MovieChat Forums > Politics > Anyone who thinks Biden really won, and ...

Anyone who thinks Biden really won, and there was no fraud... question

it's an important question,

Do you think you're the smartest person you know?

If not, who do you think is smarter than you?

I'm just asking cause we're talking about the idea that someone pulled a scam that we're supposed to believe.

Can you tell me where you think you rank in intelligence.. generally?

Are you the smartest person in your household or living space? Like... if you just live with your parents, are you smarter than them? What about your college dorm-room mates or whoever? If you live alone, then are you smarter than the two neighbors who live either side of you?

Do you think the "mainstream media" are smarter than you, and that's why you get your guidance from them? What is it exactly that makes Anderson Cooper so smart, or any election "fact-checkers" who you've never seen and you have no idea what their faces look like but you trust them.

What is it that makes them smart?

Do you think you're like, 20% as smart as any "reliable source"-type person who says the election wasn't rigged. 50% as smart as Anderson Cooper? Or his "fact-checking" pals"? How smart are you?

I do happen to believe I'm more perceptive than pretty much most people I run into. Definitely including Biden-supporting sad weirdos. But you now you tell us about yourself.


No lefties want to talk about themselves

They only like talking about Trump supporters. LOL


Its extremely difficult to get the point of what you're babbling about , thats probly why.

aboutn 10 examples of how to measure your own smarts , plus this:

I'm just asking cause we're talking about the idea that someone pulled a scam that we're supposed to believe.

wtf does that mean?

but , my angle on the "rigged?" debate , which is presumably what your blathering about is :

How could the sheer size of the fraud you trumptwats are certain occurred possibly have been so well covered up that no person , out of the 1000s involved has ever been caught or even just come forward.
Your trump-induced assertion is as deluded as the "Fake moon landings" crap for that reason alone.


You're claiming that Biden and the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators without getting caught. That would be impossible. This just shows how stupid you and the Republicans are.


How could sleepy doddering cocaine snorting diaper Joe pull off the crime of the century?


It is puzzling how conservatives paint Biden as both a doddering old fool who can't put his own pants on without help, and also the head of a massive criminal ring capable of pulling off and covering up massive conspiracies without leaving any tangible evidence.

Also, apparently every pizza hut in the country has a pedophile ring in the basement.


It truly is baffling.
Sleepy Joe must be a very cunning superhero with many super powers


Exactly this. Biden Magoo'd his way into the white house lmao.

Signed, million man.


So you don't think you're very smart either. You can't bear to answer the question.


The thing about "it", is that once you see "it", you can't unsee "it". I've never been one for conspiracy theories but at some point, "it" just becomes too obvious to ignore. "It" is this evil undercurrent, flowing just beneath the surface. It is the obvious media bias that has existed for decades and only recently evolved into something much more sinister. It lies in the wedge issues that "they" keep us preoccupied with and at each other's throats about. It is the obvious politicization of issues that never should've been, because it polarizes and divides people. It is the incremental erosion of our liberties, that is subtle enough that many don't even realize it's happening. It is the realization that "they" don't really care about any of the minority groups they say they care about. They only use them to get votes. It is the way the educational system has been manipulated to produce more and more of a certain type of people. People who use feelings and emotions instead of logic and reason. It is all the ways that "they" control the flow of information so that they can control you and every aspect of your lives.

The ones that don't see it, don't realize they're being manipulated. It's not a conspiracy theory, we're watching it happen. They have fed you so many lies, you have been conditioned to hate the truth.

Whether they cheated on election day or not, the election was rigged. It was rigged through a six year campaign waged by government officials and the corrupt establishment with the sole goal of destroying Trump. They did it with lies and many of you believed them.


nice speech, you could use that at the next minute men call to arms meeting to repeat J6.

so, the last paragraph is you admitting that the election wasn't rigged?
congrats - the first republican that doesent believe fairy stories about pillow ninjas stuffing boxes countrywide in the dead of night


Unlike you dumbasses, I pray it never comes to that.


well ,If you could ensure that future Republican presidents follow the democratic process instead of refusing to relinquish their office and trying to seize power as a dictator ....


If you could ensure that the media does its job without bias, the DNC does not spy on opponents' campaigns or level false accusations, that elections are free and fair, then we might get somewhere. Basically, stop lying, cheating and silencing the opposition to get what you want.

