MovieChat Forums > Politics > Every U.S. New Years feed showed 2 gays ...

Every U.S. New Years feed showed 2 gays kissing at midnight

And that interracial gay kiss was immediately followed by an interracial hetero kiss to send "The Message." CNN, Fox News, CBS, NBC and Hulu all showed this.


gays are the future.



its a good thing adam and steve didnt evolve first.


It's how they attempt to de-stigmatize and ultimately normalize deviant, degenerate behavior. There's nothing cool about a dude sticking his dick in another man's ass. It's the continued erosion of all moral standards in America.


Why do you give a fuck what consenting adults do? Why is it any different to a straight couple kissing in public?

> There's nothing cool about a dude sticking his dick in another man's ass. It's the continued erosion of all moral standards in America.

Why is this immoral?


Because it's deviant, disgusting and OFFENSIVE! Oh, I forgot, it doesn't matter if conservatives are offended.

I don't care what they do behind closed doors.


>Because it's deviant, disgusting and OFFENSIVE!

Why is it "deviant"? "Disgusting" is subjective. How is it more "disgusting" than a straight couple?

Who gives a fuck if you think it's "offensive".

>I don't care what they do behind closed doors.

Okay. Do you genuinely contrast two people kissing with anal sex?


Who gives a fuck if you think something is offensive?

Two males copulating serves no purpose. "Normal" behavior is one of each sex, mating to perpetuate the species. Deviant behavior is two of the same sex.

Dipshits like you love to pretend to support alphabet people because it's fashionable but you gloss over the fact that they are among the most disgusting deviants on the planet. The nasty shit they do to each other doesn't get the press.

Or maybe you count yourself among them.

Either way, it's gross, it's offensive, it's disgusting, it's deviant, it's unnatural and you're not going to convince me otherwise. If you're gonna do it, do it behind closed doors and leave the rest of us out of it.


>Two males copulating serves no purpose.

Neither does a straight couple having consensual sex serve any purpose. But people do it all the time.

>"Normal" behavior is one of each sex, mating to perpetuate the species.

Are you against birth control and condoms then?

Or men pulling out?

>Dipshits like you love to pretend to support alphabet people because it's fashionable but you gloss over the fact that they are among the most disgusting deviants on the planet.

I "pretend" support, as if I privately don't accept their rights? There's no "pretend" here at all. Why would I "pretend" to support them?

What makes them "disgusting deviants"?

>Or maybe you count yourself among them.

No, I'm heterosexual.

>Either way, it's gross, it's offensive, it's disgusting, it's deviant, it's unnatural and you're not going to convince me otherwise.

Taking vaccines and medication is "unnatural". But we do it. How is it "offensive"? "Gross" is subjective. To a straight woman, a naked woman is "gross". To a straight man, a naked man is "gross".

>If you're gonna do it, do it behind closed doors and leave the rest of us out of it.

What does this mean, in legal terms?




You sound fucking retarded like you do in every other post.




I don't care and I am glad I did not see that.

Miss me with that gay shit.


All the people within a hundred feet of the stage at New Years are paid actors. You can tell because they all know every word to songs by obscure artists like Jelly Roll and are seen "singing along" and dancing enthusiastically. The two gays were also paid actors and their gay kiss was carefully choreographed beforehand by social engineers from the Democrat Party.


[citation needed]


Of course it was, that is no surprise, they have to sell their agenda and the NPC idiots buy it.


He hasn't actually presented any evidence for this whatsoever.


The evidence is clearly there for the critical viewer to see. The stage-side audience has been carefully selected for ethnicities, sexualities and looks. They all know the words to every obscure song played by the obscure artists onstage and are seen mouthing the lyrics as if they are singing along to beloved standards. Most are attractive and youthful. They dance with a certain degree of proficiency and act appropriately for TV. No slobby or old people, and very few white people. It's the exact kind of audience the media wants to present to promote their image of modern America.


You got this from 30 seconds of that clip?

Any evidence of unattractive or older people being removed?


I got this from watching the whole fucking show at my Mother-in-Law's last night. Nobody needs to be removed because the whole area near the stage is packed with the actors beforehand.


There would 100% be clips and anecdotes of people being removed from Times Square hours beforehand if so.

What is specifically absurd to me is that you don't just claim they were paid actors (all of them), but that this was specifically orchestrated by the Democrat party.


Democrat or not, the careful selection of audience members strictly follows the same principles as the Democrat vision of America. No matter if it was orchestrated by actual Democrats or not, this serves as more propaganda for their agenda.


Again: There would 100% be clips and anecdotes of people being removed from Times Square hours beforehand if so.


You can't be sure that would have been necessary. Just a few discreet barriers "for security reasons" and getting the actors in soon enough would be all that's necessary.

These people were literally ten feet away from the celebrities onstage. You think they don't have some kind of security set up?


>You can't be sure that would have been necessary. Just a few discreet barriers "for security reasons" and getting the actors in soon enough would be all that's necessary.

And what about when there are people loitering around before, or as these supposed barriers came up?

I'm sure many famous people came there themselves, or on behalf of some company, but the idea it was some conspiracy is absurd.

Nor is there any reason to think it goes beyond just celebrities being in the area as Times Square is a pretty obvious gathering point.


It's not a conspiracy and I am not saying the audience members themselves were celebrities. Just that the producers of the show populated the immediate audience area around the stage with people they specifically selected. People who looked and acted the way they want 2024 America to see itself.


The "Democrat" Party? Thanks for signalling how stupid and laughable you are.


It is a good thing that some of us never watch NYs feed.


Who watches those networks?

Grannies and people in waiting rooms?




