Let’s look at the evidence, and feel free to add your own observations.
1. Skavau runs away from the entire site in humiliation immediately after Trump’s victory (his 2 years of gaslighting utterly failed and backfired) and coinciding with this Flimflam emerges as a 24/7 incessant poster doing a practically identical routine - trolling and interrogating anyone who resists the regime and its bullshit narratives.
3. Both are low IQ yet smug pseudo intellectual Brits who deal in bad and transparent sophistry.
4. Both feel like ‘bots’ - they lack humanity, invention, humour, and have robotic, repetitive speech patterns that feel… mechanical.
5. If Skavau was being ridiculed, Flimflam would often appear to try and defend him and take the heat off.
6. Both demand answers to a barrage of questions, pretending to be curious Socratic thinkers, yet hypocritically run away from and evade questions they find challenging.
7. Flimflam uses Skavau’s dirty tactic of haranguing the mods to have you censored and banned for supposedly breaking rules, which he tries to bait you into breaking.
I’ll add more as we go. Of course, it’s possible that they’re simply both regime cultists and that will naturally attract similar disgusting personality types, but the similarities here are more striking than usual.
What do you think? Is Flimflam Skavau’s sock, or does Skavau just wear him like one when they’re alone? 🤔
FilmFlaneur is not Skavau. Skavau had a distinct personality I would describe as autistic. He would obsess over minutiae, demanding evidence for everything — even when it was unnecessary or inappropriate. He struggled to differentiate between casual conversation, playful banter, and serious debate. His demeanor was cold and calculated, rarely showing emotion except when someone criticized liberal values, at which point he would become angry and hateful.
Despite being one of the most active members for many years, he seemed to lack any real connection to others here. I never considered him an intellectual or even a pseudointellectual — just someone who enjoyed arguing and did it well. While I had many debates with him and often enjoyed the back-and-forth, it could sometimes become tedious, boring, and exhausting. Conversations would stretch on endlessly, with every statement being questioned and requiring detailed explanations backed by evidence that wasn’t always readily available in a neatly packaged form.
Although I've had heated debates with him and found some of his actions annoying and even repulsive, I don't hate him — and I miss his presence here.
As for FilmFlaneur, I find him personable, playful, and a strong debater. While we have profound disagreements on politics and culture, he’s one of the few here who can effectively challenge my views and give me the chance to defend them. Unlike Skavau, I consider him a good-faith actor. He engages with opposing views without resorting to name-calling or tantrums. I also consider him somewhat intellectual, with a demeanor shaped by spending time in academic circles — though the downside of this is an establishment bias. Overall, I enjoy sparring with him. I’ve never seen him try to censor anyone, and it would be disappointing to learn he had. Even when I push boundaries, and I push them hard, he’s never suggested I should be reported or mentioned doing so himself.
My experience of Flimflam has been much worse - he recently went squealing to the mods to have me censored and banned (after deliberately baiting me into saying things that might snag a tripwire - a classic tactic of Skavau)
He’s a low IQ poseur who pretentiously uses phrases in Latin, French and other languages… but routinely gets the meaning wrong, and that’s before we even mention his atrocious spelling and grammar when it comes to English.
I might be able to forgive all this if he wasn’t such a smug twat, and a censorious sack of shit.
He’s as much of an odious cretin as Skavau, with the same disgusting and badly concealed political agenda, although as you observe the nature of the stink is slightly different.
It would come as absolutely no surprise to me to learn that he is a Skavau sock, although it’s certainly possible that they simply crawled out of the same anus. In any case, he has taken over from Skavau as Head Sister:
"Skavau...he seemed to lack any real connection to others here."
That's not entirely true.
"FilmFlaneur, I find him personable, playful, and a strong debater."
I can't agree with that either. Conversation with flimflam goes as follows:
You make a claim; let's say, "Church attendance is good for society and helps to maintain community bonds."
Flimflam: Opens Google, types "church bad society community." Skims the top three articles, copy pastes a paragraph. Next he opens up Google once again and types, "church alternatives better for society." Three more articles are skimmed and more paragraphs are copy pasted. Top it off with a sarcastic one liner, or maybe two, and you now have a flimflam post. That's when he's not just rattling off terms like straw man and ad hominem.
