MovieChat Forums > Politics > If Trump loses in 2024, really, will he ...

If Trump loses in 2024, really, will he go away or keep on whining?

Let's say Trump loses in 2024.
I mean he really loses,
but assume Trump manages to stay out of prison.
Will he be whining, crying, trying another insurrection,
and ultimately, will he try again in 2028?
And would people vote for him?
How long could be keep it up and would people
vote for him into his 80s?
How long will Trump be a thing to all you Trumpies?
What after Trump is gone?


He displays symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder if I'm understanding it correctly. In which case he may not decide to go the Capital Riot route again, but chances are he'll likely whining about how they cheated again and how he already won before the results were placed in, regardless if he is right or wrong about the cheating. He just can't cope with being kicked out of his position as Country leader.


> He just can't cope with being kicked out of his position as Country leader.

Oh, you mean reality? No, not a good idea to have someone who cannot deal with reality as the most powerful man in the world.


It should be obvious by now that he will win unless it is rigged again.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


They don't even believe it themselves.
There was that study of 1000 Trumpers in the South where they hooked them up to lie detectors and asked them about what they really thought, and when 100% of the spoke about how they believed Trump the lie detector flagged them as being evasive.


Let's say Trump wins in 2024.
I mean he really wins without any shenanigans from the Left like 2020,
but assume Trump manages to stay out of prison.
Will the left and liberals on MC be whining, crying, trying there own insurrection,
and ultimately, will liberals lose their minds and try again in 2028?
And people vote for him? YES
How long could be keep it up and would people
vote for him into his 80s?
How long will Trump Derangement Syndrome continue to affect you and does your healthcare provider cover therapy for this to all you liberals?
What after Trump is gone?



I guess waiting will be the fun part. Seeing if the riots come back if Trump wins.


It will be fun to see the Hamas supporting mobs competing with the Trump supporting mobs, kind of like getting the Saudis to fight the Iranians ... 2 birds, one stone.


Trump will win unless he loses by chicanery.


Trump will win, unless he loses, by chicanery.


This will never end until he dies... can we just let it happen so it goes away forever? Please? We put up with 4 years of Biden's tyrannical insanity, time to reciprocate.


It was a strain on your imagination trying to increasingly ignore reality to the point where now you call Biden tyrannically insane? When your crowd denies reality itself that means you all are a danger to yourselves and the country.


Yes, he is tyrannically insane. Prove me wrong.


He'll lose, and will be smothered with legal, financial and family troubles until his premature death.
It will be ghastly to witness, and I believe the media will drop him along with most of his cult.
History will not be kind to him or Americans for falling for the biggest con of the century.


I agree ... ultimately, I just wonder how long that will take to happen, and if the country as we know it will still exist?


Yes he'll go away , he wont run again but There is no way on earth he will admit he lost fairly.

He'll just spout the same bullshit he did last time , If any bookies are taking bets on that I'll put my life savings down.

Look at the comments - Jowilli and co are already doing just t hat - like trump did last time.
Trump will win unless he loses by chicanery.


I really think the SCOTUS will find that he can be barred from the
primaries and that will be the sad end of it. The next President will
probably pardon him but I hope not. For all the misery he has
brought to our country he deserves to serve his country for a few years. ;-)


If that happens it wont change the Trump cult rhetoric.

Trump , and of course all his followers , will be claiming "shenanigans" .
The deep state just wouldnt let me run!
The Dems paid the illuminati to keep me out!


That's the beauty of it, especially if the 3 "justices" Trump apppointed end up voting against him, or the only ones voting for him.

The meaning of the Amenment is clear, and it will be noticeable and affect the country's preception of and faith in the Supreme Court.


Win, lose, or godamned tie, the only thing for certain is that Trump will 100% be whining regardless of the outcome because he's a whiny little bitch.


You'd whine too if you had to carry around a bit load in your diapers and everyone was talking about how you stunk like a sewer.
