MovieChat Forums > Politics > I LOVE climate change

I LOVE climate change

It's even better when those deniers get their shit done gone and you see them weeping that it would never happen to them. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. Eventually humans learn the hard way, especially on the right with their focus on PROFITS over LIFE as goes with Capitalism.


Meanwhile, in the real world, deaths from climate events are down dramatically in the last century.


The results of Geoengineering.

How else will the globalists convince their sheep of a climate scam?


It must be very uncomfortable for to believe in so many conspiracy theories. Do you have any evidence that geoengineering is causing these weather phenomenas? What are the globalists doing to convince people like you that there is a climate scam?


What weather phenomena?


Yeah, I'm also wondering what exactly is different about the weather now than every other year?


What I don't understand is why you get triggered by weather forcasts warning Americans that they might be in the path of troubling weather so they can prepare. Why does that bother you so much?




He's got his chamber loaded with "gotcha!" talking points and sometimes he gets an itchy trigger finger.


Did anyone really think countries in the Middle East overseeding clouds wouldn't have a butterfly effect somewhere else?

Also, a single weather event is not an indication of anthropomorphic climate change.


This is just one more of the many conspiracy theories that you fall for. That must be uncomfortable for you to be so stupid.


Every year that goes by and your doomsday "sea level rise" bullshit doesn't come true proves that you are in fact the conspiracy theorist. There must be 8 different deadlines that have come and gone with no catastrophe.


And that’s why they have HAARP, DEWs and cloud seeding so they can cause weather anomalies and scream 'global warming'.


Actually no climate prediction has ever come true. tracks all of them.


A report from a few hours ago:

"the world's oceans have broken temperature records every single day over the past year,"

I expect this is just lies huh?


"I expect this is just lies huh?"

You have zero chance of getting them to even consider those facts , because they dont want it to be true.
Republicans deal with things they dont like by just denying it exists where possible.

You can have news agencies reporting stone cold hard facts like what Trump said in court, as recoded by the court transcriber , and they can even brush that off as "fake news" no matter what the source or conduit of the information

There is no chance with something as "intangible" as climate change.
go-to bullshit for this one includes:
-"you said sea would rise 40 years ago"
-"Scientists are all paid to lie"
-"the temp has changed before"


'Post truth'.

There's no need for absolute truth anymore with these folk. THEIR truth is all that matters.

This is what will destroy the planet. Great job people.


The planet isn't going anywhere. It's will shake off the Human Disease and not think twice about it.

China and India are the world polluters. Start there.


Same with you...

Let's pretend you have all the power and resources at your disposal...

What's your plan of action?


"the world's oceans have broken temperature records every single day over the past year,"

We're coming out of an ice age. We could have cooler temps for the next 10 years after this "record breaking" year for all we know.


Okay, let's pretend you have all the power and resources at your disposal...

What's your plan of action?


It’s part of their fear mongering scam. They have been caught on camera admitting that it’s a gimmick.

None of their climate predictions ever came true, but they always managed to steal everyone’s tax dollar each year/decade for those bogus climate predictions.

It’s a money making scam with cult followers and zealots.

Almost every weather anomaly can now be contributed to their ‘climate geoenengineering’ for a nonexistent problem.

They are deliberately causing these problems as in the UAE flooding:

The Hegelian Dialectic (problem-reaction-solution).


Do you actually think yer name callin' is m'pressive or heps any yer arguments, Lige?


It makes him feel good. Excessive name calling is a sign of deep insecurity issues.


You're goofy. They admitted to doing it lol. You can't just throw off natural weather patterns with overseeding, and not expect an effect of it somewhere else in the world. It's basic science.
