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Simple Poll - Who won the debate, Trump or Harris



Despite a 4-vs-1 debate, Trump won, hands down.

It's CNN and CSPAN, so no whining:

Trump’s trust with handling the economy grows post-debate, according to a CNN poll.

Before debate:
Trump 53% - Harris 37%

After debate:
Trump 55% - Harris 35%


CSPAN Poll Results: Majority Favor Trump After ABC Pres Debate

Trump 73%
Harris 27%


Oh, she knows she lost, that's why she wants a 2nd round just like a knocked out fighter wanting a rematch.


FOX debate poll:

Trump 70%
Harris 29%
No clear winner 1%


The scoop on X:

Trump 89.3%
Harris 10.7%

34,965 votes • Final results


Wall Street Silver's poll

Harris 17%
Trump 83%


Daily caller

Trump 73%
Harris 8%
The moderators 19%



Trump 78%
Harris 13%
Not sure 9%



Trump 61%
Harris 39%



Newsmax snap poll: Trump 93% Harris 7%

Leading Report: Trump 91% Harris 9%

Daily Express: Trump 45% Harris 34%


LOL! No matter what garbage you spew, tRump was squashed like a fat mosquito! He's hedging now on doing more debates--what does that tell you?


Harris wants to debate Trump again on Fox News Entertainment. So far Trump says no. What a coward.


Winners do not require a rematch.


All thereal polls say he lost. And that is why he doesn't want a rematch. This is from the conservative outlet The Hill:

"Allies of former President Trump are urging him to accept a second debate with Vice President Harris after she turned in a strong performance Tuesday night, effectively putting the ball in Trump’s court for a second meeting.

Harris’s team wasted no time calling for another debate, while Trump refused to commit."


Harris’s team wasted no time calling for another debate, while Trump refused to commit."

That’s because she knows that she lost and wanted another rematch.

She had two moderators on her side that never fact-checked her lies and a coach via an earpiece and she still lost.


I'm ignoring you, all you've got is bullshit.


All thereal polls say he lost.

This is an egregiously false statement. Please list the criteria in which a poll is "real", lol.


Harris’s team wasted no time calling for another debate

Again, only losers want a rematch.


He wants Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters o Laura Ingrahm as moderators aka further to there right than Brett Baier and that other chick I forgot the name of. He basically wants non-journalists helming it to turn it into some infotainment like Faux.


Harris Team initially declined 2 of the 3 challenged... Now they want them...

Only Losers want a rematch.


I suggest you bookmark this because it may not age well. Very much so there is going to be a lot of butthurt on one side so you can throw it back at them.


CNN Flash Poll: Majority of debate watchers say Harris outperformed Trump onstage.

Registered voters who watched Tuesday’s presidential debate broadly agree that Kamala Harris outperformed Donald Trump, according to a CNN poll of debate watchers conducted by SSRS. The vice president also outpaced both debate watchers’ expectations for her and Joe Biden’s onstage performance against the former president earlier this year, the poll found.

Debate watchers said, 63% to 37%, that Harris turned in a better performance onstage in Philadelphia. Prior to the debate, the same voters were evenly split on which candidate would perform more strongly, with 50% saying Harris would do so and 50% that Trump would. And afterward, 96% of Harris supporters who tuned in said that their chosen candidate had done a better job, while a smaller 69% majority of Trump’s supporters credited him with having a better night.


Don't matter.... people only care about the hard punches and Zingers...

Trump landed all of his.

Kamala was boring and didn't answer a single question.


Stop relying on propaganda and scriptures to show you what you're denying in real life. Or continue living in fantasyland.


Except that those numbers or data that you leftoids and anti-Trump TDSers rely on so much actually reflect real life.

Nice try though.
Perhaps you could have made your reply more effective if you had changed something to reflect my post instead of merely repeating my own statement verbatim.




‼‼‼‼NEWS FLASH!!!‼‼‼

tvfan admits liberal media tells the truth!

Perhaps there's hope for you yet...

[–] tvfan (11286) 2 hours ago
Except that those numbers or data that you leftoids and anti-Trump TDSers rely on so much actually reflect real life.


I bet he forgot to type in a word...don't celebrate just yet lol.


I did. That word is "for once" ... as in "actually reflect real life" for once.


That word is "for once"

Math is hard...




Only CNN and CSPAN are liberal media and they had no choice but to admit the truth when all other sources are in agreement by reflecting what was already too obvious to deny or hide.

BTW, you must have missed my other reply to jriley555 at the bottom of the page in regards to polls.


Lie much? CNN Flash Poll: Majority of debate watchers say Harris outperformed Trump onstage.


Noticed that the CNN section I posted was about a particular subject only, not about a flash poll taken from 99% of Harris supporters. lol


Could you post a link like I did?



But you are saying that Trump won the debate. Your link doesn't prove that at all.


Trump won on every single topic, not just the economy.

Harris didn't answer any questions. She only lied since her plan was to bait and goad.


Trump and only because he hammered her on Policy while she ran on goading Trump and doing what they told her in that elaborate looking "earing" she had on her earlobe that was actually a wireless Mic. I admire Trump for not being afraid to go into the lions den, a Liberal Network where 95% of them hate Trump and it was a 4 on 1 beatdown on him with 0 fact checking on Harris who lied 25 times according to Glen Beck and I believe him. Trump wins this in November in a landslide Electoral College Vote Victory while Harris will win the Popular Vote and the lawsuits will ensue over it with the Democrats and the liberals trying to do away with the Electoral College Vote because they didn't get their way and will FAIL


Trump can be goaded?
What a surprise!
No wonder he loves Putin so much!😂😂😂😂


And yet, Putin didn't start his war with Ukraine until Biden was in office.


and yet, nobody got Covid until Trump was in office.


