MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is BLM still relevant?

Is BLM still relevant?

Haven't heard a peep from them in ages since they were outed as a scam organization that just got rich to buy mansions from catfishing weak and dumb whites and also being nothing but a cause of riots.


They are rebranding and relabeling in preparation for Trump's presidency.


I think when Trump wins there could be riots.

Which of course will get a pass from the MSM who will keep on declaring that 1/6 was worse even though those death counts and damage will be far less in comparison.


They declared that J6 was another Pearl Harbor and 9-11.



So clowngress had their lunch interrupted for a couple of hours.
Some working class guy puts his foot on Pelosi's desk.
What was the big deal?


Anyone else notice that the blm AND antifa riots seemed to stop the moment Biden was declared the winner?

Almost like someone shut off the money when it wasn't needed anymore.

Very that...


Yeah, we don't have nearly as many racist based outrage either because we have a less racist POTUS than the previous one or else they just aren't getting the headlines like they used to because it's now Biden and the libturd media likes him instead.

When Trump wins will things stay as they are now, or will the racists come back out of their closets?
I would prefer the former.


But, the supposed reason for the riots were various local issues, this black being shot, or some such shit.

Those issues are local issues, driven by local police and city governments.

Trump losing teh election would have little IF ANY impact on those issues.

So, based on the rest of your post, would you expect the riots to resume if Trump wins?


That is a good question.

I think Antifa etc and other left wing libtards may riot if Trump should win.
Cons and righties may riot should he lose though I think the Cap. and other DC landmarks will be fenced off with armed Natl. Guards as it was for the Brandon inauguration.

I think it is possible we may go back to the breakdown of race relations and violence against non-whites should Trump win.
However, since I am white, I don't really have to worry about that.
(Their problem. Not mine. I only care about myself. That may seem selfish but that is the way I feel.)

Even at the risk of any of that I would still rather have Trump back since he is the lesser evil of war mongering between them.
It is Biden, not Trump, who is taking us closer to WW3.
Funny because we thought it was going to be the other guy instead.


1. Explain what you mean by "breakdown of race relations".

2. If the riots stopped when Trump lost, then the riots are not really caused by racial issues. The race issues are false claims to hide the real reason.


1. We might get another Charlottesville or white cops killing unarmed blacks etc.

The white vs other races stuff that was happening last time Trump was Pres.

I dunno the reasons why it is not happening as much anymore.
Either because of who is president, it has run it's course or something else or all the above.


1. That type of shit is always happening. The question is, does the media chorus it for days, to rile up the mob, and does the money to pay for the riots flow and does the dem mayors order the cops to stand down or protect the rioters.

2. The riots stopped when Trump lost the election. That was either a very odd coincidence OR the riots were anti-Trump riots.


There will really be riots when Liberals and the Left find out that Jan 6th wasn't an "Insurrection" according to the U.S Supreme Court, but nothing more than a "Riot" and as a result, Trump won't be going to prison much less having a trial over it


We'll need another manufactured Woke Floyd type of event.

Curent MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


I used to care.
Now I don't.
I'm not black.
I'm not Floyd.
I'm still alive.
F him.


I haven't heard of any outrageous executions of Black people by police lately, either. Maybe they've had a positive effect.


I have wondered the same thing though I refuse to give credit to an organization that Burns, Loots and Murders.

One of or the last incident of police murder was when it was black cops who killed a black driver in Tennessee.

Of course no riots over this.
Their own get a pass where whites don't.


BLM doesn't burn, loot or murder.

"One of or the last incident of police murder was when it was black cops who killed a black driver in Tennessee. Of course no riots over this."

We'd have to look at the response to that shooting. Where the police protected or immediately investigated. Did the police lie about the incident and hide body cam footage? Did prosecutors refuse to bring charges? These are the things that get people angry and cause them to march.


Were you in a coma during the Burn Loot and Murder riots of the summer of 2020?
That was BLM doing that.
It's not like one has to be a paid member to declare themselves as part of that movement.
They protest and riot, you are in the crowd, you torch a place, steal or shoot someone.
You are part of BLM and their crimes.

AFAIK the black police did not shoot the black suspect.
They beat him to death.

If Burn Loot Murder is not going to riot over black cops who kill blacks then why bother to riot when white cops kill blacks?
What is it to them that makes one worse over the other when both are equally bad?
Because they are racists.
That's why.
So fuck them and their cause.

