MovieChat Forums > Politics > UK is a Commie Shithole

UK is a Commie Shithole

Once they take away ur guns, all your rights are up for grabs...


When do the round-ups begin?


Round-ups are "literally" not going to begin. "LMAO."


Do you have Tourette's?


How is the UK communist?


because you like men


Projection and deflection from littlemikey. Mostly projection.


This is painfully stupid. Gun control in the UK has been an enviable success.

Since they instituted their gun control (1997) there have been seven mass shootings in the UK, which collectively have killed 24 people and injured 41.

Do you have any idea how many people, many of them children, that have died in The U.S.A since 1997 because they let just about anyone own a gun?

848,953 not including the last THREE years because the data isn't perfected yet.

Nearly a million people. You think having your guns is more valuable than all of the lives lost every year, because you are scared?


at least we can post on facebook without going to jails for YEARS, while the muslim invaders rape minors and get suspended sentences...


That's not what your topic was about, but I understand why you wouldn't want to address the serious flaws in your stupid argument.


Guns keep us safe from the government, just look how much freedom we had here in the states (Texas and Florida mostly) during covid compared to "free" places like Australia. They are necessary to protect us from our own corrupted government


They are also the main method which many use to cause tragedy. But that is not what the thread is about. It's about whether or not the UK is communist.


Did ppl in the UK ever have guns to be taken away?


“UK is a Commie Shithole”

Except for ‘Sunny’ Bournemouth of course.


cheers mate
