MovieChat Forums > Politics > I think this decade saw the right become...

I think this decade saw the right become the new snowflakes

Last decade, the left was constantly triggered over ridiculous things, such as a scientist wearing a shirt featuring drawings of scantily clad women. And I'm not saying they aren't anymore, but it seems like this decade they pulled back a bit, and the right became the prominent snowflakes. There are so many things, that range from completely innocuous, to slightly cringe but still harmless, that the right has treated as worse than Hitler. An ad featuring a transgender person, a movie featuring a gay kiss, a video game featuring a female character, a singer playing a flute, a joke or criticism about Trump, a person wearing a mask or getting vaccinated, etc. Not only do they have a complete meltdown, they actually advocate for cancel culture, something they've apparently been trying so hard to fight against.


This is a reaction — a necessary correction to the Woke era. Wokeness is a cancer that must be eradicated. As it spread and infected every corner of our culture, reaching unimaginable levels of absurdity, the Right’s hostility toward it grew stronger. What began as a minor annoyance, something you might roll your eyes at, evolved into something so repulsive and oppressive that it ultimately became intolerable.


I don't see how it's a "necessary correction", creating more snowflakes doesn't solve any problem, it just adds more problems. I don't like wokeness either, but I think the issue is heavily exaggerated, and saying it "must be eradicated" sounds kinda anti free speech.


and saying it "must be eradicated" sounds kinda anti free speech.

That doctor who said cancer must be eradicated was really anti-freedom-of-cells. I don't like that.


So you're saying you're against free speech?


So you're saying people fought in WW2 so people could spend their lives trying to murder childrens' authors


I have no idea what you’re referring to there.


Then you don't understand wokeness do you? Dumbass. What's your idea of "woke" you retard?


You sound rather triggered, further proving my point. It’s subjective, since it’s not really a real word, but I’d say it means going overboard needlessly trying to please groups such as women, people of colour, LGBT people, etc.


It’s not their speech that needs to be eradicated — it’s them and their ideology. I’m not advocating for silencing their speech or making it illegal. Instead, they should be turned into complete pariahs. Use social pressure to drive them out of society altogether, forcing them into the shadows like rats, never to be seen or heard from again.

Look at how Neo-Nazis are treated today: legally, they’re free to speak, but no one associates with them, no one hires them, and no organizations accept them — they’re total outcasts. My goal is to reverse this dynamic: rehabilitate fascists, racists, and even Nazis if necessary, while turning the Wokes into the new pariahs. Let them be shunned, rejected, and removed entirely from the fabric of society.


Why do we have to target one specific political group, instead of harmful ideologies in general? Why can’t we just take everyone with harmful ideologies, so both woke people and Nazis, and either rehabilitate them both or make them both social pariahs?


No, I understand your point, but I don’t believe Nazis inherently have a harmful ideology. It really depends on how you define 'Nazi.' If you're referring to the systematic targeting and extermination of Jews, then yes, that is undeniably harmful, and I agree. However, if by 'Nazi' you mean a far-right ideology that advocates for a racially homogeneous White society and seeks to remove degeneracy, then not only do I think this is not harmful, but I actually view it as a positive ideology. These kinds of 'Nazis' should be rehabilitated and even celebrated, while the Wokes, who champion degeneracy and "Diversity" and "Inclusion" and "Equity", should be the ones ostracized. Degeneracy and DEI should be condemned, not glorified.


Couldn't you say the same about woke people? It depends how you'd define "inherently", but you could argue their ideology isn't inherently harmful, their ideology is supposed to be about helping people, they just go way overboard. I definitely don't think we should push for a homogeneous white society. I don't think we should push for diversity either, I think we should simply stop thinking about race, and pushing for either seems equally ridiculous.


I understand your point, but when I say 'Woke,' I’m referring specifically to a corrosive and harmful version of Left-wing ideology, which, in its original form, is not inherently toxic. Woke ideology should be eradicated from society precisely because it distorts and poisons what could otherwise be a constructive, culturally Left-wing perspective.

As for homogeneous societies, no, I don't believe we can or should ignore race. Race matters, and the un-Woke individuals who claim otherwise simply haven’t thought it through. Consider this thought experiment: if we were to replace all the Asians in China with Africans, would that not make a profound difference? Would we not lose a millennia-old culture, a distinct people with their own history, heritage, and way of life? If you do think so then clearly race matters. But if you say those things don't matter, everyone is just interchangeable, and it makes no difference whether China is predominantly Black, then I don't think you're being honest with yourself about the importance of race and culture.


