MovieChat Forums > Politics > Israel has already made a quarter of a m...

Israel has already made a quarter of a million homeless

Dropping bombs on "Hamas targets" has had devastating effects.

Is this the right to "defend themselves" or just retribution? Payback? Torture?

I'm thinking it's more of the latter.


Good, Like i said to someone else, someone like you should be on a watchlist, we've just seen 40 babies beheaded, 265 dead kids in one place alone, the death toll getting up to 1500, and things that moviechat won't let me put. yet you're worried about homeless people!?!? the very same people who were dancing in the streets on sunday celebrating these things?

You're proof that evil exists in the world.


Israel is attacking and killing innocent civilians who had nothing to do with the attack. The Israeli government is committing war crimes and atrocities. Yes, it's revenge.


they were dancing in the streets on sunday, i see nothing innocent about it. hamas have won elections, they were voted in by the majority, and hamas just beheaded 40 babies, which you more than likely cheered on also.


Continue to advocate genocide and ethnic cleansing on millions of innocent civilians because you hate their religion and prefer to lump them all together rather than admit the attack was limited to est. 1,000 young men.


you're a terrorist that supports what happened on saturday, you support it, i know you do. but what you've learnt to do is to ignore something like the beheading of 40 babies and then play the victim yourself. when things like this happen, people like you show their true colors.


The baby thing was a hoax.


yep, because it doesn't fit your antisemitism and muslim love, just like missiles hit the twin towers, the pentagon had a bomb inside, the kids from colombine were at the boston marathon....

if it makes islam look bad then it's a hoax.


Killing innocent civilians in Gaza, most of whom are children, for something done by others is barbarism.

You cry about 40 Israeli babies while supporting the slaughter of hundreds of innocent children in Gaza and eventual slow starvation of thousands more. You're a hypocrite and Islamophobe.


i've never seen you condem what hamas did. because you haven't. the difference is hamas started this, and hamas was democrated elected, so how are they innocent?

how are the children dancing with rifles and celebrating this innocent?


Children are not Hamas nor did they do anything.


will you condemn what hamas did last weekend? and what about the 12 year old dancing with a rifle? what should be done about her?


You think a 12 year old is a viable target because of that? And also, does that one 12 year old in Gaza speak for all other 12 year olds there?


Hamas invaded their country, killing over 1000 people, mostly civilians, wounding 1000s, kidnapping over 100 then fled like a bunch of cowards.
Do you propose they just sit back and twiddle their thumbs?
It also is a deterrent to countries that oppose them in the region, that Israel won't be messed with. I feel for innocent Palestinian civilians caught in the middle but retaliation was really the only option.


No, killing innocent civilians is not the only option. It's barbarism and terrorism on the state level. You can't denounce what Hamas did and then not condemn what Israel is doing otherwise you're being a hypocrite.

BTW, "their country" is a matter of opinion. Palestinians consider the land stolen and still their country.

Furthermore, Israelis have been occupying the Palestinian half of the land, blowing up Palestinian homes and replacing them with illegal Jewish settlements. They would say that Israelis invaded THEIR country and are continuing to invade even the part set aside for Palestinians.


Whether the Jews have a right to claim the land or not, there is no disputing that they forced people from their homes, en masse, and have continued to do this to this day.

They have then created an apartheid system, keeping them impoverished, controlling their necessities, and cutting them off at will.

Hamas is a consequence of this, a monster they created.

Yes, Israelis have a right to live in peace, but the Palestinians have a right to live.


I agree.

I support the need for the creation of a Jewish nation because of centuries-long anti-Semitism, but displacing Palestinians was immoral and basically a bad idea. Land should have been purchased elsewhere for them.

Israel's ongoing war crimes and human rights violations can't last forever. Eventually, growing global condemnation will take place.


Okay, plz enlighten me then. What would you consider a suitable response by Israel after 1000 of its citizens were massacred in cold blood?


3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11. The U.S. response was to find the terrorists responsible and arrest and/or kill them. It wasn't to kill all Afghans or Saudis.


So a ground invasion by Israel is fine with you?


They got what they asked for and now they are crying? They are as two-faced as the Democrats, no wonder the Demo-commies back them..


You have a losing civilization with no army.

They dont fight army to army because they have already lost.

Today things are more compassionate.. but this civilization is done....


Unfortunately, Hamas doesn't care if their own people die and are counting on those deaths to use as propaganda, which is why they operate out of, and place weapons caches in civilian areas. After the attack on Israel by terrorists, I'm not sure what other choice they have other than to relentlessly pursue those responsible. War has now been declared and civilians die in war. It sucks, but it's a fact of life.

"Civilians cannot be made the object of an attack, but the death/injury of civilians while conducting an attack on a military objective are governed under principles such as of proportionality and military necessity and can be permissible."

I feel for the Palestinian people, however, my unwavering support is behind Israel.


Both. Retribution and defending themselves. Hamas is still firing rockets into Israel as we speak. I don't get how they're not pinpointing these quicker like they do with artillery fire, you can clearly see the smoke trails from where the rockets were firing.


What did the Hamas think would happen? You poked the bear, now deal with it's rage.
Hamas is Isis #HamasIsIsis
