Trump is a TV star with zero political experience who became president under questionable circumstances that turned out to be bogus.
Zel. is a TV star with zero political experience who became president due to questionable circumstances.
Trump was a wanna be dicktator who did his best to attack democracy.
Zel. is a wanna be dicktator who is attacking and taking away democracy.
Trump had a corrupt admin.
Zel has a corrupt admin of a corrupt country.
Trump did not start any new wars as president though he did keep us involved in ones which previous presidents, Dumbya and I'll-Bomb-Ya, had started. (Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, etc.)
Zel had been bombing Russian separatists in the Donbas region breaking the Minsk accord and now he is involved in a war which America helped to start by provoking Russia into invading.
With all these things that both have in common you would think that the libs would hate or love both of them.
I don't get it.
If they think Trump is so bad then why would they love Zel who is just as bad or even worse?
I'll take a wild guess on this one. The establishment uniparty are war profiteers and the democrats are still delusional of the Russian collusion hoax from 2016 election so they are waging a proxy war through the invasion of Ukraine.
I'm not even being jaded or anything, it's simply the truth.
While republicans/conservatives/right wingers also fall victim to propaganda and love to hear what they want to hear, in my opinion this whole issue is significantly more prevalent among the left, which makes sense considering the current wave of pro-socialism or even pro-communism (especially from people that do not understand either) where instead of being skeptical of your government, they completely embrace daddy-state and WANT to be told what to do, think, feel and say.
Weak generations that lived lives so pampered that their main worries are misgendering a person or not asking their pronouns, who are more than happy to give any responsibility away, even if it will restrict or even take away their freedom.
The whole C19 affair alone should have made this very clear.
They were willing to take away freedom and rights of unvaccinated, imprison them, cut their paychecks, house-arrest them, mark them with stickers or even armbands (WHERE HAVE I SEEN THIS BEFORE AGAIN I WONDER?), forcefully vaccinate them or at least blackmail them into the needle, called them all sorts of dehumanizing names in no time, all over a virus you will survive with a 99.98% probability, that wasn't remotely as dangerous as "they" claimed, rooting for a "vaccine" that is basically useless (unless you're big P!) and because this all isn't absurd enough yet..... basically every single "conspiracy theory" the "anti-vaxxers" came up with in the past 3 years........... CAME TRUE!
And STILL you will have the majority of lefties clinging onto daddy Gates every word, ready to fall into every fucking needle the government points at them.
Long story short, these people are drones. Living worker bees with a toxic, selfish queen that doesn't give a shit about them. And they LOVE it.
If there is one meme that is 100% true, it's the NPC meme.
It's almost eerie.
I appreciate your reply and taking the time to explain what you mean with examples.
Again, it makes sense and no argument from me.
Just thoughts.
That is one idea why libs will take Zel. over Trump.
Propaganda from the MSM.
Zel is not running a democratic country.
It is full of corruption and recently he took out a hit against an NBC journalist who dared to show some truth on the war.
Even if/when this is shown to libs, they just double down on their denial.
I also think it might have to do with that Trump is the enemy because he is not liberal and they see Zel. as being a victim while hating Russia.
Then that comes back to them being told what to think and not shown the whole truth.
I would like to know what ties to Ukraine Asshole Joe has through his crackhead son Hunter and what corruption they may have.
What does he have to hide where he started the first impeachment on Trump who wanted to look into it?
As far as the China Virus goes, I think the death numbers were real and it was a highly contagious disease which the govt. did not understand and did not mislead us on purpose with everything.
I think there could have been some lies with the vax. but other than that, I dunno.
There is a high number of a lot of young athletes who are now dropping dead from heart failure.
Could that be vax connected?
"I think the death numbers were real"
But they weren't.
We knew this back then and even more so today where it has been confirmed that there have been massive issues with how these deaths were registered, leading to massive bloating of said statistics.
For example, people who died in hospital WITH covid (not because of it), were registered as covid deaths.
This happened for years.
Did a lot of people die because of the virus? But of course, but who did?
It was with absolute predominance really old and or frail/sick people with pre-existing conditions.
People who would also have died, likely from "normal" conditions like, say, pneumonia, or literally a seasonal flu.
In my country, in my age group (30s), a few hundred people died.
Out of 80 Million, a few hundred. And of these, most had pre-existing conditions etc.
It's a joke.
The measurements and especially "forced" vaccinations have been completely draconian and out of line.
We know this today, but love to pretend otherwise. Sometimes the truth is too scary, I guess.
These measurements weren't taken to protect you, they were taken to control you and to see how far they can go until people start to push back. I understand some not seeing this as it happened, but NOW?
"I think there could have been some lies with the vax. but other than that, I dunno."
SOME lies?
And now we also know that the whole shit came from the Wuhan Covid lab... I mean how was this not totally clear to begin with? Ah yes, it's an insane conspiracy theory that people suspect the covid virus that appeared first in Wuhan, China broke out of the Wuhan, China covid lab...
You're being played and you still give the government the benefit of the doubt. They knew.
Everything they told you that we now know was a lie, they knew was false when they said it.
"There is a high number of a lot of young athletes who are now dropping dead from heart failure.
Could that be vax connected?"
Obviously, come on!
While republicans/conservatives/right wingers also fall victim to propaganda and love to hear what they want to hear, in my opinion this whole issue is significantly more prevalent among the left, which makes sense considering the current wave of pro-socialism or even pro-communism (especially from people that do not understand either) where instead of being skeptical of your government, they completely embrace daddy-state and WANT to be told what to do, think, feel and say
Dude, Communism and socialism in the west isn't remotely a "current wave". It's been a thing for a long time. The French Communist party was a major player in French politics. Same in Italy.
They were willing to take away freedom and rights of unvaccinated, imprison them, cut their paychecks, house-arrest them, mark them with stickers or even armbands (WHERE HAVE I SEEN THIS BEFORE AGAIN I WONDER?), forcefully vaccinate them or at least blackmail them into the needle, called them all sorts of dehumanizing names in no time, all over a virus you will survive with a 99.98% probability, that wasn't remotely as dangerous as "they" claimed, rooting for a "vaccine" that is basically useless (unless you're big P!) and because this all isn't absurd enough yet..... basically every single "conspiracy theory" the "anti-vaxxers" came up with in the past 3 years........... CAME TRUE
Except of course, the conspiracy theory that all non-vaccinated people will be forced by the state to be vaccinated. That hasn't happened. And the claim that all vaccinated people are dying. I know no-one, have heard of no-one in my wider circle that has had any adverse reaction to the vaccine.
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