The right have always been hypocrites and snowflakes. You see it more under Trumpism.


please elaborate. Because I seem to remember you saying the victims of hurricane Helene deserved to die for not voting Democrat.

Trump is back and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. The border will be closed, the illegals you people let in will be deported, there will be no more gender transition surgeries for minors and no more men in women’s sports . We won , you lost.


Your memory is faulty since that's NOT what I wrote. You're likely projecting your own twisted narrow-minded thoughts onto me.

Careful what you wish for! Meanwhile, I've bought plenty of popcorn for the schadenfreude show when Trumpites get what they deserve.


And yet here you are in this very same post wishing bad things on people just because they don’t vote the way you do. You are Joy Reid are disgusting.

And yes I look forward to lower inflation, lower illegal immigration, men out of women's sports, no taxes on tips, no gender transition surgeries for minors. You are nothing more than a sad, bitter loser, you need to quit being so negative and learn your place. We won, you lost, elections have consequences.


I think this decade saw the right become the new snowflakes

Have we? oh, no... we'll definitely have to all kill ourselves now!


I have yet to see any examples of the right becoming the new snowflakes. Your post lacks context to say otherwise.

I have seen the right, and the center, and the center-left, justifiably react against the slop that’s infected their spaces the last 10+ years.


Well a lot of the stuff they complain about is ridiculous, and even when they complain about something valid, they often heavily overreact.


What are they complaining about that’s ridiculous?

And what valid stuff are they overreacting about?


I already gave a list of examples in my OP.


Those "examples" are vague descriptions that don't specify or prove anything.


OK I already specified some to someone else, I'll copy and paste it:

Yes, I am referring to Dylan Mulvaney.

Lots of people were angry about the brief lesbian kiss in Lightyear.

Lots of people are angry that one of the playable characters in GTA 6 is a woman.

Lots of people were angry about Lizzo playing James Madison's flute.

Lots of people are angry over any jokes or criticism of Trump, and say it's all TDS.


Nobody wants to see a trans person on their drink. Transexuality/transgenderism is a mental disease that shouldn't be celebrated at all, let alone used as a marketing tactic.

Nobody wants to see lesbians kissing in a kids' movie.

People are concerned that the woman in GTA 6 is gonna be a woke girlboss; other than that, they have no problem with a woman being playable, other GTAs have done that.

I don't know enough about Lizzo playing a flute, but I do know people don't like her in general, especially after it was revealed that she hates other fat people.

TDS is an actual issue, and all the "jokes" I've seen from the left are mean-spirited and not funny.

None of that suggests the right are the new snowflakes. All their reactions so far have been justified and appropriate.


I agree transgenderism is a mental illness, but I don't see how the ad was trying to encourage people to become transgender. It was just a transgender person talking about beer. Are people with mental illnesses not supposed to do anything, at risk of encouraging mental illness? Would you say the same if it was a cis person with schizophrenia?

How many kid's movies show straight people kissing? How is it any different?

I think lots of people are angry about a playable character in GTA 6 being a woman, and there's no evidence that it will be woke.

Even if the jokes are mean-spirited, so what? So many conservatives made fun of Biden's obvious dementia, which I have no problem with, you can't get much more mean-spirited than that, nothing should be off-limits in comedy. In regard to them not being funny, that's very subjective.


I'll say again: transgenderism should not be celebrated, it should be treated like the disease it is. Putting a trans woman on a drink says it's ok to be sick and delusional. Nobody agrees with that, and nobody wants an ugly dude in a dress and wig on their drink. If the cis man's schizophrenia was celebrated and emphasized in the marketing, it'd be equally as bad.

Most people are straight, and straight people make kids. If you wanna tell kids about gay people, wait till they're older, otherwise put it in a movie or show where it won't stick out like a sore thumb.

I have yet to see anyone angry that a woman is the playable character in GTA 6. If there is, they are an extreme minority even among right wingers. I've only seen people worry that GTA 6 will be woke. If you need proof, just look at the development team, and remember that it's current year, meaning every major gaming company has gone woke.

