MovieChat Forums > Politics > If you wanted to even out the wealth ine...

If you wanted to even out the wealth inequality in america and you were president?

What would you do?
Healthcare free
Make colleges free
Dismantle electoral college
Make more funding for housing for the poor
Make a law as president that bans lobbying from corporations
Make better regulations on banks
Make worker rights important again in the country through unions

What else? Am I even on target?


Forgot about the environment


Overturn citizens United.
Term limits.


What are term limits? You mean lower them?


Put terms on Supreme Court justices.


Ok, thanks. On the list.


Term limits in congress?


Term limits like 3-4 terms for a congressperson, 2 terms as Senator (instead of 6 years reduce to 4 so 8 yrs total), keep President as it is, SCOTUS should no longer be lifetime appointment.

So we don't have career politicians like Lindsey Graham, Pelosi, Feinstein, McConnell and Biden. Hopefully get younger blood in power instead of these complacent coonts who know how to play game and therefore never try to change things.


Ok ok its on the list now.


Some people are just willing to work harder then others.

Some sill never want to work a day on their life.

There are more important jobs and less important which salary is based on.


If you took all the wealth in the world, divided it up, and distributed it out equally to every person on the planet... it would end up right back where it was within a couple of years.

There will always be winners and losers. The best we can do is provide an equal opportunity for everyone to compete in the game. If you can't compete...then it's up to you to become a person than can. This does not mean that we do not help the ones that actually need it.

Lazy people that do not want to work nor contribute do not get a say. They are the examples for the rest.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Good ‘common sense’ response; unfortunately, I doubt that any leftist or liberal will comprehend it or accept it.


as a left i agree entirely . bick's best ever post .


Lets try that experiment but only distribute the money to people who are employed.


Works for me, but there may be a few homeless people that are just down on their luck and need a small sum of cash to start a business that pans out... there are always exceptions.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Who’s work am I doing? The good of the countries or the tyrant corporations?

Now the dilemma is how does my version avoid tyranny but thats where we are in this experiment


Get a job with a company or buisness where you can work in good conscience.


Tyranny comes in all forms of government. Reagan just pointed at the liberals.

Its hard to avoid in all forms of government


Youre on Government assistance and speaking of tyranny? Fuck man, we have it easy here in the US compared to millions of others around the world.


Work for a non-profit org.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


"no policy or anything has an effect. let the rich be rich and take all the money"

right wing defeatism and acting as if theres no way any policy or country could change anything. what an idiotic thing. is that why the US and sweden have the same wealth inequality? oh wait. policies do matter


Dismantle electoral college

If anything that would create inequality..


Make it so psychopaths are banned from being employed by the USA governments.
