Why do libs hate Trump but love Zelinsky?
Let's take a look at them....
Trump is a TV star with zero political experience who became president under questionable circumstances that turned out to be bogus.
Zel. is a TV star with zero political experience who became president due to questionable circumstances.
Trump was a wanna be dicktator who did his best to attack democracy.
Zel. is a wanna be dicktator who is attacking and taking away democracy.
Trump had a corrupt admin.
Zel has a corrupt admin of a corrupt country.
Trump did not start any new wars as president though he did keep us involved in ones which previous presidents, Dumbya and I'll-Bomb-Ya, had started. (Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, etc.)
Zel had been bombing Russian separatists in the Donbas region breaking the Minsk accord and now he is involved in a war which America helped to start by provoking Russia into invading.
With all these things that both have in common you would think that the libs would hate or love both of them.
I don't get it.
If they think Trump is so bad then why would they love Zel who is just as bad or even worse?