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Democrats question whether Biden should agree to debate Trump

Democratic lawmakers are leery about the prospect of President Biden debating former President Trump :


Makes sense. They must be terrified of how bad Biden would look next to him.

Not to mention, Trump has some hard questions for Biden, like calling him out of his blatant lie to the American people about his son's laptop.


Hunter Biden is being prosecuted. What more do you want.
Still doesn't connect to Joe. Why should anyone be able to
accuse a competent Presidential candidate of made up shit.


1. Why were all those people giving money to the President's son, who was a crackhead?

2. Who orgainzied the cover up? An operation that included both the cia and fbi, not to mention big tech and MSM.

3.What did the President know and when did he know it?

4. The son appears to be nothing but a bagman. Pretending that that is what this is about, is the act of someone who supports both corruption and outright mutinty by the fbi and cia.


Questions being investigated.

By the way, most Democrats support the investigation into Hunter Biden - because we actually do care about rule of law.

Republicans automatically and robotically fall in line supporting anything the moron ( as described by his closest advisors ) does, without thinking, without any regard for the rule of law.

Republicans like to claim that Democrats mobilize the minority vote, but never acknowledge the people who they, Repubicans, mobilize through manipulations on the Internet and media - who are really the criminals and ignorant.


I seriously doubt that those are being investigated.

THe narrative I have been getting from leftards, is that the hunter laptop is just about his tax evasion and dic pics, and that once that is done it is done.

And that... bullshit gets them past the election, after which they don't care. The media will just not talk about it any more. The feds will jsut stop the investigation. And they live happily ever after.


I kind of agree, but this could mean that neither major party candidate ever faces questions and debate in front of an audience before the general election.


Honestly, who cares? There is almost nothing either of these two could say that would be a revelation to voters. We know full well who they are.

Also, debating Trump is like arguing with an online troll. It's best to just avoid it all together.


When Trump called Biden out on his son's lap top, that was a legit question and Biden flat out lied. AND cited the huge amount of work that the fbi and cia did to support the lie, which implies that he was in on the coverup.

That is not trolling. That is legit debate.

Has any "reporter" asked Biden about the fact that Trump was right and biden was lying during the previous debate?


Has any "reporter" asked Biden about the fact that Trump was right and biden was lying during the previous debate?



Trump is full of it.
He has lied and his supporters back any lie he tells.
That doesn't make it true.


Trump was right about the laptop, and Biden lied during the presidential debate about it.

Has anyone asked him about that?

Who organized that lie campaign? That included elements of both the fbi and the cia?


Remind yourself about whose laptop was it, alledgedly?


I didn't forget. Did you? No. YOu are just dodging the point.

Biden LIED. Trump was right. Biden's LIE was supported by the cia and fbi, who knew that the laptop was NOT russian disinformation.

That's pretty bad. You know that, but you can't admit it.


when the laptop falls into unknown, and hostile hands, it is no longer untainted evidence.

when Trump tells the truth, look for pigs to be flying.


Wow. That is so retarded on so many levels.

The most obvious is, that that is a nice walking it back logical fallacy.

Since the previous lefty lie of "it is russian disinformation" has been found to be an utter lie,

now you want to try to claim, while you sort of admit it is hunter's laptop, that the information can't be trusted, cause, reasons.

Which is utterly retarded.


"That's retarded". What a brilliant argument.


LOL. The bit where you ignore the fact that I went on to explain my conclusion?

That is ADDTIONAL retard from you.

I guess that you don't have many tools to work with. Pretending be retarded is about it.

After all, you don't DARE dsicuss the issue honestly. Becuase that leads to people realizing that Biden is both utterly corrupt and incompetent.


Explain ... that is a funny distortion for BS-ing.


What's to explain? You quoted me out of context, as though the small bit you quoted was the entirity of my point.

That was you being retarded.


