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Most Americans view "Woke" as positive

The GOP's "War on Woke" is a stupid idea. New poll shows a clear majority see it in a positive light.


The problem is that most people don't know what woke really means. If specific social justice policies are revealed to people, they will probably not approve of them. The woke umbrella includes CRT, anti-racism, queer theory, intersectionality and many other wacky ideas. I support the war on wokeness since it will destroy this nation!

The excerpt below from the USA Today article shows that a majority of people do approve of teaching about slavery/racism BUT a majority of people do not approve of teaching critical race theory.

Americans by close to 3-1, 72%-26%, support teaching "the ongoing effects of slavery and racism in the United States" in public schools, a question asked of half the sample. That includes overwhelming numbers of Democrats and independents and close to half of Republicans (46%).

But in response to a different question asked of the other half of the sample, those surveyed oppose by 53%-41% the teaching of "critical race theory," which holds that systemic racism is institutionalized in America to the advantage of white people.

A lot of women will approve of social justice until a transgender female takes their roster spot or hogs the hair dryer in the women's bathroom. Equity might sound like a good idea until a person is told that they cannot apply for the job reserved for people from underrepresented groups.

Christopher Rufo is one of the great minds fighting wokeness and I recommend his website for resources to aid in the fight.


"Christopher Rufo is one of the great minds fighting wokeness"

He's fighting for racism and against justice and opportunities for everyone.

"A lot of women will approve of social justice until a transgender female takes their roster spot or hogs the hair dryer in the women's bathroom."

In other words, you support maintaining discrimination and prejudice in order to have an unfair advantage in opportunities and maintain your privileged status because you can't complete on a level playing field.


Christopher Rufo IMDB credits show that he has done documentaries on a varied range of subjects. He also has a lot of informative youtube videos and content on his website. It looks like he is taking on DEI in the youtube videos. * Chris Rufo IMDB credits * * Chris Rufo YT videos *

I want equal access in the USA for all US citizens of all races and genders. Many of the social justice policies punish and reward people based on their skin color, gender and demographic traits. I want to live in a meritocracy so I want the most qualified person to get the job. I'm more concerned about some of these equity programs that either deny service to white people or push them to the back of the line. The two articles below show that equity policies were used to tell white people to get in the back of the line for the covid treatments.


Rufo already confessed he made up a definition to CRT to promote a far-right political agenda. He has as little credibility as Tucker “I hate him passionately” Carlson. Stop allowing yourself to be manipulated.


I've done my own research on CRT so I don't rely solely upon Rufo's research. He's the guy who does the best job of explaining CRT. Most people don't understand what CRT is and most CRT advocates don't want to explain what it is. Please provide a link to support your assertion that Rufo confessed to making up a definition of CRT.

Critical race theory is derived from critical legal studies and that originates from critical theory. Critical theory started in the 1920's and Critical legal studies started in the 1970's. The basic message of critical theory is that the system is unjust and needs to be replaced. The critical theory advocates never specify the exact replacement BUT it is obviously COMMUNISM. * Critical theory from the 1920's Frankfurt School * * CRT *

I am against communism and most US citizens are. The cold war was won but the commies never went away. Foreign interlopers are still trying to destroy the USA from within. Critical theory and its offshoots are a form of Marxism/communism that are designed to chip away at the USA. Life in the USA isn't perfect BUT it's better than most of the shithole countries of this world... AND most of the countries in the world are shitholes.


Nope, you don't really understand CRT.

Chris Rufo tweet:
"We have successfully frozen their brand—"critical race theory"—into the public conversation and are steadily driving up negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as we put all of the various cultural insanities under that brand category.

He admits that he is lying about it!

Chris Rufo tweet:
"The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think "critical race theory." We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans."

He admits that he rebranded the term into something negative and associate everything negative with it! Both tweets' link:

Your articles don't explain CRT. Basically, an attorney wanted to understand the reason for continued racism in the criminal justice system despite the passage of Civil Rights Legislation in the 1960s. CRT is a law school level course to examine the reason.

Preventing people from discussing racism in the justice system and making it illegal to learn about black American history in schools are attempts to maintain and support racism in the U.S.. Your trigger terms "communism" and "marxist/communism" are used to shutdown any discussion or action to end racism in the U.S.. Racists have done the latter to fight against passage of Civil Rights legislation during the '60s when MLK Jr. was called communist because he wanted to end Jim Crow.