Case in point, the lies you just repeated.


"It was rigged through a six year campaign waged by government officials and the corrupt establishment with the sole goal of destroying Trump."

Pretty sure Trump was the president for 4 of those years and republicans had control of all branches of govt(despite having a minority of the vote share).

The MAGA ability to constantly make Trump and themselves the victims in every situation is just baffling.


If you and the rest of the leftist brainwashed zombies had any common sense and deductive reasoning, you would know by now, who is ultimately in control.

Leftists are weak and compliant to the establishment/media, and therefore, incapable of critical/independent thinking.


Lol and who would that be? The Jews? Deepstate? Illuminati? Crab people? Just who is the boogeyman in your mind that controls all?


Its amazing these wackjobs that believe in Aliens , fake moon landings , the illuminati are always touting their logic and reasoning skills.

4 examples in that comment alone!
- common sense
- deductive reasoning
- critical thinking
- independent thinking

he just missed off the "Wake up Sheeple!" for a full bingo card


Look at that, you even hyphenated my four favorite characteristics lacking in all leftists, well done. 👏

- common sense
- deductive reasoning
- critical thinking
- independent thinking


That is what is severely lacking in you. Sit down before you hurt yourself. Let the adults do the talking got it?


[–] moviefanatic505 (5621) 15 minutes ago
That is what is severely lacking in you. Sit down before you hurt yourself. Let the adults do the talking got it?

So why is an infantile like you following me around this forum?


I said let the adults talk. Get to bed junior.


[–] moviefanatic505 (5624) 2 minutes ago
I said let the adults talk. Get to bed junior.

So why is an infantile like you following me around this forum?


It's past your bed time. I'm making sure you stay in bed where you belong.


[–] moviefanatic505 (5625) 2 minutes ago
It's past your bed time. I'm making sure you stay in bed where you belong.

So why is an infantile like you following me around this forum?


It's time for you to get in bed.


[–] moviefanatic505 (5626) a minute ago
It's time for you to get in bed.

So why is an infantile like you following me around this forum?


Bed time.


The corrupt establishment exists on both sides. Then there is the propaganda campaign waged by the corrupt media, which has been reduced to nothing but propaganda, creating and fueling the hatred for the president and his voters. Idiots like you buy into it, every single lie, without question. You overlook democrat corruption and the interference by corrupt billionaires and massive corporations, why?


The question I like to ask is, just how do you know your vote was counted properly?

It's a simple question and the fact that you ask it, seems to trigger some people.

Personally, I'm for open voting. The AI can already guess who you will vote for and you're probably blabbing on social media who you'll vote for, so why the secrecy?

We seem to have given up all our other freedoms, so letting the world know who you voted for, shouldn't be such a biggie.


well you see they had these special room called "polling stations" where .. oh ffs


Blind faith in things just working right ain't healthy.

Watch the movie Puncture and tell me the type of needle you last saw in use in a hospital. I'll wait.


sounds interesting , needles are old hat? but perpetuated by big biz?

point its though many procedures and safeguards have been put in place to attempt a fair election
and you cant just yell "Fraud!" without some kind of proof or at least indication that the system has failed.


How do people like you get to be so trusting? That is why you're so easily manipulated.


I think I understand. If you have to question things, that's a drag. It takes work to find things out and think things through. Most people want an easy life.

If you just assume, say for instance, some profit driven experimental medical treatment is safe and effective, your life, well maybe for a while, will seem easier.

Same with religion. I doubt if many who claim to be Christians know how to read Hebrew or Greek.


"The question I like to ask is, just how do you know your vote was counted properly?"

I work as an elections officer and in the past I have worked on Election Protection to make sure people at the polls are getting their chance to vote and that procedures are being followed. I know all the checks and double and triple checks that are used to ensure that people can vote and that their votes are counted properly.

I take accusations of vote counting fraud very seriously. Regarding allegations about 2020, I have not heard anything credible about systematic changing of votes, just ignorant babble. The "late night spikes", lol. Ballots arrive late at night because that's when they arrive! In PA, the republicans passed a law that the election boards couldn't begin to count ballots until after the polls closed on Election day. So of course the mail in votes were going to come in late. EVEYBODY with a brain knew that Trump would take the early lead because Republicans had been telling their people NOT to vote by mail and that the mail in vote would skew heavily toward Biden. It was set up to be this way by REPUBLICANS.