Yes, the same Cabal responsible for that war is the same that unleashed Covid. Biden is a member of that Cabal.


If Biden is a member of the cabal, why would he want a war started during his presidency?


Money laundering.


It makes him look bad doesn't it?


and yet, we didn’t have another Viet Nam fiasco under Trump. Harris skirted the issue in the debate re: 13 military deaths and 139 civilians killed under Biden and Kackling Kamala. Read the latest report how it was lied about and covered up by Biden & Harris.

From Politilfact which is LEFT LEANING:

”As of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, for the first time this century.”

” We rate Harris’ statement Mostly False.”

”Afghans fall to death after clinging to departing plane in Kabul”

”Caskets of the 13 Marines killed during evacuation of Afghanistan.”

BTW, your reply is vacuous (Devoid of substance or meaning; vapid or inane.) Covid would have hit no matter who was in office, unless there was collusion to bring down Trump. The damn 💩💩 was purposely released.

For sure Trump stated falsehoods, but he was challenged by the moderators…not so with Harris.

I will admit Trump either lied, exaggerated, or diverted.



Trouble with these polls m here or anywhere else, is the only people watching are highly biased to one side or other and will mostly vote accordingly regardless of what they saw.

Nobody , it seems is capable of being impartial
You'd have to ask all the dems and all the reps separately and then do something with that data to average it and remove the bias weighting.


I guess you didn't watch, or don't have your own assessment on who did a better job of making their case.


No doubt, literally everyone: House & Senate Republicans, FOX and the rest of right-leaning media, and anyone else with eyes and/or ears except our resident mc sycophants all agree that he got a right drubbing!


Sure I have my own assessment (KH) , I'm jus' sayin' 90% of your replies are not peoples honest assessment of who won because they are , consciously or unconsciously , incapable of giving a fair assessment , the answers you're getting are "Who I like the most"

For instance , despite all the poll results being 50/50 or 60/40 or in that area , if you asked for replies from Trumpers only who think Trump lost , you'd get zero replies.


Thing is, and I think this is extremely pertinent, very few Democrats, myself included, thought Biden came across well in the last debate. Which is why he was more or less forced to stand down.

I agree with your assessment, though. However, I consider Trump Republicanism a cult - whereas the Democrats have policy ideas and a world view, but are not in any at all similar way, wedded to any particular personality. For Trump Republicans, without him, they are, and will be, adrift. Its all very odd, to those of us who have been around awhile, to see this phenomenon - its nothing most of us would have predicted, say 15 years ago.

In my view, the Neocons soiled the nest, and opened the door to extremism - the Republicans lost their establishment, because their establishment utterly betrayed them and the country, and we're living through the moonscape on the right that was left in their wake, exploited very adeptly by a charismatic, completely unprincipled, rapscallion. His stock-in-trade is fear & loathing, pushing autocracy, generally. There is, clearly, a large market for it.

Sorry for the rant, but there it is.


I totally agree with all that . The Trump Republicanism cult will have an even harder time being objective. Biden did indeed do badly and dems could see that.

And with this latest "Migrants are eating your cats" bullshit on top of his go-to "migrants are coming from prisons to rape and kill us" stance, Trump has fully completed his fear & loathing xenophobia card.



Both could have done better.

Trump didn't interrupt her and she kept her cackle under control.

But you could see she was reading prepared bits like an actor.


Oh come on. Trump said that babies were being murdered after they were born and that immigrants were eating people's dogs. . .


You'll note the moderators never pressured Harris to answer what period of time an abortion should be allowed.


So babies are being murdered after they are born?


You explain what the hell he was talking about when he talks about resuscitation.


After, before what is difference? You tell me when is it OK to murder babies


Before they are viable. When they are just parasites.

We generally don't keep people alive when they can't survive on their own.


So babies are being murdered after they are born?

Yes, they use them to make vaccines.


Really? Is this one of the right retard's conspiracy theories?


Jesus Christ, no.


Yes, I posted a transcript from the house oversight and a video testimony about it.


The point of this thread was simply to allow individual posters to give their vote in the poll.

But, instead, we have all this filibustering. Don't interpret the polls, explain the world to us. Just vote for yourself.


I provided poll stats since you leftoids and anti-Trump TDSers care so much for them and are always about “the data.”

At the end of the day, polls don’t matter and they can’t be trusted.

Only the electoral votes matter.


This was a poll of MC users. We don't need you to bring your 'context' into it. Its not like you are some person of influence, scholar, 'analyst'. All that was asked for was your personal vote. Opinion ? Everyone's got one. But, I'm guessing, you can't stay in your lane, or control yourself - you have to regurgitate your agenda whether its asked for or not.


The first line of my post was my own personal vote, you could have stopped reading after that.

You never provided conditions in your OP.


Its not like you are some person of influence, scholar, 'analyst'

Quite the opposite, I daresay!

you can't stay in your lane, or control yourself - you have to regurgitate your agenda whether its asked for or not.

Now, who does that remind me of, hmmm?


Everyone lost especially the American people.


I've been saying this for six months now!

The fact that the race is this close means the American people have already lost...


the race was also close with Joe too. haha


Hence the reason I've been saying it for six months!


yeah, but I find it odd that the "media" has Joe winning and now the "media" has Kamelturd winning. cant wait for this election to be over. after this one I think I will be done with politics and go to general discussion and talk about what I ate and post count.


Im not sure how you can call it a Harris-Win when the debate fact checkers refused to push back on her.

Im sorry, it was not a square debate. Why is it so hard for people to admit they were not impartial?


That’s why it was Trump vs the moderators and Harris.


Trump won easily. Only losers want a rematch.
