Can't really blame them if the leak was accidental but they kept it quiet and could have easily contained it by quickly shutting down travel. Instead they knowingly allowed it to spread killing millions worldwide. That they should be held accountable for.
The bioweapons lab and the Wuhan Institute of Virology are two different places in the same city. If it had really escaped from a bioweapons lab if would have killed a lot more. But this is all really academic as it would be their fault for covering it up either way regardless which lab it was. I do not buy the theory it was released deliberately, assuming it did indeed come from a lab of some sort. So, the answer to the question, is yes, China should be blamed for COVID. What specifically should be done about it is another question.
The world can't cut China off with heavy sanctions anymore than the US can be cut off, even if there was a consensus that it was due to chinese negligence
AND, you raise an interesting point. Can you imagine what the world would be doing, including people INSIDE the US, if this had leaked from an AMERICAN bio-lab?
They would be demanding all kinds of punishment, and denouncing US all day, every day, and calling US every name in the book,
But China? Not a peep. Because, China, is an ACTUAL bad guy, and it would take REAL BRAVERY, to stand up to them.
Not the "bravery" where you stand among a crowd of people that all agree with you and say shit that everyone you know thinks and you all tell each other that you are "brave",
but the kind of bravery where you Speak Truth to Power, and the Power is willing to use that power to defend itself and come after you.
Sorry, you think a country could just cut off all trade and financial and cultural interaction with the USA and not get hurt by it? Has anywhere ever done this majorly? Look at the damage done to countries sanctioned by the US: North Korea, Iran, Syria. You wanna live in those places?
I said "Sanctions", and you responded as though that could ONLY be, all or nothing sanctions.
My point is that these shitty countries could easily choose to be SELECTIVE about sanctions to stop interactions that benefit US, thus fucking US, while keeping the ones that benefit them.
>I said "Sanctions", and you responded as though that could ONLY be, all or nothing sanctions.
>My point is that these shitty countries could easily choose to be SELECTIVE about sanctions to stop interactions that benefit US, thus fucking US, while keeping the ones that benefit them.
But they're usually pretty mild. Pretty sure the US could economically devastate a country economically if they chose to even mildly sanction them for political reasons.
And I also assume, in terms of your OP, that you have in mind more than just surface-level sanctions against China.
You imagine the US responding strongly and effectively in this scenario?
Funny, I see anti-americans on the Left , in media, university, big tech, ect, just having a hissy fit and siding with those who want to hold America responsible for their actions.
And yes, I would love to see massive, nearly across the board sanctions against China. After all they are a hostile and irresponsible nation that have killed millions with their incompetence and arrogance.
>Funny, I see anti-americans on the Left , in media, university, big tech, ect, just having a hissy fit and siding with those who want to hold America responsible for their actions.
Those on the left whine about Cuba sanctions (and I say that as someone who thinks Cuba should be bought back into the fold). They whine about Israel support. Nothing changes. You overestimate the relevance of anti-NATO/USA leftists.
>And yes, I would love to see massive, nearly across the board sanctions against China. After all they are a hostile and irresponsible nation that have killed millions with their incompetence and arrogance.
So would I. Although not specifically for that, but just because they're an authoritarian one party state engaging in cultural genocide.
The Intercept contain new evidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the nearby Wuhan University Center for Animal Experiment, along with their collaborator, the U.S.-based nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, have engaged in what the U.S. government defines as “gain-of-function research of concern,” intentionally making viruses more pathogenic or transmissible in order to study them, despite stipulations from a U.S. funding agency that the money not be used for that purpose.
"Multiple other experts told the Intercept, which published other similar documents last month after suing the NIH, that the work EcoHealth Alliance was doing would be considered gain-of-function,"
seems that factcheck agrees they (Obama Admin) were doing gain of function work.
maybe they should launch a Mueller type investigation?
Again, if there is funding of research... the original claim in this thread was specifically that Obama and Fauci were somehow involved in the laboratories building. There's no reference to Obama here at all in this article, for starters.
I am also "speculating" that Obama has nothing to do with sending arms to Ukraine as well, by that logic. You are postulating things and proposing them. The burden of evidence is on you.
And remember, the original claim was: "Who built the lab? Hint: it Rhymes with Obama/Fauci."
Where is the evidence that Fauci or Obama literally helped *build* this lab?
American money was used on this, with very little proper oversight and no safeguards, no ENFORCED safeguards.
That by itself is quite a realization if you think about it.
Query, was this the only example of such stupidity, or, more likely, does it represent a small, partial explanation for the absurd amount of money that the US government wastes just throwing it aroudn with zero concern for the interests of the US citizens, and plenty of concern for giving themselves justifications for their jobs and salaries.
Second of all, SOMEONE in the us goverment was responsible for this, and if it was not Fauci and Obama, then we really need to know who it was.
You seem to be drawing a very fine distinction with very little difference, in order to say some words as though they justify giving people a pass for their actions.
I'm not sure what you are referring to by "building of it", but it doesn't matter. After the Red Chinese government, the people in the US goverment who gave them money to do it, and didn't care that they were doing it and doing it badly,
deserve blame TOO.