When conservative comedians hold a severed Biden head, post paintings of Captain America holding Biden's head, and make mock-plays of stabbing Biden like Caesar, then you can compare the two. Otherwise, the jokes rightwingers made of Biden and his supporters aren't at all the same as what leftwingers say about Trump and his supporters.


I know I'm pretty much saying what I've already said, I don't know how else to say it, but I really don't see how the ad was celebrating transgenderism, it was just a transgender person talking about beer. If it was a cis schizophrenic person, would you say that encourages people to be schizophrenic? Are people with mental illnesses not supposed to do anything, at risk of encouraging their mental illness?

I don't see why most people being straight makes a difference, and there are ways gay people can have kids, I don't see what difference that makes either anyway. I really don't see why kids knowing about them is a problem, and even if it was, they can see can people kissing whenever they go outside.

OK maybe some of the jokes about Trump are a little more mean-spirited, but again, nothing should be nothing should be off-limits in comedy. So many comedians joke about things like the holocaust, I don't see how that's less mean-spirited.


Why else would they market a trans person? And I already said it that using a schizo in the same manner would’ve been just as bad, and seen as encouraging schizophrenia.

Gay people can only adopt kids, who have been made through heterosexual intercourse. There’s no need to put homosexuality in kids stuff, the fact that people (not necessarily you) get triggered by the pushback only makes supporters look more suspicious.

I never said anything about any jokes being off limits, nor have I seen anyone push for such things. I’m saying that there is merit in criticizing leftist “jokes” since they border on threats.


They probably used a transgender person to encourage transgender people to buy the beer. I highly doubt they actually care about anything other than selling beer, I highly doubt their goal was to promote transgenderism. Maybe it was, but since there's no evidence, assuming it was sounds like a conspiracy theory.

There are others ways gay people can have kids, such as surrogacy. I never said there's a "need" to put homosexuality in kids stuff, there isn't really a need to do anything, I just don't see what harm it would do.

I think you can criticise jokes simply for not being funny, but I don't think any jokes should be criticised for being harmful. Like with the transgenderism thing, there's no evidence that the jokes are part of some attempt to encourage someone to assassinate Trump, and making people afraid to tell the wrong types of jokes sets a very bad precedent.


There was nothing stopping trans people from buying beer before, and there's nothing stopping them now. They hired him because his trans, to show that it's cool to be trans when its not, it's unhealthy and self-destructive. Calling people's concerns a conspiracy theory these days is basically a confirmation.

Surrogacy and in vitro fertilization still requires the fusion of a sperm and egg, which is a heterosexual process. If there's no need, then the pushback shouldn't be a problem.

Mean-spirited jokes about killing someone and parading his corpse are harmful; at the very least they're disturbing and suspicious. It make sense that the person targeted, and his followers, would take them as a threat. And their fears were validated when two people tried to assassinate him.


That's how advertising works, having a transgender person will make transgender people more likely to buy it. Even if they actually did want the world to become transgender, I highly doubt they'd actually try to send that message, all they get paid to do is try to make as many people as possible buy their beer.

I still don't see what reproduction has to do with it. I suppose maybe you could argue that there is a need, in the same way there is a need for everything in movies. Every frame, no matter how insignificant, is part of storytelling. There's no reason homosexuality is more or less important than anything else, but the pushback encourages filmmakers to limit their creativity for trivial reasons.

Would you say the same about holocaust jokes? I'd argue they're much more offensive, but comedy by definition is always offensive, since it's always making fun of something. I'm sure those assassination attempts still would've happened if comedians didn't make those jokes, that's basically like saying video games make people violent.


Again, no one was stopping trans people from buying beer, their mental condition wasn't stopping them from buying beer, so why advertise someone who's flaunting said condition? Cancer people can buy beer too, we don't need to hire someone who loves their cancer and give people the idea that cancer is actually a good thing.

There is not enough demand for shoving gay people in everything, let alone kids shows, even for a 1-second kiss. Just because people are more willing to tolerate queerness, that doesn't mean queers should be in everything. I'm queer myself and even I think kids stuff should be off limits.

Depends on the joke. If it involves threatening harm against survivors, then yes, those are absolutely harmful and aren't jokes at all, they deserve every ounce of condemnation they get. If it's just dark humor, then it's fine.
Video games don't make people violent, but cranking out content about killing Trump, and making him out as the worst guy since Hitler, absolutely pushed people into actually trying to kill him, and assault anyone who voted for him.