Trump may be right about the laptop, but remember that he LOVES to take the offensive right from the jump and make his opponents look as foolish and embarrassed as possible. Anyone who tried to convince Trump that he is wrong will be subject to his wrath. He shouldn't debate just as much as Biden shouldn't (hence the mic being muted for the first debate 4 years ago).


The FBI knew that hte laptop was genuine at that point in time. Yet they remained silient while "former agents" and "former heads of cia" told the voters that it was false.

So, who organized that massive lie/cover up?


Trumptard. Biden should be President forever then Kameltoe should replace him when he dies.


Imagine that the fbi and the cia were taking orders from TRump during the Biden Aministration to influence the upcoming election.

You leftards would be murdering people in the streets. Even more than during Trump's administration


Too bad that the DS/CIA controls the MSM; otherwise there wouldn’t be as many brainwashed leftoids.


i don't know who controls what, but they are certainly all in lockstep,

AND the cia nad the fbi are guilty of, AT LEAST, mutiny.


I still haven't heard anybody articulate what, of interest, is on the laptop. His dick pics?


If there was proof that Hunter was operating as a bag man for his corrupt father, would that change your suppor tof him?


If pigs could fly, I'd get a heavier duty umbrella.


It wouldn't. Thanks for admitting that.

So, your position isn't because you don't believe that there is proof of massive, high level corruption, but because you don't care if there is or is not.

I actually am in the same boat. I assume there is, but I don't really care.

I'm more interested in teh massive amount of illegal and unconstitutional power revealed by teh COVERUP, where the cia and fbi did a joint, illegal operation on American soil, without orders, without authoritzation, AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

This is at least mutiny.


I'll care when there is some evidence of wrongdoing.

Can you remind me what was covered up, regarding the laptop?


Bullshit. You are stonewalling to ignore the evidence, such as Biden bragging on video, about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired.

As to what was covered up, the fact that the laptop was hunter biden's was covered up. The FBI and the CIA both lied to give Biden support for HIS lie on that.

They claimed, falsely that the laptop was "russian disinformation" when they knew that it was actually Hunter's laptop.

That was feeding false information to the American voter, to try to interfer in the election.

Which they did. Successfully. The truth did NOT come out, until AFTER the election.

If not for that cia/fbi operation, Trump almost certainly would have won the election.


If they aren't confident they can steal it again, there will be no debates.

Did The Hill go full-propaganda by removing their comment section!? Wow!


Joe Biden will do just fine , watch :


So? The energy level in Black churches is pretty high. I don't need a President who can shuck and jive in a black church, or shoot someone on 5th Ave., or insult and lie their way to the White House after proving to be criminally incompetent and danger to the country, WE ALL need a competent low key President that doesn't make all our lives about him. All numbers are up from whiny Trump and Republicans.

The idea that someone can, at this point in time, go through all this pro-Trump BS still shows this is the anti-American insurgency crowd don't know and don't care about America.


why? all he has to do is point at Trump and laugh


I'm sure millions of Americans that have been putting their groceries and gas on their credit cards, due to Joe's policies, will surely appreciate that...


America pretty much kicking butt over Western countries of the world.


It'll be like the last debates.


They would just have three leftwing propagandists there to cut trump off from speaking and I guarantee they'd have a microphone cutoff button as well.

But I still dont think they'd let poopy diapers debate Trump at all. He is too far gone for more than a two minute speech and Trump would keep him from reading his notecards.


Trump is the one who wears diapers - way back in the TV show he used to do they had to employ a full time "wiper" not to mention that everyone says he stinks like a poop-filled diaper.


More whataboutism from trentnQ, typical.


Relevant truth is not whataboutism


Won't happen unless all questions are submitted ahead of time and approved, and Joe is given the answers to all questions..

Funny how they call Trump all these names like extreme, Hitler, fascist, etc., yet never give examples of why.

They just keep blurting it out there hoping it sticks and unfortunately it does with gullible and naive low information voters.


> Funny how they call Trump all these names like extreme, Hitler, fascist, etc., yet never give examples of why.

Hahaha, do you ever listen to your hero?