It would be more constructive to ask yourself why do you feel the need to maintain a racial hierarchy in the U.S. which gives advantages and opportunities to whites over POC based solely on lack of melanin. Do you fear that you can't compete?


It's Britannica B*tch! Britannica still is pretty reliable so their entries on CRT should not be dismissed. My research shows that critical theory developed at the Frankfurt School in the 1920's and that led to critical legal studies in the 1970's followed by critical race theory in the 1980's. You are again accusing me of not knowing what CRT is and that is the tactic employed by most CRT advocates. I do have an understanding of CRT based on my research.

Chris Rufo did not LIE about CRT. He openly expressed his goal of educating people about CRT. Twitter is not a reliable form of communications since it is limited to 280 characters. A thorough argument cannot be made on Twitter so read his articles and watch his videos for a clear understanding. I agree with Rufo that CRT and wokeness are dangerous ideologies designed to destroy the country from within.

I am arguing that all the crazy social justice nonsense should be lumped into the wokeness category instead of CRT. CRT is a component of wokeness but some people are lumping all of the social justice theories into CRT instead of wokeness. For example, Ibram X. Kendi's writing on anti-racism would fit under the wokeness umbrella BUT it wouldn't fit under CRT. Similarly, Robin D'Angelo wrote about white fragility and I don't believe that is strictly CRT. * Robin D'Angelo whiteness? *


You don't understand the difference between critical legal theory/studies and CRT. I pointed out in my post above that critical legal studies from the 1970's led to critical race theory in the 1980's. My problem with CLS/CRT is that it automatically blames disparate outcomes on racism and that simply cannot be proven. My other problem is that so many people are of mixed race that it is impossible to have accurate figures on white vs BIPOC outcomes. Barack Obama, Ben Jealous, Coin Kaepernick and Meghan Markle all identify as black when they have at least one caucasian biological parent. Most African-Americans are 20% - 30% white/other when they get their DNA tests.

I do understand that the endgame goal of all of these woke policies is some form of reparations and DEI quotas. I want to live in a meritocracy that allows the most qualified person to get the job, roster spot or acceptance to a program. There isn't a racial hierarchy in the US. There are certainly individual acts of racism present in society BUT the law does allow injured parties to sue for discriminatory damages and the EEOC is a federal agency that goes after employers who maintain discriminatory work environments. The link below shows some successful EEOC cases against employers.


You're making a bunch of irrelevant noise. Rufo admitted he rebranded and lied about CRT for a political agenda. Period.


You may consider my analysis to be irrelevant noise BUT other people will read the thread and appreciate it.

It doesn't matter whether Rufo has a political agenda or not since he created a website with examples of critical race theory. I do dispute your assertion that Rufo rebranded and LIED about
CRT. My only criticism of his CRT manual is that he may have included other forms of wokeness in the CRT "brand". White fragility and anti-racism are both forms of wokeness BUT they might not be considered CRT. The problem is that it is hard to define CRT.

As I pointed out above, the CRT advocates have a political agenda and that includes reparations for BIPOC people and DEI quotas. The worst case scenario is that the CRT advocates want to send white males/people to concentration camps.


Rufo himself said he rebranded, lied and is making stuff up for his racist agenda. Most white supremacists like yourself wouldn't care.


You are obsessing over Rufo! Rufo never admitted to lying or making stuff up for a racist agenda. Rufo did admit to rebrand all the woke stuff as CRT but I would have recommended a strategy of rebranding CRT as part of the wokeness.

I am also not a white supremacist. In fact, I want to live in a meritocracy where the most qualified person gets the job, wins the award, makes the roster and is accepted to the training program.

Rufo's CRT briefing book and his videos below. Like I said, it looks like the wokeness like anti-racism and white fragility were included in the CRT briefing book BUT it's all woke nonsense to me. I'm going to watch Rufo's youtube video called Woke Stops Here! * Woke Stops Here Speech *

EDIT: The Woke Stops Here speech is off-topic. The video about the Rutgers prof is better. * Rutgers Prof White People Villains *


You're arguing with MC's PROVEN liar in chief, racist and resident, fringe kook leftist. Don't waste your time.