Sorry if I sound rude, but you're missing the point. Sure, nothing was stopping transgender people from buying the beer, but there are probably transgender people who wouldn't have considered it otherwise. That's the purpose of advertising, to get as many people to buy it as possible.

There doesn't need to be demand for it. Movies are simply about storytelling, they should do whatever works best for the movie, regardless of what people think of it. Obviously it's not in literally everything, I assume you mean it's in a lot, but I don't even really think it is, it's just in more than it used to be. And pointlessly trying to shove it down people's throats is pretty cringe, but I don't see why simply depicting homosexuality should be avoided, I don't see how it's more abnormal than heterosexuality.

I agree threatening violence is wrong, and you shouldn't be able to blatantly threaten violence and get away with it by saying "it's just a joke". There is a line, and sometimes it is hard to tell, but I don't think anyone crossed that line Trump, I think that was all just comedy. Again, it's possible the comedians really want Trump to die, but there's no evidence.

I do think the media most likely contributed to the assassination attempts, and the media clearly is biased against him, which obviously is wrong, but not for that reason, I think the world would be pretty impractical if everyone was always worried that everything they say could result in violence. I don't see how any jokes about him could've had any impact.


No worries, I don't think you're being rude at all.

The purpose of marketing is to entice people to buy a product. No normal person is so shallow that they need to see someone else exactly like him to buy something, despite what the media might have you believe. Just because I'm queer, that doesn't mean seeing another queer person drinking beer will suddenly make me wanna buy beer too. Seeing my sexuality celebrated just feels weird, creepy, and fake; seeing a mental illness being celebrated is even worse.

Following up on that, supply and demand governs everything. There is not enough demand to see gay stuff in kids shows, quite the opposite, people don't want to see any gay stuff in kids shows at all, so there will be pushback against even the slightest hint of it. Heterosexual representation is accepted (within reason) because, statistically, it is the norm. Western corporations need to understand that tolerance only goes so far.

Glad to see we're mostly on the same page on jokes against Trump when it threatens violence. If it was just making fun of his hair or speech patterns or whatever, I guarantee nobody would care. But these days most of their "jokes" are outright hateful to him and his supporters, so of course they will be condemned.


I'm not sure there's much else to say, let's agree to disagree.


People are concerned that the woman in GTA 6 is gonna be a woke girlboss

Are you serious?
To have a the girl character not have exactly the same abilities as the male characters is ludicrous.
including "beating up 3 200lb men" - to quote the go-to anti woke warrior phraseology
Its a video game character for gods sake!
Were you upset when the Chun-li character in streetfighter 2 was capable of beating the big Russian guy?

You just made the OP's point for him


Its a video game character for gods sake!

Tell that to all the wokeys who got scared and offended by hot video game women. They started this whole mess in the first place, we're just reacting.

Were you upset when the Chun-li character in streetfighter 2 was capable of beating the big Russian guy?

Was I upset that a woman can beat up larger men in a game with super powers and monsters? No. I also wasn't upset with Lara Croft, Sonya Blade, Joanna Dark, or other western female characters in the pre-Trump era. Japan and Korea also continue knocking it out of the park with strong women, and nobody complained except the tolerant inclusive left.

You're exceedingly naive if you actually think western video game women (or movie and book women for that matter) are the same as fictional women from back then, or that eastern fictional women are at all comparable.


My God people, take the fucking L...


Why don't they just identify as having won?

Did I miss how their pretend world works?


That means take the loss, right? You mean like Trump's supporters did in 2020? I'm not even a Trump or Kamala supporter, I just thought I'd point out the irony.


Complete meltdown??? Give one example. You can't. It doesn't exist. Crawl back under that rock.


I gave multiple examples in my OP. Another example is how angry you are right now.


You did not. You claimed people melted down over those things. I asked for one example of people melting down. There are none. Meanwhile, the internet is awash with examples of liberals losing their shit over an election. Your stupid post could be used as an example.

I hate to burst your bubble but I don't have to be angry or triggered to respond to the musings of stupid people. Don't flatter yourself.


Well it depends on how you define "meltdown", I meant it more figuratively. As far as I know, they haven't screamed and cried over those things, but they have been extremely angry over them. And I don't see what this has to do with the election.


Yeah, well there's a huge fucking difference between getting angry about important issues (like paying double for shit because of government spending) and having an emotional breakdown over a lost election. People do tend to get angry when their children or liberty are threatened by retarded leftist ideology.