If I wanted to debate with Google, I'd search up contrary terms and start swearing at my screen, rather than respond to flimflam. Like that stupid ugly bitch Shania Twain said:
"So you're a source miner? That don't impress me much."
Sorry for the delayed response. I dropped by briefly last week but was gone again for a while. It’s good to be back.
As for FilmFlaneur, I’m not sure — perhaps our experiences differ. I don’t deny what you’ve said; I’ve seen FF do exactly what you described. However, I tend to steer conversations toward areas where Googling won’t help much. For instance, during my debates with him about negation or atheism versus nontheism, Google wouldn’t be of any use. Those discussions are rooted in logic — either you grasp it or you don’t. It’s not something you can search for; you just have to reason your way through it.
That conversation is a good example. Once the layers of sophistry are gone, I do believe he has perspectives that could add to discussions here. Hopefully we'll see more of that.
If I wanted to debate with Google, I'd search up contrary terms and start swearing at my screen,
Then why do people make points and claims which can easily contradicted by a simple Google search? I've had people even argue with simple dictionary definitions, while lately the favourite is that fact checkers are, obviously, liars. In my background the quoting of sources and substantiation to make an argument is expected and common; here it seems scorned or the sources are often not authoritative. (I am not insensitive to the Argument from Authority fallacy, I should say) The alternative is just tvfan's way: something is right because it suits his unsubstantiated opinion to say it, end of.
he's not just rattling off terms like straw man and ad hominem.
With the number of insults I get from the usual 3 or 4 suspects,
it is much more usually ad hominems.. The current thread, with a few honourable exceptions, is one long personal attack is it not? QED. I am flattered though, to have so much attention. But you people really need to concentrate on debates rather than character assassination revealing grudges of which ultimately, just show how much I can sting in debate..
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as autistic. He would obsess over minutiae, demanding evidence for everything — even when it was unnecessary or inappropriate.
Both request evidence about everything from almost everyone, their MO is 99% identical in every way except for the coprolalia which is almost impossible to hide or disguise indefinitely. This is the only reason why I don't believe that they are the same person, but definitely a clone minus the coprolalia.
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It's interesting what you say and i do agree with that skavau is on some kind of spectrum, theres some level of autism or something there...
But heres the thing, if skavau has infact stopped using his skavau account and is now using the filmflaneur persona, then skavau did this for a reason, that even in his autistic state, he was able to see something was wrong, he was embarrassed..
this could have changed his new approach when it comes to interacting with people.
Skavaus whole thing was asking for evidence right? well why? think about it. he wanted "evidence" even for personal opinions..that always told me that it was about proving and demostrating something. he saw the world a certain way and only a website that he agreed with was "evidence"
if skavau was here to convince you of a political ideology, that the world is how he believes it to be... "or evidence now!"
offering a slightly more toned down version aka filmflaneur could be his new approach after the aggressive skavau one failed.
Skavau maintained the same autistic persona here for years, posting consistently. There’s no conceivable way he could transition seamlessly from that persona to the one of FilmFlaneur unless the latter was his true self all along. But that would imply he spent five years pretending to be autistic, posting under this fabricated identity relentlessly, literally all day every day, day in and day out, . If that were the case, it would suggest Skavau is far more disturbed than any of us ever imagined. Frankly, it just doesn’t seem plausible to me.
Skavau was like a machine, you've just said it. you've described him as machine like, who would show no human emotion. thats why like many people think he was a bot (i dont)
so what does that tell you? skavaus only interest was to belt out a political message.
if you dared question it, he'd demand evidence, even for personal opinions and then claim victory if he didn't like the source of the evidence, or you couldn't be bothered.
in his mind, him doing this was verifying his ideology, not just to himself but anyone reading the conversation..
why? i always asked myself why did he care so much? well because obviously he was a very radical person who wanted to get his ideology across, which was either a part of his illness or what he really believed..
now we agree he was autistic right? but autistic people don't always have a lot of self awareness, but skavau was self-aware enough to be shamed by trump winning! or whatever...
or was he? is he now simply using a different tactic with filmflam? the more understanding, less radical version of himself? yet still shows all the signs of being the same old skavau?
a british atheist who demands evidence, says "ad-hominem" at least 6 times a day and breaks your reponses down into parts..