That's because they don't know what woke really is. Bill Maher explains in this recent video...


The reactionaries that war against woke get so obnoxiously loud that they make wokeness look sane in comparison.


LMAO, normies have no idea what question they are being asked.

Give us a break.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


Sorry but you have no credibility here. "Woke" is pure retardation and people are tired of it.




That's great news!

Woke definition:
"alert to racial prejudice and discrimination"

The opposite of woke is racist.

The racists are attempting to normalize their hatred by corrupting positive words.


What the hell is wrong with you?!

Woke is the most prolific, cancerous, depraved, deviant perversion invented by your kind.

Woke is inverted fascism plus hypocrisy.

Woke is liberal fascism that is worse than ordinary fascism.

Wokeness is orders of magnitude worse than political correctness.

Wokeness seeks to destroy everything that is great about America and aims to remake this nation in a way that upends individual freedom and traditional family values.

Woke is a religious cult and you have been indoctrinated by the church of Woke.


You're gaslighting.


And you're lying, as usual.


You're trolling as usual!


Nope. Just calling out a PROVEN liar.


Silly fool. You morons have thrown around labels like "racist" until they have lost their meaning. You throw it around as pure political propaganda and deflection. The sad fact is that it is purely a lie and your lies are finally catching up with you. As posted below, "woke" is liberal fascism. Like the political correctness that preceded it, aptly described as "tyranny with a smile".


George Carlin literally called Political Correctness "is fascism pretending to be manners". And he is 100% correct.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


You're saying that you're racist and proud of it.


Nope. I'm saying you're racist and too stupid to realize it. Brainwashed undead drone.


You're projecting.


Where's the laughing my ass off emoji???


>The racists are attempting to normalize their hatred by corrupting positive words
Just like the Trans community.


Poor Desantis is now handcuffed to this "War on Woke" and hopefully it's enough to sink any success in a national campaign. The GOP expected to win in a midterm blow-out running on unpopular ideas like this, but once again don't understand the electorate.


They call it woke, because calling it basic human empathy exposes how dead their hearts are.


Ummm, yeah that's not what it all.

But nice try, you almost had it!

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


Oh, did I touch a nerve?


You are either stupid or you're gaslighting people.


Or, we have entirely different philosophies. But, worry not, you're lashing out really does give one the impression of a significant and notable intelligence.


It is possible to exhibit both intelligence and a righteous sense of anger, as these qualities are not mutually exclusive. There exist causes that are righteous in nature, where expressing such anger is not only appropriate but necessary. Pushing back against the woke cancer permeating our society is a righteous cause.

With respect to philosophical viewpoints, it's not merely a matter of differing philosophies, rather it's about the true meaning of "wokeness" and the term "woke." People like you want to portray it as a simple matter of exhibiting basic human empathy, which then allows you to label any dissenters as racists. However, it's abundantly clear that those who espouse this ideology are not guided by human empathy. Rather, they constitute a cult of self-righteous, authoritarian, hyper-moralizing, virtue-signaling, tribalistic zealots who think they're above everyone else.

In the woke cult, the Alphabet people have been elevated to the ranks of saints and nobles, deserving of constant worship and veneration. Slavery is held up as the original sin for which we must endlessly atone. And racism, in all its forms, is seen as the ultimate evil that must be vanquished at all costs. Anyone who dares to question this orthodoxy or fails to demonstrate their piety through endless virtue signaling will be branded as heretics, excommunicated from the fold, and cast out into the wilderness.

Wokeness is cancer


I'm sorry, I don't find you especially interesting, or anything you've said to be particularly worthy of responding to. You guys think you're masters of projection, but people see through it.


The feeling is mutual. Nothing you've said even remotely resembles an interesting or original thought. Your vacuous comments are devoid of merit. They appear to be deliberately misleading or reflect a profound lack of understanding of the issue at hand. This is either due to a willful disregard for the truth, or an inability to grasp the facts.

And we both know that your response isn't due to disinterest, but rather an inability to counter my argument; You've realized that your cognitive abilities are subpar, and incapable of keeping pace with the intellectual demands of this discourse.

But go ahead and indulge whatever cognitive dissonance is required to uphold your belief system.
