MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden's failure in Afganistan empowers H...

Biden's failure in Afganistan empowers Hamas...

Reports of left over weapons from Afghanistan are appearing in Palestine and Israel...

Biden fails again!

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


The blood of innocent Americans, Afghans, Ukrainians, and Russians is on the Democrat media/party’s hands.

Their repeated incompetence always leads to these types of unnecessary tragedies that they use to profit from.

They are the enemy of the American people.


That comes as no surprise.

First he provides them with billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment and then billions in funds to terrorists…as planned.


6 billion helps too..


There is a big difference with a pathetic immoral clown such as Biden in the Whitehouse and say, JFK -Trump et al.

Anything is possible with Biden in charge. The USA was ready to nuke any serious direct threat.. all other leaders knew this. You must have this fear factor because no one knows how rogue countries will react. They do not listen to reason so the threat of being hit hard, in retaliation is the best way.

No one fears Biden. That said he is doing as much damage to the USA by his policies and anti Christian stance as any enemy could do.


Did you want Biden to run round collecting all the rifles given to Afghan army over the last 20 years?


Its called a proper withdrawal. Biden was so scared of the Taliban that we left 3 days early. He even extended the deadline from May to August 31.


Actually, Trump's "Abraham Accord" has been felt as a threat to Iran which has been pumping up Hammas in response.


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They never do. They always project and cast the blame on others.

The treasonous Mike Pence is blaming Trump for the Hamas attack on Israel.


Biden's obsession with foreign countries over America seems to go more than the average Democrat. I don't think Obama was this bad.


Obama is one of the puppet masters steering the current Administration.


I was unaware Obama still had an ongoing career in politics. I thought he went home after completing his two terms and as of late was producing that upcoming movie.


They couldn't have armed every Palestinian with an automatic military style weapon without some of them left over in Afghanistan. We now need to wonder how many heavy antitank stuff they have to fight off a ground attack.
