MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why does the word "Islamophobia" still g...

Why does the word "Islamophobia" still get used?

In case you didn't know, phobia means an irrational fear.

There's nothing irrational about fearing a horrible religion which has only ever been known for acts of violence, or threats of violence.

And in my case it says gays should be executed, etc.

That word has been tossed around for 20 years. Why do you still use a word where you clearly don't know what it means? Is it due to you being a moron?


The wokies added an extra definition to include "hate".

Never speak their language.


Yeah but, why shouldn't i also hate something which causes fear?



Because you can fear something without hating it.

I'm afraid of Grizzly bears...but I don't hate them.


Islam is based on Judaism and Christianity, you Islamophobe!


Cool and if I punched you in the face, that would be "based on" sports I have seen on the TV

If you reported it to the police that would make you a boxophobe!


Never confuse religion with its followers. "Followers" of Judaism, Islam and Christianity DON'T follow their respective religions which is the major problem. For instance, all three religions state "Thou shalt not kill", but notice how God's commandment has been ignored by all three groups of practitioners.

Christianity is based on Judaism.

Islam is based on Judaism and Christianity. Mohammad studied and admired both religions which are both heavily incorporated into Islam.


Oh you... kept saying how stuff is "based on" other stuff

In the hope that 2nd time would somehow impress me.

I hope your next reply is "based on" an understanding of how lame you are.

Say "based on" again, if you agree Geert Wilders should be Dutch PM and they should deport all Muslims from Netherlands


Not only "irrational fear". Also "aversion" and several terms with the suffix -phobia are used non-clinically to imply "irrational fear" or "hatred". It's origin is Greek.


But under this particular examination of the word that I've brought up - that's the only time you're not accusing someone of being "irrational".

The rest of the time, you want people to think they're mentally ill for not liking hairy lunatics who beat their wives.


The suffix also means hatred, therefore your entire topic is moot.


You can criticize any religion on the planet and get away with it except one. Then you get branded an islamophobe.


You can't criticize Judaism publicly without consequences. While countless movies have made fun of Christian priests and followers again and again, you'll never see caricatures of rabbis or imams. Not only in the Jew-owned Hollywood, in European cinema too.


Good point.


If MAGAts don't have something to whine about, they got nuthin' to say.

Islam is a religion with a vast (WAY more than can be conveniently killed) community of adherents, most regular law-abiding moderate people. It turns out that a large number of Islamic states have been under the thumb of imperialists and latter-day autocrats for centuries. That's gonna leave a mark, gonna generate some fanatic reaction.

How that rather complex reality is addressed reveals the knowledge/wisdom/quality of those making the assessment.

But, anway... MAGAts.... hate on. Its what you (only) do.


Great post! It may have momentarily shut up all their whining.


"But, anway... MAGAts.... hate on. Its what you (only) do."

fkn eyeroll. This shit is meaning less anymore.


But, anway... MAGAts.... hate on. Its what you (only) do.

it's so stupid when they hate terrible things.

I hate that!

oh whoops


If muslims were a clear majority in the west then they'd treat everyone like shit and take away people's rights, including the gays and feminists (the biggest protected classes). When the woke defend muslims and use that word, they're basically turkeys voting for Christmas. They'd be crying out for someone to save them if they ever had to live under muslim rule.


The word is used to discredit people who have serious problems with Islam in general. The word "phobia" is used to make critics of Islam look like "paranoid idiots" who are being irrational about their points of view. It's similar to using the word "-phobe" or "racist" to describe anyone who doesn't fall over themselves to support a group of people.

Plus, the word "phobia" is frequently misused to describe people who are critical of whatever group or subject is at hand. Loathing and despising something and having a very good reason for doing so, is very different than irrationally fearing it.