Both sides definitely have had meltdowns over lost elections. Which side stormed the Capitol?


Which side rioted for eight months?

The video shows police opening the doors for them. I know you like to play with the meaning of words but it hardly seems like a "storm". Not to mention the fact that those people were upset about a stolen election after years of propaganda and lies and 15 million votes that have mysteriously disappeared.


I never said the left is much better, I'm just saying the right doesn't exactly have the moral high ground. I think it definitely does fit the definition of "storm". Everyone thinks their reasons are valid. You realise anyone can find an excuse to claim the election was stolen if their preferred candidate lost?


The police opened the doors for them. That by definition destroys your "stormed" statement. Of course, that video was withheld from the public for how long?

So your "meltdown" comment was bullshit. The "stormed" comment was bullshit.

And of course there's those 15million votes that magically disappeared.


Who's this transgender person featured in an ad? Was it that clown Dillan Mulvaney?

What movie with a gay kiss?

What video game featuring a female character? Are you sure there weren't any other REAL complaints, besides she's a female character?

I never heard of anything about a singer playing a flute.

As for jokes and criticism about Trump, as long as they're not circlejerk trash for people with severe TDS, then it's fine.

Wearing masks or getting vaccinated, eh someone else can take that one.


Yes, I am referring to Dylan Mulvaney.

Lots of people were angry about the brief lesbian kiss in Lightyear.

Lots of people are angry that one of the playable characters in GTA 6 is a woman.

Lots of people were angry about Lizzo playing James Madison's flute.

Lots of people are angry over any jokes or criticism of Trump, and say it's all TDS.


Conservatives getting pissed because their favorite beer is now being marketed by the mentally ill, the gay agenda being pushed on their kids, or some nasty twerking Marxist handling a national treasure that once belonged to one of the Founding Fathers and a liberal having a meltdown because Trump said something on Twitter they didn't like, very, very, very different things. Conservatives anger over real issues. Liberals are triggered by words. Nice try but no.


What you're doing is exactly what you probably accuse liberals of doing, desperately trying to find ridiculous excuses to get offended over everything. You say they're "real issues", but that's what liberals think too.

I do think gender dysphoria is a mental illness, but I have no idea why everyone took it as a personal attack or something. The ad didn't even promote transgenderism, it was simply a transgender person talking about beer. Would you say the same if it was a cis schizophrenic person? Are people with mental illnesses not allowed to do anything?

How is the gay agenda being pushed on kids? It was just a very brief kiss, the movie never tried to convince anyone to become gay. How many kid's movies show straight couples kissing? Is that pushing the straight agenda?

I'm not a fan of Lizzo, but how is her playing James Madison's flute an insult? If anything, it's a compliment. Are you saying nobody should touch historical artefacts except people you find likeable?

Conservatives definitely often do get angry over words, like you are now. Look how many got angry over harmless jokes about the Trump assassination attempt.


The liberal need to downplay all the nefarious shit they stand for is once again, duly noted.


I'm not even sure whether or not I'm a liberal, I've never taken a political compass test, and I have beliefs that would anger both sides. But the fact that you're assuming I'm a liberal just because I point out ridiculousness on both sides, and haven't actually refuted any of my points, kinda proves my point.


Liberals are far too easy to pick out of a crowd. If it quacks like a duck.


Dillan Mulvaney is blackface for women.

I'm still pretty on the fence about gay exposure to kids as well. There's ongoing discussion about whether or not it encourages sensuality. Many members from both sides insist that gay is near inherently sexual.

If you're still interested in talking about the GTA example, I need more info. Specifically, what were the actual complaints?

I'm still new about the flute example, but Lizzo is a black woman, and James Madison was a slave owner. I likely setup for modern liberal insulting a past president. You sure there isn't more to it than a compliment?

Joking about any assassination attempt is NOT tolerable. Didn't somebody actually die from the attempt?


There's a character limit, so I have to do this in two replies.

I know not all conservatives think the same, but I thought conservatives in general had no problem with blackface, and I don't have a problem with it either. I never understood how it's any different from dressing up a Scotsman or whatever. I know the history is different, but lots of harmless things have bad histories, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it now, unless it's done deliberately to make black people feel bad, but the same can be said about dressing up a Scotsman.

