MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden says he wants to legalize pedophil...

Biden says he wants to legalize pedophilia, wants white people to be inferior, and abolish self-defense justification

WOW.... Biden just said this yesterday... So now you can have marriages between adults and kids, if you're a white person you don't get as much privilege as other races, and you have no right to kill anyone who is trying to kill you. He is PURE E-V-I-L


You forgot to mention his plan to send troops to the Canadian border!


Obviously the legalizing of pedophilia is just a gimmick to try to get more votes in red states.


I don't need any link to those comments but I already know those beliefs exist among Democrats. Their actions show they believe all those things. It's one of the reasons I'll always view Liberal white guilt as a mental illness.


[citation needed]


Yeah we've gone way beyond the realm of standard politics, and into the realm of just straight up Clown World of Degeneracy, Racism, and Tyranny.

God flooded the Old World to end human oppression and global tyranny...and here we are, 12,000 years later and have learned NOTHING.


Of course the OPs source for this is literally "it came to me in a dream"


Lies. He said it yesterday.


Evidence please


Shut up. Get it yourself.


You made the claims, you back it up.

What you insist without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


Stop lying. Everyone doesn't need any source to know it. We all know that he said it except for seemingly you.


I continue to await for a source where Biden called for the legalisation of pedophilia.


It's online. Check it for yourself.


It would be frontpage news on every news site. It is literally nowhere. Provide a source for your claim.


The information posted by the OP is not a secret, nor a CT, and it certainly isn’t new.

Many of us knew that they were heading down that path for a long time.

I don’t require internet scriptures or links to confirm it; besides, we both know that you would try to argue against it regardless if that evidence was literally and physically in front of your face.


>The information posted by the OP is not a secret, nor a CT, and it certainly isn’t new.

So provide the sources then. Are you unironically claiming that Joe Biden has openly, publicly in a speech said that pedophila should be legal?


>I don’t require internet scriptures or links to confirm it; besides, we both know that you would try to argue against it regardless if that evidence was literally and physically in front of your face.

You are full of shit. You lie constantly. You provide no evidence for anything.

Yes you do need to back up an outright libellous claim like this. You are a habitual, compulsive liar.


I googled "things that didn't happen" and this was at the top of the list


No we all do not know Biden said anything like this it sounds moonbat crazy. But that was probably your intent, to bait and troll.


What world are you in?


Actually, marrying someone that's under the age of 18 is already legal in about 40 states. As long as you have parental and/or judicial consent, a 50 year old can marry someone that's under 18.

Which makes me question the current sex laws we have to some extent. Is it not a contradiction to throw someone in prison for consensual sex with someone under 18 without being married to them? But if they are married, suddenly the law doesn't care. Hmmmmm....


Impeach Joe!