BTW, in terms of intelligence, I consider myself to be smart. At least I tested with a pretty high IQ back when they did that. But, I'm pretty knowledgeable in some areas. If you want credentials, I went to a "Most Competitive" college and graduated with a major in chemistry and minors in mathematics and psychology. I got a PhD in a biomedical field, did a post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School. I've done research on drug actions in academia and have led drug discovery and development programs in industry. I'm an inventor on about a dozen patents and my publications are cited more often than 96% of people in my field.

How does this relate to political discussions like on places like this? I'm very good at looking at evidence and determining what is good and what is bs. I have worked for decades picking apart faulty arguments. I look to news sources that do actual investigative reporting - which does not mean they simply report on tweets and youtube videos and Breitbart stories. And I decide if the story makes sense with what I know. Is it internally consistent. Can it be corroborated.


The last time I voted it went into a machine that looked like a Dalek.

I got no way to verify who I voted for got my vote - nothing but trust and sorry, that ain't enough these days.


What would like to see, sweetheart?


Public record of every vote.


You want a public record of who everybody voted for? That violates a lot of principles of our country. Perhaps you prefer totalitarian regimes where if you don't vote for the ruler, you are persecuted or even jailed?

I'm satisfied with the fact that every time they do a recount - that is taking the paper ballots that are put into the optical scanners and comparing the totals to the electronic record - the match with great precision.

What reason do you have for doubting that your vote is accurately counted?


What's worse, having your vote, which you probably already advertised to the world on social media being known, or your system being corrupted without anyone being able to tell?

If you're afraid to say who you voted for - maybe you shouldn't be voting at all.

But hey, keep on trusting your elected officials.

My elected officials in Canada made it illegal for people to go to Church (while making it legal to go a liquor store), made it illegal to visit your parents at Christmas (but you could hang out with 500 people at Costco), made it illegal for children to play outside on public play structures (but some people could fly to Cuba for a holiday) and froze the banks accounts of people who upset them.


I've never seen evidence that our votes are compromised. While I may not have a problem with others knowing who I voted for, other may have good reason for it. E.g. small business owners who vote for a Democrat in a conservative town. In the county I grew up in (Nassau, NY), you had to be registered as a Republican in order to get a job for the county. Imagine if you had to also VOTE for a particular party or get fired?


Well, you make sure laws are in place and enforced that voter discrimination doesn't happen and if it does, huge payday for the victim.

For me, the appearance of something being legit is as valuable as it actually being legit.


Public record scares me. If I voted for Trump I wouldn't want anyone to know that about me and I'm sure the opposite is true for those who voted for HC/Biden.
Maybe a record of your own personal voting history? But good luck keeping that info secure.


Right, keeping that information secret would be a problem.

It's funny, when I have worked at the poll how many don't understand the idea of secret ballots. We use a paper ballot to mark our votes and that is fed into a machine that tabulates it. There are always people who ask where on the paper ballot they are supposed to sign and I have to explain that they signed in at the table, they don't sign the ballot. In fact, if somebody signs the ballot it gets picked up as "stray markings" by the reader and is rejected. We have to spoil that ballot and give them a new one.

Your thinking on this is typical of conservatives - you can only think of what's acceptable to you and don't consider others.


It’s humorous every time someone asks an open ended question here it derails the lemmingpt algorithm.

If you want responses from the left, you’ll have to keep your questions more catered to the braindead algorithm. Keep it superficial.

Black or evil orange cheetoh?
Reee or reeeeeeeeeee!
Kackles or kankles?


That's how you know they cheated,. they can't even get real leftists on Moviechat.


If he wanted a response he should have written a comprehensible question instead of incoherent blathering that requires the reader to guess wtf he is on about.


The best you can say is it was a "legal" steal. Just like "Jim Crow" was legal


Conspiracy Nutz don't get to question reality!


I wish they just did the actual vote instead of the electoral collage we all can read and write now


Electoral college was never about education or minority voter representation. It was a way for Southern states to gain the electoral power of their slave populations without actually giving them the right to vote. There's a reason it and the 3/5's compromise were ratified at the exact same time.


The problem with people who don’t believe Biden really won the election is they underestimate the sheer stupidity of the mass population.
It is highly plausible that there are 80+ million morons out there who voted for an idiot.
It’s not only plausible, it’s actuality.
