bogey man being...

Your Jesus says he is coming back a week on Thursday btw. Set your alarm, there's a seat for you at the front as one of the elect before you all rise in the air. Seek it and you will find.


You're full of it, skavau. THAT'S the truth, but for some unknown reason you won't admit what we all know.

Laugh all you want, but in the end God is not mocked and every knee including yours will bow.

By the way, there are other meanings of cherry picking, but taking things out of context (typical leftist tactics) would have maybe been a better choice of words. Also there aren't "worse bits", just your typical, out of context quotations to try and undermine the true message. You're not as impressive as you think you are. I've heard it all before.


You're full of it, skavau.

I forgive you, troll. But, unfortunately: "No one who abides in Him keeps on sinning. no one who keeps on sinning has either seen Him or known Him. (1 John 3:6-10) Oh dear.

Laugh all you want, but in the end God is not mocked

Thank you. But you said that about your supposed god before. And how did that turn out for you here? Why would any rational person not mock ancient ideas of a deliberate supernatural?

but taking things out of context

Nothing I have quoted is out of context. The words in regards to deliberate repeat sinners are clear enough, and are entirely apposite in regards to your trolling here.

If anything, you are the one taking things out of context, trying to fob me off with a covenant that Jeremiah clearly says only applies to the locals.

Also there aren't "worse bits",


"Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys. " 1 Samuel 15:3

What's the 'true' message there Xian? Genocide is justified?

or, my favourite:

"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." (Isiah 45:7)

Evil here is usually glossed as 'misfortune' or merely 'natural' evil. That still leaves your deity deliberately creating childhood cancer.

I've heard it all before.

And still you don't question things?


... nor tempted.


Well put.


Bottom line is, you can't prove God doesn't exist

Lmao. Sorry bud, that's not how burden of proof works. The onus is on the religious to prove the legitimacy of their claim (in the case of the Abrahamic religions, that a beardy sky pervert is floating high above). Good luck: perhaps you'll find that one little speck of empirical evidence that has completely eluded the religious for millennia.

belligerent and disrespectful

That's right, people who talk to sky genies are to be disrespected and mocked into oblivion.


So you realize your athiest belief can't be proven either? Seriously, you athiests are all the same. You willfully ignore the difference between theory and fact. Anything about how the universe came about is a theory. You can't know when all these molecules started forming or much less know how that forming of molecules took place. If you want to be an athiest that's up to you but don't be acting like you were there at the beginning of the universe cause you weren't.


Anything about how the universe came about is a theory.

This maybe true but there is no logical reason why it cannot be something wholly natural. It least it would not need supposing a whole additional level of reality. Also not all atheists assert that there is no deliberate supernatural (some like me simply lack belief in one) but every believer will assert their preferred deity exists - so the onus is on them.

If you want to be an athiest that's up to you but don't be acting like you were there at the beginning of the universe cause you weren't.

Exactly the same of course can be said of the theologically challenged.


All creation is proof of a creator or deity.

Not even the most stubborn atheist can fathom all creation as random, spontaneous and originating from nothing.


"All creation", "creator".

You're simply incapable of weighing the possibilities beyond your dogma.


It’s common sense that behind any creation there must also be a creator with the exception of the master creator.

You're simply incapable of applying common sense to something so fundamentally obvious.


Nothing was "created". Matter and the universe have always existed.


So matter and the universe spontaneously came into existence from nothing? ... Such a complex design without any intelligent creator behind it?


Nope, there was never any "coming into existence". The universe has always existed. Matter has always existed, it has just combined into different forms over time.


Let me guess ... the cult of scientism told you that based on all their “theories.” lmao


And let me guess: your religious cult told you to have faith that everything is the result of a preferred deliberate supernatural? That's their theory?


Nice word salad; your programming is getting corrupted. Time for an update🤖


So what exactly did your religious cult tell you, then? Don't be shy.


"I have never seen a Christian or any other person of faith as belligerent and disrespectful of others' beliefs as a fucking atheist."


Yet I have never seen a Christian or any other person of faith as belligerent and disrespectful of others' beliefs as a fucking atheist... It's really telling how much you miserable you pieces of shit are

See what you did there, lol?

As a veteran of several religious boards and their skirmishes I can assure you that believers can be as rude, arrogant and as belligerent as anyone else.

you can't prove God doesn't exist

Never the less the presumption must be for a lack of belief, or at least scepticism in extraordinary claims which are not proven or which come without extraordinary evidence. The alternative is endless credulity.

belligerent and disrespectful ... to attack people's religious faith.

And the reason in a free country, why religion cannot be mocked is...


It's comical how much atheists are triggered by those with faith.

That's not entirely true, they really love their faith in SCIENCE!, and all the scams that come with it... like climate change, pandemics, and what have you. They all prayed at the Church of Fauchi for like 4 straight years, and inject his jizz into their veins every few months.


scams like climate change, pandemics,

You saying these things are not real and should not be addressed?


A list of inspiring atheists…

Any questions?


Dawkins tells us to seize the day and live life to the full, because it ends here on earth (and there isn't a shred of empirical evidence to say otherwise). That being in thrall of beardy sky genies, and thinking of life here on earth as a mere dress rehearsal, is a terrible waste.

Yep, he's been pretty inspirational to me.


Any questions?

Yes why have you not done any research? Also why do you not recognise that people are inspired by different things?


Hey Blackmass. Are you an asshole?


Possibly, but the post comes from a place of genuine curiosity. It amazes me how conservatives like Charlie Kirk and Matt Walsh can be so dedicated to calling out liberal delusion, while being so committed to upholding their own. Personally, I'd like to see delusion weeded out across the board.


both transphobes and bible-thumpers are retards

So you’re at least 50% retard


That's a libtard position, making you 100% retard.


I’m a libertarian, making you 110% a brain-damaged faget


Only a libtard thinks that describing a man in a dress, as a man, is some kind of "phobia" lmao.


And yet you people keep whining about it, almost as though you’re obsessed with it, almost as if… you like to wear lady’s dresses secretly?

Btw, there’s a difference between transgenders and cross-dressers.

Do you think Ed Wood was any less of a man because he wore women’s brassier? He parachuted in Dubya Dubya 2 ya know


I'm equally "obsessed" with sky fairy worshippers. But since we align on that issue, you're not throwing a hissyfit about it.

Someone opposing you on an adjacent issue, with biological fact, is somehow "phobic". This is exactly what the post is about. Leftist delusion is not superior to right-wing delusion (or vice-versa). It's all steaming garbage.


What is biological fact about a man wearing a dress, he’s still a man isn’t he?


Yes. Glad we finally agree that transgenderism is a crock of shit.


So you’re saying cross-dressing is not a crock of shit, but transgenderism is?


I wouldn't recommend cross-dressing, no.


You never felt the urge to slip on a pair of lady’s stockings?


"But it's MY delusion so it's different!!!11" Matt Walsh and his ilk are fair-weather logicians, only interested in reason when it's beneficial to their cause. The ultimate irony is that their cause stems from a set of illogical beliefs that they'll never be able to defend in the same manner.

To recognize the delusion that infests both sides of the spectrum is truly a rare gift, it seems.


They can believe a man came back to life, but a more nuanced way of looking at biological sex is too much?