Nah, I’ve interacted with both of them extensively — probably more than most — and in my opinion, there’s virtually no way they’re the same person. I can understand why many people think they are; on the surface, there are a lot of similarities. But if you look a little deeper, underneath the surface, there are numerous subtle differences. They simply have different personalities, temperaments, senses of humor, and so on.
Break it down, break it down to what we do know...
Skavau was a british atheist, who commented mainly whenever someone started a thread about british politics and religion. his strategy was to demand evidence., breakdown your response into bullet points, find a main point to get upset about while conceding on the smaller issues to seem "reasonable" often throwing around pretentious terms like "ad-hominem" the day trump wins he vanishes...
Then a user appears "film flameur" a self admitted british atheist who at the beginning was pretty much only active on the threads about SKAVAU!, is always the first to repond to threads about the uk, especially if it's negative, mentions religion a lot, demands evidence and breaks your posts down into bullet points, tries to seem reasonable and uses "ad-hominem"
either it's the biggest coincidence ever! or something is going on.
another important thing that we do know for a fact is that skavau is very very very invested in internet forums, search his name, he's everywhere, he's even a MOD on reddit. making him a regulator whos been around for years and knows all the tricks..
you really think that someone can't create another internet persona? someone so invested in the internet and it's talk forums? so much so, he moderates and regulates them?
you only have to take a look at real life events, some catfish episodes or whatever to know that this is common! very common.
by a lot of standards, skavau making another account and taming down his approach, would be bland in comparision to what some loons do online.
i'm 1000% sure that looking deep into skavau on another internet forums, maybe even reddit, you wouldn't have to look that hard for someone called filmflaneur hangiung around, backing skavau up.
God damn, I was just about to ask this. What the fuck is with all these posts with deleted names? It's fucking annoying. Why do people do this? I see it all the time.
It's a strange thing to do for sure. There was that completely batshit guy AsBelowSoAbove this summer who used to do it because he apparently thought his activity was being tracked from site to site, but I'm not sure why others here do it.
Same here. I've asked a few people about it but haven't received an answer. I don't know if people even get notifications from responses to a deleted post.
Yeah, I can never tell if it's even worth responding to these people. Can they still access their account and see their notifications? No one seems to know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You might be right about that. There's a user named jimmyjuliano12 (not the jimmyjuliano112 that posted here) that last posted three years ago but that's where the trail ends:
My guess is that he’s trying to disguise himself as a returning legacy user, but if he’s using previously identified IP addresses associated with banned accounts then the mods will target and destroy.
I could be wrong, but this poster is quite funny and gets Skavau’s shtick, which means Skavau will have harangued the mods to censor and ban him, and if his posts were spicy enough they may well have done that.
Yep, just an act. Flimflam is on here 24/7 desperately trying to peddle his Leftoid agenda and nobody is buying it. Every time he tries he gets the intellectual shit kicked out of him… and it’s making him mad.
Skavau was very low IQ, yet at the same time thought of himself as smart. when the content of his argument was lacking, thats when he would throw around grandioso words and phrases, the most famous of them was "ad-homimen"
his argument was so bad he thought throwing around these terms would add intelligence to it. this is also very textbook filmflam..
In the summer someone came here to "expose" skavau and posted up all kinds of stuff, one of them was from some atheist forum where it became clear that his hatred towards christianity came from him being gay and the churches opposition to homosexuality....
Filmflam is also a british atheist who demands evidence, especially on a thread which could be seen as negative towards the UK.
Both reply to you copying and pasting each thing you've said and then replying to each thing. most people can't be bothered with that, but it was soo skavau and now filmfalm..
Skavau goes missing and then all of a sudden filmflam appears posting and in the exact same way.
Skavau was too emotionally invested in MC, like he is with reddit just to simply walk away.
many times skavau said "i'm not going anywhere i'll fight" he was right, he just has a different username now.
Just to say: I'm saving this thread (as I did the identical last one or two). The implicit paranoia is very funny and all the attention is flattering. Melton though has lately been having some revealing scatological fantasies about me, so women and children are best advised not to read any further in case he starts it here.
As for why jimmyjuliano112 deletes all his threads so abruptly (including one with me, just today) I imagine either he is unstable or worried about the deep state coming after him...
I’m surprised to see you sharing a thread in which you confess to getting a gay boner from having your head forcibly plunged into a toilet filled with excrement, but I won’t stop you. People need to know just how depraved the new Head Sister is.