What you weren't taught about slavery
The reality of slavery in America vs everywhere else by John Stossel
The reality of slavery in America vs everywhere else by John Stossel
From what I watched, your YouTube video is wrong. American slavery was very different. Once again, conservatives are attempting to excuse slavery since many of their constituents are white Southerners. I've literally read a school history book stating there was nothing wrong with slavery.
American slavery was solely race-based, 100% dehumanizing with 0% rights and multigenerational. Barbados had the most brutal slave system at the time and eventually those slaveowners immigrated to the deep South and introduced their system there.
Most slavery outside of America was different. Most slaves were war captives or sentenced criminals. They still had some rights like marriage, own property, eventually freedom, etc. depending on society and circumstances.
White Americans introduced their brand of slavery to Native-Americans as a divide and conquer strategy. But, Black slaves were treated better by most of them, some were able to become free, marry and become part of the tribe. Whites complained that Native-Americans were doing it wrong and needed to be more brutal which was ignored by most tribes. Start by reading about the Seminoles to learn more.
Seriously, you conservatives need to stop defending slavery. It's a bad look.
There are nuances here and there, sure, slavery is still slavery as well indentured servants. No need to compare which was more brutal when the end goal is the same for their usage. Hell, slavery still exists today as we speak via trickery of jobs or opportunities before being kidnapped and shipped off elsewhere.
share"No need to compare which was more brutal"
I disagree. It's important to admit the brutality of the Atlantic Slave Trade since the OP is misinformed.
Slavery still exists in the U.S. if you read the 13th amendment and examine the present and history of the U.S. prison system.
No one is excusing or defending slavery, you idiot.
It was not race-based. Africa is just the source at that particular time. Probably because it was Africans selling their countrymen into it.
You're still a liar and a retard.
Tribal slavery can't really be compared to imperial slavery. In tribal societies, you couldn't just imprison people and feed them for free, food was hard to get and there were no jails to lock people in. You either killed all your criminals and prisoners of war, or you enslaved them. People often approach this subject from the perspective that slavery is always a moral abomination, but it's actually a natural and necessary stage of human development. Chattel slavery based on racial supremacy is a very different dynamic. Still not one America invented, but there is bias on both sides, which is preventing this video from even scratching the surface on the topic.
shareSomeone is making shirts that Walmart sells for a few dollars.
I find it very hard to believe that slave labour is not responsible for such things.
How about those poor bastards in the cobalt mines? They've got it the worst.
shareOr the prison labor of China. How does that differ from slavery? But box-wine twats like Keelai can't use it to broadcast anti-white sentiments so it gets swept under the rug.
shareLet's discuss prison labor in the United States. Slavery in the U.S. never ended. It was only limited. Read the 13th amendment carefully.
I'm fine with discussing prison labor in the United States. Our criminal justice system is scandalous. Nonetheless, forced labor in the United States isn't a patch on what happens in China.
Are you - Keelai - willing to give up your iPhone? Are you willing to forgo all those "green" products that rely on child slave labor for their component parts? This isn't some debate about what's owed a 1/64 black person by a poor white whose family arrived in the 20th century. This is you taking actual steps to address a problem that exists today. Can we count on you to not just talk the talk but to walk the walk?
No serious policy supporter of reparations thinks poor people should be on the hook for paying it. If you aren't holding the wealth of the country, it shouldn't be your problem, or any of your business for that matter.
shareSince any form of reparations would come from the public purse, how on earth can you enact a system that only takes from the wealthy with pure white blood and gives that money only to pure blooded blacks with antebellum ties?
The fact is that the U.S. has squandered trillions of dollars on the black community since the advent of the Great Society with precious little to show for the effort. Reparations would imevitably be just more gibs flushed down the toilet. It's an immoral proposition.
Simple, tax the rich, like anyone with common sense has been saying for the past 30 years. Who said it has to be white people? Anyone who benefited massively from the economic landscape has nothing to bitch about. And that money should go to direct descendants of slavery, foundational black families, not "black people" indiscriminately. It's not immoral, it is in fact a stimulus. All that money will go straight back into the economy, and then we can stop arguing over the subject. Do it now, while it "only" costs 7 trillion. Reparations are inevitable, the only question is when and how much. If they hadn't reneged on Field Order 15, this wouldn't even be an issue today.
shareAnyone with common sense disregards the whole idea as bullshit. It's just another attempt to buy votes with taxpayer money and manipulate a demographic.
You'd have to be an economic illiterate and complete fucking moron to think that passing out $7 trillion to people that did not earn it would be a wise move at this point in time.
Fine, let the bill skyrocket for all I care. It doesn't affect me, I'm white and not rich.
shareYou just swepted away exploitative slave labor in the U.S. prison system.
It's hypocritical for you to complain about a foreign country when the U.S. continues to have slavery in its constitution and slave labor in prisons has existed in the U.S. since Reconstruction has ended.
"The United States has the world’s highest incarceration rate. A 2022 report by the American Civil Liberties Union found that about two-thirds of prisoners in public and private institutions, or about 800,000 people, were forced to work. Many faced punishment for refusal. Nationally, prisoners are paid a pretax hourly average wage of 52 cents, and in some states nothing, while producing billions of dollars in goods and services for prisons, according to the ACLU.
“The roots of modern prison labor can be found in the ratification of this exception clause at the end of the Civil War, which disproportionately encouraged the criminalization and effective re-enslavement of Black people during the Jim Crow era, with impacts that persist to this day,” the ACLU found in a 2022 report."
"The United States and China have the world's largest prison populations - estimated at 2.1 million and 1.65 million respectively - housing some of the biggest jail labor systems."
More ducking and dodging by the resident cat lady. If you're going to go off on a tangent at least give us something interesting. Like, do you have any good recipes for cookies? They would hardly be any further afield than most of your evasive replies and at least we'd derive some value from them.
In the meantime, take a break from posting, go sit somewhere quietly and ask yourself why you don't have the moral fortitude to live up to your own ideals.
Stop trolling.
shareAre they hiring? Wages have sucked under Biden.
shareNonsense. Wages went up under Biden.