Not that I want them to riot but they could have at least shown as much outrage as they do when the races of cops and victims are changed.


"Were you in a coma during the Burn Loot and Murder riots of the summer of 2020?"

No. I just didn't have my head buried up the ass of right wing media.

"That was BLM doing that."

Police investigations indicated that most of it was instigated by right wing groups acting as agents provocateur. The rest was by people not associated with BLM taking advantage of the situation.


I just didn't have my head buried up the ass of right wing media.

Because it's buried up the ass of left wing media.

Exhibit A:
"Police investigations indicated that most of it was instigated by right wing groups acting as agents provocateur."


please dont use the bullshit "false flag" lie - thats what magas do .

you're legitimising their bullshit by saying it can and does happen.

Its the "Hilary said 2016 was fixed therefore 2020 was rigged" theory all over again .


Except that what I said is supported by legitimate sources.


Yes, legitimate fake and propaganda bullshit sources.


is he tryign to deny the 400 plus riots from antifa and blm?


Yeap, and using fake ass sources for it, lol.


Is he angry at all those dem mayors that ordered the cops to stand down so the rioters could riot? LOL.


Yeap, and as usual, blaming "the right" and/or Trump for those riots.


What is your evidence that BLM was starting those riots?


Interesting question. You see a bunch of people rioting, over and dover and overe again. AND the people that were rioting, before the riots, were talking shit about how evil society was nad they awanted to kill cops or white people and blah, blah, blah....

I guess, I didn't worry about the start of it, just the ongoing violence and death and danger to me and mine, ect.

Oh, and the riots did often seem to start with blm or antifa "protests" and then... become "mostly peaceful",

soooo.... Yeah, I'm fine with calling them blm (or antifa) riots.

We could call them race riots, if it would make you feel better?


How do you define the "start" of a riot? The first punch? The first fire? The first death?


starting or carrying on.



I have no idea what you meant by that.


What is evidence that BLM was either starting or carrying on riots started by others?


Well, there is the formal public statements of various blm leaders calling for violence adn then violence happening.

There is the coincidence of so many of hte riots happening just after if not overlapping with blm "protests".

I'm sure if you were to go look at the people arrested for rioting or found dead at the scence of the riots, that many of them would be known as blm supporters, if not formal members.

I haven' bothered, because, I just... looked at the blm and antifa riots and saw blm and antifa riots. Didn't really need much more than seeing the rioters rioting to identify what movement they were supporting.

What have you found over the last 3 or 4 years, if this question has been one you've been interested in?


Actually , if you really looked, you'd find that the people arrested for rioting were almost all members of right-wing hate groups.

And I'm sure you cannot show me BLM leaders calling for violence.


1. I doubt that is true. I'm pretty sure that you are playing some silly word game. Let me guess.... lumping all ex-cons in with white prison gangs?

2. Oh, man. Google is really hiding that shit. Yeah, can't find it easily. Because lefties hiding it. But, I remember it, so, lol. BLM leaders calling for violence and then violence happening. A riot just happening to break out during a "mostly peaceful protest". LOL.


How do you know that most of the people arrested for rioting after the death of George Floyd were members of right-wing hate groups? Can you show the actual statistics on it and a source for it?


Bet you anything, the source, if he gives it, is playing some retarded game.

First of all, only counting formal members of blm as blm, and lumpiong black ex cons in with white prison gangss. That or something just like it.

Liberals seem to think that if htey lie about something enough, they magically change reality to be what htey want it to be.


Now the latest is in California, the black community claims their entitled to $1.4 Million per black man or woman for Reparations unaware of the fact that if they went through with this, it would pretty much sink California


There is still a lot of hate for whites around!



Burn Loot Murder is a racist organization.


As long as there are police cars, innocent buildings and retail stores, BLM will always be relevant.


This reminds me. There's a "Sanford & Son" marathon on TV this weekend. Now those guys matter.


Never was to anyone with a brain

Just the flip side of the KKK coin


"Is BLM still relevant?"

Cartoon Network running those marathons of The Boondocks every weekend has shattered the illusion that ALL Black lives matter. Real life equivalents of Riley Freeman, Thugnificent, and all of the abominations "MLK" denounces here serve only to make the planet a more miserable place