AND, nothing you said, said anything about why they should not be blamed for it, and held accountable.
AND, Fauci and Obama still seem to be the ones in positions of responsibility.
>I'm not sure what you are referring to by "building of it", but it doesn't matter. After the Red Chinese government, the people in the US goverment who gave them money to do it, and didn't care that they were doing it and doing it badly,
Follow this comment trail:
>Who built the lab?
>Hint: it Rhymes with Obama/Fauci.
That was what I asked evidence for.
That Fauci had had some involvement with their operations later on is a different thing, and by the way, there remains to be actual direct incontroversial evidence that the virus leaked from the lab.
Dude. No one gives a damn who BUILT THE BUILDING. It's about who paid for the work of creating the bioweapon.
Chine bears primary responsibility. Fauci gave the Red Chinese money to do bio-weapon research, AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY. Obama was in charge and responsible at the time.
>Dude. No one gives a damn who BUILT THE BUILDING. It's about who paid for the work of creating the bioweapon.
GD specifically claimed, or suggested, that Obama/Fauci funded the buildings development. That was specifically what I was querying the claims about.
>Chine bears primary responsibility. Fauci gave the Red Chinese money to do bio-weapon research, AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY. Obama was in charge and responsible at the time.
Where is the evidence that this was bioweapon research?
You've said in other posts that the world should sanction China for this. But it's unproven. You must know that this is really just not going to happen.
Yes, even in the M.E. Big difference between being unhappy that Saddam got his ass invaded, and being unhappy that someone got your people killed by their incompetence.
Pretty much uniform consensus and supplied data from virologists and public health organisations from across many different countries and institutions.
Pretty safe standard, since you know that the Red Chinese will not allow investigation and is very capable of pressuring people to keep pretend "doubt" alive.
“The NIH kept saying, ‘No, we didn’t do it, we didn’t do it,’ until last night they admitted, ‘Yes, they did do it,” said Sen. Rand Paul.
The National Institutes of Health is now admitting to funding gain-of-function research at a lab in Wuhan, China despite repeated denials from Dr. Anthony Fauci that U.S. tax dollars were used on the funding.
Starting in 2014 during the Obama Administration, the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, funded the New York-based research nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance with annual grants through 2020 for “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”
United States top infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Wuhan Institute of Virology received money from the National Institutes of Health amid rising concerns over coronavirus origins.
According to Fauci, $600,000 were earmarked for the institute in Wuhan over a period of five years to study zoonotic viruses and whether bat coronaviruses could jump onto human beings.
Fauci told a House Appropriations subcommittee that the funds were being sent to the lab in China through the non-profit alliance called EcoHealth.
The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, housed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was set up in the hopes of helping China contribute research on the world's most dangerous viruses.
Constructed in 2015 with funding from the Obama Administration, the lab was still undergoing safety testing, but near ready to open in 2017.
i started this thread to be about holding CHINA accountable,
BUT, to me the first question when I read this is,
WHY were we doing that in the first place, and what does it say about the overall culture and mindset among those responsible for spending the vast among of money we send to Washington Fucking D.C.?
You also think there is voter fraud. Even before any investigation took place you claimed this. This tells us all we need to know about your mindset. It also destroys your credibility.
You don't understand the burden of proof. You can't disprove a negative. You (or GD) made the claim that Obama and Fauci funded the development of the building itself.
And it's amusing how you trust the FBI, or people within the FBI on this but likely still allege that they're otherwise untrustworthy on all Trump-related matters.
First, a full UNBIASED investigation needs to be performed. All guilty parties need to be tried for their crimes. Nuremberg 2.0.
If its people from China, so be it. If Americans were involved, so be it.
Almost the entire world lost 3 years of their lives they aren't getting back. Some of us were threatened imprisonment and removal from society over not taking a failed product. People need to go to prison for the rest of their pathetic lives for this.
Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people. Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.
1. China will not allow any investigators on it's territory.
2. Correct. It is not just the people that died that were effected. Very nearly EVERYONE in the world, was fucked up in some way by this.
3. Being unhappy about such a horrible event, is reasonable. Making fun of someone for being unhappy about the deaths of millions and ect, is NOT reasonable. It is actually quite shitty.
I take it robcat, that you are a vote for "Just give China a Pass"?
Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people. Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.
You have to think about this in context. Killing another nations people slowly doesn't count as genocide or an act of war. China does it with Fentanyl and COVID but it's slow and methodical. China is smart because they know that Democracy sucks as you can clearly see that nothing gets done with squabbling corrupt Congress. Slow killing is okay killing, just like everything else US companies do like cigarettes, alcohol, teflon, burn pits, etc. etc.
Well, I think it is more than just Congress. It is a failure of our entire leadership, both political and intellectual.
We are not a serious country any more. The most stupid shit can be said and not challenged. The most serious problems are ignored if they are too hard.
And it seems that this is not just US, but the whole world.
As demonstrated by the pass China is getting for letting a bio-weapon escape it's lab and kill millions.