So in the same way, I don't see what's wrong a man dressing up as a woman. I personally find it rather cringe, but I don't see how it's an insult. Being offended over it seems just as ridiculous as the left being offended over cartoon characters who are people of colour being voiced by white people. Yet I'd argue Dylan Mulvaney isn't even really dressing up like a woman, since he got a sex change, something that can't be instantly reversed, like Michael Jackson becoming white. Are transgender people simply not supposed to do anything, to avoid being "blackface for women"?

I suppose being gay is "inherently sexual", since "homosexual" means sexual attraction to the same sex. But the exact same thing can be said about being straight, since "heterosexual" means sexual attraction to the opposite sex. I really don't see how a movie featuring a gay kiss could encourage kids to be gay any more than a straight kiss could encourage them to be straight. Your sexuality is something nobody could change no matter how hard they tried, that's why gay conversion therapy never works.


Blackface is intended specifically as a caricature of an entire race of people. It's not merely "dressing up like them". It's mockery.

Unless I remember wrong, Dylan Mulvaney never did get bottom surgery. And if you don't think he is mocking anybody by imitating women, watch some more of his videos. Start with the one where he runs through a forest in high heels.

It's not just a matter of sexual orientation. The issue is whether or not exposing homosexuality to children has a higher chance of introducing them to sensuality and kinkiness. IE skip the romance, go straight to sex. Many in the LGBT community seem to agree with this. That's why many are always wanting to introduce children to LGBT culture via cross-dressing, scanty clothing, and dancing that involve twerking and undressing.


I think mockery is an intention, you can't know for sure the intentions unless you read their minds. But even if it is mockery, unless we have a different definition of it, I don't see anything wrong with it, it goes back to the whole "nothing should be off limits in comedy" thing. When the left complained about Apu, people pointed out that The Simpsons makes fun of pretty much everyone, including people from other cultures, such as Scotsmen. Again, I think it's only a problem if the purpose is to make people feel bad, but you can never know peoples intentions. I watched that video you suggested, and it is pretty cringe, but I don't think it seems like the purpose is to hurt women's feelings, it seems like just a comedy bit. Sure, it stereotypes women, but so do lots of other things, such as movies like Mean Girls which nobody has a problem with, lots of things stereotype men too, stereotypes are often part of comedy. I don't think Dylan Mulvaney has had bottom surgery, but I don't see what difference that makes.

I haven't done the research, but I really don't see how exposing children to homosexuality could introducing them to sensuality and kinkiness any more than hetorosexuality could. And if it could, I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it seems pretty stupid to avoid it just for that reason. It's a part of life, kids could see gay people kissing whenever they go outside, they have to learn about it at some point. Lots of kid's movies cover topics I think are much more mature, The Hunchback of Notre Dame for example. Also, as long as both parties are consenting adults, I don't see what's wrong with skipping romance and going straight to sex. It doesn't work for everyone, but it does work for some people, everyone's different, neither option is better or worse.


I really don't know how to further explain the GTA complaints, lots of people simply seem angry that one of the playable characters is a woman. Some of them make excuses, they say things like "it's supposed to be about crime, not many criminals are women". That's clearly not true, and they're probably the same people who complain about men always being portrayed as the villain.

We can't read Lizzo's mind, there's no evidence that it was deliberately done as an insult. Are black people simply supposed to stay away from things that were owned by slave owners, at risk of accidentally insulting them? But even if it was an insult, so what? What's wrong with insulting a president and condemning slavery?

Nothing should be off limits in comedy. Anything can be joked about. How many comedians joke about much worse things, such as the holocaust? If you're against it, doesn't that mean you're against free speech?


If what you said about the complaints are true, then you have my agreement. Merely having a female player character does sound like a poor thing to complain about. Unless there's something else I'm missing. I don't play GTA.

I'll drop the Lizzo topic, since I'm too lazy to read about the event and find the actual complaints and critique them myself.

I didn't say making jokes about them should be off limits. But I am saying that they are intolerable and deserve to be criticized and maybe even outright condemned. That depends on the joke, and other factors, like the recency and the level of trauma and tragedy of people involved.


Well I love dark humour, and I think no jokes should be condemned. Your factors are very subjective. A family member of the man who was killed in the Trump assassination attempt would find a joke about that much more offensive than a holocaust joke, but a holocaust victim would feel the complete opposite.


Conservatism these days is nothing but reactionary politics griping about how it's not 1895 anymore.
