MovieChat Forums > Politics > Did the shooting in Maine just cost Dona...

Did the shooting in Maine just cost Donald Trump the Election?

That 1 electoral vote in Maine.

I just keep drawing a map 269 to 269 and it all goes back to Maine or Nebraska.


The shooting in Maine is so heartbreaking!!

tRump was never going to win the election anyway. Not gonna happen.


Like you care. You are full of hate, just like the rest of New Englanders.


It will probably result in stricter gun-control laws being passed in Maine. They are one of the states in New England with loose laws. So sad that a tragedy like this has to occur before people come to their senses!!

I live in MA and where we already had strict gun-control laws, and just recently tightened them even more.


I live in MA too. Not many mass shootings in this area so when one happens relatively nearby it's more concerning. I know the house passed stricter gun laws recently but I'm not sure if it has to go to the Senate first then get signed by Healy?


Maine is a gun loving State, so I doubt that will happen. Gun shops are swamped right now in the Lewiston area with people want to arm themselves.


That's all changing. Rep. Golden just came out for an assault weapons ban. I'm sure he changed his mind after hearing from his constituents.


Automatic weapons aren't exactly widely available. The only people who own them are rich collectors.


Automatics have been banned for decades nationwide.... it's crazily amazing how little the average person knows about firearms...apparently even ex-military!


New ones are banned, but Pre-1986 autos are transferable if you don't mind jumping through a lot of legal hoops and have very deep pockets. Taking a quick look on gunbroker, we're talking tens of thousands of dollars.


Oh, yeah right.. And mentally ill people who want to commit mass murder. And Republican House members who like to pose with them on Xmas cards.


Those are called combat rifles, not assault rifles. Good job proving your ignorance.


Good job proving you're a gun nut.


I'm not. Lol, I just research what I'm told before repeating it.


None of those guns automatic rifles.


I live in MA

This explains a lot. New Englanders are the worst hypocrites in the country.


On cue, Rep Golden of Maine changes stance and calls for assault weapons ban.


I don't think so. But I am positive that guy lost his turn to get to date Taylor Swift though.


Speaking of single electoral votes, this week the GOP also lost Nebraska's 2nd District when Rep. Bacon voted for a Speaker Johnson. And Rep. Bacon can say buh-bye to his seat next year too!


What is the connection between trump and the shooting?


None, they just want to blame him for everything; somehow.


More than 450 laws quietly went into effect in Maine, I wonder how many were gun legislation.
